Reputation: 25
I am using the GAS_Service_Account library.
I was able to do all the .p12
key decoding. But now I have:
var token=myJwt.getToken();
Now I would like to know a simple way to use it to make an API call with the service account to an api like drive to get a specific user's files.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2281
Reputation: 5782
Service accounts are powerful tools. The library GersonLobos mentions is: MJ5317VIFJyKpi9HCkXOfS0MLm9v2IJHf
Lets give some back ground. See the first half of this video on how to set up a service account in your domain:
With the library enabled in your project you can generate the token with the following:
// If userEmail is null the service account's token is returned
function tokenService(userEmail){
var userEmail = userEmail || ""
var jsonKey = JSON.parse(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("jsonKey"));
var privateKey = jsonKey.private_key;
var serviceAccountEmail = jsonKey.client_email;
if(!userEmail){userEmail = serviceAccountEmail};
var sa = GSApp.init(privateKey, [''], serviceAccountEmail).addUser(userEmail);
var tokenObj = JSON.parse(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty(userEmail)) || {};
return function(){
var nowTime = parseInt((,10));
if(!("token" in tokenObj) || tokenObj.expire < nowTime){
var newToken = sa.requestToken().getToken(userEmail);
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty(userEmail, JSON.stringify(newToken));
tokenObj.token = newToken.token;
tokenObj.expire = newToken.expire;
return tokenObj.token;
Good now you have your token. I even show how to cache it as the requests take several seconds. Now you can make some calls. As requested by Gerson here are some drive calls:
function transferFileToUser(fileId, transferToEmail, token){
var url = ""+fileId+"/permissions?sendNotificationEmails=false";
var payload = {"role":"owner","value":transferToEmail,"type":"user"};
var params ={method:"POST",
headers:{Authorization: "Bearer " + token},
var results = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
return JSON.parse(results.getContentText());
function getAllFolders(token){
var query = "mimeType = 'application/'";
return driveList(query, token);
function getFilesInFolder(folderId, token){
var query = "'"+folderId+"' in parents and mimeType != 'application/'";
return driveList(query, token);
// genereic call to drive just pass the query
function driveList(query, token){
var filesArray = [];
var pageToken = "";
var query = encodeURIComponent(query);
var params = {method:"GET",
headers:{Authorization:"Bearer "+token},
var url = ""+query;
var results = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,params);
if(results.getResponseCode() != 200){
var files = JSON.parse(results.getContentText());
url = ""+query;
for(var i in files.items){
filesArray.push({"name":files.items[i].title, "id":files.items[i].id})
pageToken = files.nextPageToken;
url += "&pageToken="+encodeURIComponent(pageToken);
}while(pageToken != undefined)
var filesObj = {};
filesObj["fileObjs"] = filesArray;
return filesObj;
Upvotes: 3