Reputation: 23
I've two tables, theta and convergence_table, each having same number of columns(7 columns here) (w0,w1,...w6; j0,j1,...j6). I need to update the 'w' values as wn=wn-jn. Here I'm updating the values of theta table with the help of a user-defined datatypes wt & jt(%rowtype).
select * into jt from convergence_table;
select * into wt from theta
update theta
set w0 = wt.w0-jt.j0, w1 = wt.w1-jt.j1, w2 = wt.w2-jt.j2,
w3 = wt.w3-jt.j3, w4 = wt.w4-jt.j4, w5 = wt.w5-jt.j5,
w6 = wt.w6-jt.j6;
But, now I've 'n+1' number of columns for both theta & convergence_table, so instead of writing the update statement and setting all the values from w0,w1,w2 .... wn. Is there a way to write a dynamic query to perform the updation for all the column values from w0 to wn.
I'm trying the following the code, but it isn't working ..
create or replace function sample(c int)
returns void as $$
declare jt convergence_table%rowtype; wt theta%rowtype;
query1 text:=''; query2 text:='';
select * into jt from convergence_table;
select * into wt from theta;
for i in 0..n
query1 := query1 ||'w'||i||' = '||
'wt.w'||i||' - jt.j'||i||',';
end loop;
query2 := trim(trailing ',' from query1);
query2 := 'update theta set '||query2||';';
execute query2;
$$ language plpgsql;
This gives me an error ...
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "wt" LINE 1: update theta set w0 = wt.w0 - jt.j0,w1 = wt.w1 - jt.j1,w2 = ... ^ QUERY: update theta set w0 = wt.w0 - jt.j0,w1 = wt.w1 - jt.j1,w2 = wt.w2 - jt.j2,w3 = wt.w3 - jt.j3,w4 = wt.w4 - jt.j4,w5 = wt.w5 - jt.j5,w6 = wt.w6 - jt.j6; CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function sample(integer) line 20 at EXECUTE statement ********** Error ********** ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "wt" SQL state: 42P01 Context: PL/pgSQL function sample(integer) line 20 at EXECUTE statement
Can anyone help out with this?
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Views: 1096
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CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_upd_dyn(_source regclass, _target regclass)
source_cols text;
target_cols text;
SELECT INTO source_cols
string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', s.' ORDER BY attname)
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = _source
AND NOT attisdropped -- no dropped (dead) columns
AND attnum > 0; -- no system columns
SELECT INTO target_cols
string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', ' ORDER BY attname)
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = _target
AND NOT attisdropped -- no dropped (dead) columns
AND attnum > 0; -- no system columns
EXECUTE format('UPDATE %s t
SET (%s) = (s.%s) -- prepend 1st table qual s.
FROM %s s'
-- WHERE t.? = s.? -- how to join source and target?
, _target::text, target_cols
, source_cols, _source::text
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT f_upd_dyn('convergence_table', 'theta');
Generates and executes code like:
UPDATE theta t SET (w1, w2, w3) = (s.j1, s.j2, s.j3)
FROM convergence_table s
-- note the missing WHERE condition!
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You could use the PL/pgsql EXECUTE command, building your query string from information_schema.columns.
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