Reputation: 1179
I have a list of buttons that i want to highlight separately when a user presses it until it is released.
The problem with this is that when you scroll through the list, the first button you touch will highlight even though u touched it for a millisecond. It does not look nice so i want to add a delay for the highlight animation to occur.
a little delay before the highlight animation happens would probably fix this cosmetic issue i presume.
How do i add a delay to a highlight animation?
I have been trying something like:
Rectangle {
id: folderButton
property bool pressed: false
signal clicked
height: mainWindoww.height * 0.1
width: parent.width
color: pressed ? "lightgrey" : "white"
function release() {
folderButton.pressed = false
SequentialAnimation on pressed {
id: autoRepeatClicks
running: false
PropertyAction { target: folderButton; property: "pressed"; value: true }
ScriptAction { script: folderButton.clicked() }
PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 }
SequentialAnimation {
loops: Animation.Infinite
ScriptAction { script: folderButton.clicked() }
PauseAnimation { duration: 500 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: autoRepeatClicks.start()
onReleased: folderButton.release()
onCanceled: folderButton.release()
but it seems as if this code does not add any kind of time difference
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1259
Reputation: 5660
You can use a Timer
to achieve this. For instance, you can do:
Item {
Timer {
interval: 500;
running: true;
repeat: true
onTriggered: time.text = Date().toString()
Text { id: time }
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 58
If you just want to animate color property, try something like:
Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 1000 } }
Upvotes: 0