Reputation: 13
I need assistance in adding functionality to my batch file that currently grabs a jpg from an IP camera every 5 minutes that will automatically create a new folder once midnight rolls around and start dumping new images there. Long story short, I'd like a folder named the current date with each day's images inside. Here's what I have so far:
wget -P C:\Cam -O imagenew.jpg ""
timeout /t 10
set SAVESTAMP=%DATE:/=-%@%TIME::=-%.jpg
copy /Y imagenew.jpg F:\images\%SAVESTAMP%
This works flawlessly in placing the image with the appropriate timestamp in the F:\images directory. As stated above, I'd like to add logic that would automatically create a new directory inside F:\images with the current date (i.e. F:\images\4-16-15) and start dumping new images inside that new directory once midnight rolls around. Thanks!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 330
Reputation: 863
Why not create the folder beforehand, and let wget download to it? Assuming you will save this as a batch file ...
set SAVESTAMP=%DATE:/=-%@%TIME::=-%.jpg
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%A in (%date%) do set FolderName=%%C-%%A-%%B REM YY-MM-DD
wget -P C:\Cam\%FolderName% -O imagenew.jpg ""
timeout /t 10
Upvotes: 1