Sameer Shaikh
Sameer Shaikh

Reputation: 265

Scrapy Calling another Url

I am using scrapy to scrape a website. I am getting all products from the listing page.Now i want to go to each url of the product but i am not getting the satisfactory result. Here is my code:

import scrapy
from scrapy.http import Request

from tutorial.items import DmozItem

class DmozSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "dmoz"
    allowed_domain = [""]
    start_urls = [

    page_index = 1

    def parse(self,response):
        products = response.xpath('//li')
        items = []
        if products:
            for product in products:
                item = DmozItem()
                    item['link'] = product.xpath('@data-url').extract()
                item['sku'] = product.xpath('@data-sku').extract()
                item['brand'] = product.xpath('.//span[contains(@class, "qa-brandName")]/text()').extract()
                item['img'] = product.xpath('.//img[contains(@class, "itm-img")]/@src').extract()
                page_url = ""                
                request = Request(url=page_url,callback=self.parse_page2,
                request.meta['item'] = item
                item['other'] = request
                    yield item
        self.page_index += 1
            if self.page_index:
                    yield Request(url="" %              (self.page_index),
            headers={"Referer": "", "X-Requested-With":             "XMLHttpRequest"},

    def parse_page2(self, response):
            item = response.meta['item']
            item['title'] = response.xpath("//span[@id='before_price']/text()")
        yield item

The result i am getting is

{"sku": [], "brand": [], "other": "<Request GET>", "link": [], "img": []},

instead of request Get i need the data which i am returning from pars2 function

Where am i going wrong.

Upvotes: 4

Views: 4590

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1712

Your xpaths seems to be wrong here,

try this

In [0]: products[0].xpath('./@data-url').extract()
Out[0]: [u'Sangria-Green-Kurtis-Kurtas-1081831.html']

In [1]: products[0].xpath('./a/@unbxdparam_sku').extract()
Out[1]: [u'SA038WA68OIXINDFAS']

In [2]: products[0].xpath('./a/span[contains(@class,"qa-brandName")]/text()').extract()
Out[2]: [u'Sangria']

In [3]: products[0].xpath('./a/span[@class="lazyImage cat-prd-img"]/span/@id').extract()
Out[3]: [u'']

so the code will be ,

for product in products:
    item = DmozItem()
    item_url = product.xpath('./@data-url').extract()
    item_url = self.BASE_URL + item_url[0] if item_url else ''
    item['link'] = product.xpath('./@data-url').extract()
    item['sku'] = product.xpath('./a/@unbxdparam_sku').extract()
    item['brand'] = product[0].xpath('./a/span[contains(@class,"qa-brandName")]/text()').extract()
    item['img'] = product.xpath('./a/span[@class="lazyImage cat-prd-img"]/span/@id').extract()
    if item_url:
        yield Request(url=self.BASE_URL + ,callback=self.parse_page2,
            headers={"Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8}, meta={'item'=item})


complete spider code

import scrapy
from scrapy.exceptions import CloseSpider
from scrapy.spider import Spider
from scrapy.http import Request

class JabongItem(scrapy.Item):
    # define the fields for your item here like:
    name = scrapy.Field()
    link = scrapy.Field()
    sku = scrapy.Field()
    brand = scrapy.Field()
    img = scrapy.Field()

class JabongSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "jabong"
    allowed_domains = [""]
    start_urls = [""]
    page_index = 1

    BASE_URL = ''

    def parse(self, response):
        products = response.xpath("//li[@data-url]")
        if products:
            for product in products:
                link = product.xpath('@data-url').extract()
                link = self.BASE_URL + link[0] if link else ''
                sku = product.xpath('@data-sku').extract()
                sku = sku[0].strip() if sku else 'n/a'
                brand = product.xpath('.//span[contains(@class, "qa-brandName")]/text()').extract()
                brand = brand[0].strip() if brand else 'n/a'
                img = product.xpath('.//img[contains(@class, "itm-img")]/@src').extract()
                img = img[0].strip() if img else 'n/a'
                item = JabongItem()
                item['link'] = link
                item['sku'] = sku
                item['brand'] = brand
                item['img'] = img
                if link:
                    yield Request(url=link, callback=self.parse_page2, meta={'item': item})


        self.page_index += 1
        yield Request(url="" % (self.page_index + 1),
                          callback=self.parse, dont_filter=True)

    def parse_page2(self, response):
        item = response.meta['item']
        # add whatever extra details you want to item
        yield item

Upvotes: 7

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