Reputation: 1188
I am using the library cpprest. I am trying to send an image file as a binary file to an endpoint. I need it to follow the json structure of
"image": "binaryfile",
"type": "file"
However I don't know how to do that and only fine examples on receiving binary data. So this is what I have so far:
ifstream imageToConvert;"path to file", ios::binary);
ostringstream ostrm;
if (imageToConvert.is_open())
ostrm << imageToConvert.rdbuf();
//build json string to convert
string MY_JSON = ("{\"image\" : \"");
MY_JSON += (ostrm.str());
MY_JSON += ("\",\"type\" : \"file\"}");
//set up json object
json::value obj;
however this throws a memory fault exception. So my questions are, what is the best way to get this binary data from the file, and how do I correctly build my json object to send off in my post?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3742
Reputation: 14467
The conversion to ostringstream
and later concatenation of the string to MY_JSON produces an error because most likely your binary image data contains some non-prinatable characters.
I think you should encode the binary data from ifstream
to base64 string and pass that encoded string to MY_JSON. On the server side decode the data in image
field using base64-decoding.
The basic Base64 encoding/decoding for C++ can be found here:
There are also questions on SO on how to decode Base64 in JS: How to send image as base64 string in JSON using HTTP POST?
P.S. Talking about sample code, you can first load your data to std::vector
std::ifstream InFile( FileName, std::ifstream::binary );
std::vector<char> data( ( std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( InFile ) ), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() );
Then you call the
std::string base64_encode(unsigned char const* bytes_to_encode, unsigned int in_len);
like this:
std::string Code = base64_encode((unsigned char*)&data[0], (unsigned int)data.size());
Finally, add the Code
to JSON:
MY_JSON += Code; // instead of ostrm.str
Upvotes: 3