Reputation: 67
I made following code for my arduino. It's communicating very well with MQTT.
Unfortanally my memory load of the arduino is almost full.
I want to reduce my code because I'm checking now each room by room. I think it's possible to create a more general code.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <NewRemoteReceiver.h>
#include <RemoteReceiver.h>
#include <NewRemoteTransmitter.h>
#include <RemoteTransmitter.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#define server ""
int port = 13365;
// Update these with values suitable for your network.
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xED, 0xBA, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xED };
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 0, 120 };
//define variables
unsigned long time;
int RECV_PIN = 5;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
String readString = "10";
char message_buff[100];
char tokenList[] = "-";
char *tokenPtr;
int charsRead;
String dim[3];
byte dimvalue;
// Create a transmitter on address 65, using digital pin 6 to transmit,
// with a period duration of 260ms (default), repeating the transmitted
// code 2^3=8 times.
NewRemoteTransmitter transmitter(65, 7, 200, 4);
KaKuTransmitter kaKuTransmitter(7);
EthernetClient ethClient;
PubSubClient client(server, port, callback, ethClient);
void setup()
// init serial link for debugging
Serial.println(F("Querying DHCP"));
if ( Ethernet.begin( mac ) == 0 ) {
Serial.println(F("DHCP failed, fallback to static IP"));
Ethernet.begin( mac, ip ) ;
client.publish("/arduino/status/","hello world");
NewRemoteReceiver::init(0, 2, showCode);
Serial.println("IR receiver ready");
void loop()
// MQTT client loop processing
//IR Sensor
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
switch (results.value) {
case 1470210214:
case 851019735:
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
int i = 0;
for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
message_buff[i] = payload[i];
message_buff[i] = '\0';
String msgString = String(message_buff);
tokenPtr = strtok(message_buff, tokenList);
if (strcmp(topic, "/arduino/commando/") == 0) {
while (tokenPtr != '\0') {
if (strcmp(message_buff, "A1ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('A', 1, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Living1 aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "A1OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('A', 1, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Living1 uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "A2ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('A', 2, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Living2 aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "A2OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('A', 2, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Living2 uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "A3") == 0) {
tokenPtr = strtok('\0', tokenList);
String dim(tokenPtr);
dimvalue = dim.toInt();
transmitter.sendDim(3, dimvalue);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Waarde A3:");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "A3ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('A', 3, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Living3 aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "A3OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('A', 3, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Living3 uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "B1ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('B', 1, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Badkamer1 aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "B1OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('B', 1, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Badkamer1 uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "B2ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('B', 2, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Badkamer2 aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "B2OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('B', 2, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Badkamer2 uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "C1ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('C', 1, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","WC aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "C1OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('C', 1, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","WC uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "I1ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('I', 1, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Inkom aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "I1OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('I', 1, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Inkom uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "S1ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 1, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Slaapkamer1 aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "S1OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 1, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Slaapkamer1 uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "S2ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 2, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Slaapkamer2 aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "S2OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 2, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Slaapkamer2 uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "S3ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 3, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Tussenkamer aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "S3OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 3, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Tussenkamer uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "S4ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 4, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Bureau aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "S4OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('S', 4, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Bureau uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "K1ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('K', 1, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Keuken aan");
readString = "";
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "K1OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('K', 1, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Keuken uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "K2ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('K', 2, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Berging aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "K2OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('K', 2, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Berging uit");
if (strcmp(message_buff, "U1ON") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('U', 1, true);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Buitenspot aan");
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "U1OF") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal('U', 1, false);
client.publish("/arduino/status/","Buitenspot uit");
tokenPtr = strtok('\0', tokenList);
Serial.println("arduino topic not found");
//Print local IP address
void printIp() {
Serial.print(F("My IP "));
for (byte thisByte = 0; thisByte < 4; thisByte++) {
// print the value of each byte of the IP address:
Serial.print(Ethernet.localIP()[thisByte], DEC);
// Callback function is called only when a valid code is received.
void showCode(NewRemoteCode receivedCode) {
// Note: interrupts are disabled. You can re-enable them if needed.
// Print the received code.
Serial.print("Addr ");
if (receivedCode.groupBit) {
Serial.print(" group");
} else {
Serial.print(" unit ");
switch (receivedCode.switchType) {
case 0:
Serial.print(" off");
case 1:
Serial.print(" on");
case 2:
Serial.print(" dim level");
Serial.print(", period: ");
Upvotes: 0
Views: 477
Reputation: 12034
Besides optimizing algorithm another problem is that your string literals are stored in precious RAM and you have them quite a number. Move then into Flash memory by wrapping them into F()
An example from
Serial.println(F("This string will be stored in flash memory"));
In your case, instead of:
client.publish("/arduino/status/", .... );
you can use:
client.publish(F("/arduino/status/"), .... );
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 50883
You have following instructions over 20 times:
else if (strcmp(message_buff, "AAAA") == 0) {
kaKuTransmitter.sendSignal(B, C, D);
with different values for AAAA, B, C, D, and DDDD
Make a table like this:
const char *message1,
char signal,
int value1,
bool value2,
const char *pubmessage
} table[] =
{"A1ON", 'A', 1, true, "Living1 aan"},
{"A1OF", 'A', 1, false, "Living1 uit},
{"A2ON", 'A', 2, true, "Living2 aan},
{"A2OF", 'A', 2, false, "Living2 uit},
} ;
In your callback function instead of calling 20 times strcmp(...
scan that table and retrieve the values corresponding to the command string ("A1ON" etc.).
int index = FindCommandIndex(message_buff);
if (index != -1)
client.publish("/arduino/status/", table[index].pubmessage);
int FindCommandIndex(const char *message_buff)
// Return the index in table containing the message_buff command.
// Left as an exercise to the reader.
But this will probably not reduce your code that much because there is certainly much overhead coming from the libraries you use.
Upvotes: 4