
Reputation: 1171

dplyr: mutate using rows rather than columns

My dataset looks like this

year Spp  CO2 plantN_mean  N15_mean plantN_sd    N15_sd plantN_se    N15_se
1 2004   A  amb   17.136667 10.723333 1.2615202 0.7507552 0.7283391 0.4334487
2 2004   A elev   23.310000 13.043333 2.7160081 2.6595175 1.5680880 1.5354731
3 2004  AB  amb   14.410000 10.156667 1.1363538 1.7773670 0.6560742 1.0261633
4 2004  AB elev   19.470000 14.786667 2.9173790 3.7358979 1.6843495 2.1569217
5 2004  AM  amb    9.603333 13.510000 0.5515735 1.7176437 0.3184511 0.9916821
6 2004  AM elev   16.333333  9.743333 2.3622306 1.8825869 1.3638345 1.0869120

For plantN_mean and N15_mean, I would need to calculate the treatment effect ratio, which is elev/amb. I can do it for one of the variables using plyr with something like this:

effect <- ddply(data, .(year,Spp), function (x){
  plantN_ratio <- x$plantN_mean[x$CO2 == "elev"]/x$plantN_mean[x$CO2 == "amb"]

What is the dplyr version, and for both plantN_mean and N15_mean?

I guess the answer could start with something like this:

effect <- summary %>% group_by(year,Spp) %>% mutate(
plantN_ratio=plantN_mean[CO2 == "elev"]/plantN_mean[CO2 == "amb"], 
N15_ratio= N15_mean[CO2 == "elev"]/N15_mean[CO2 == "amb"])

Upvotes: 3

Views: 606

Answers (2)

David Arenburg
David Arenburg

Reputation: 92300

Here's how I would approach this using data.table

cols <- c("plantN_mean", "N15_mean") # select which columns to modify
Myfunc <- function(x) x[2L]/x[1L] # define the function
setDT(df)[order(CO2), lapply(.SD, Myfunc), .SDcols = cols, by = .(year, Spp)]
#    year Spp plantN_mean  N15_mean
# 1: 2004   A    1.360241 1.2163506
# 2: 2004  AB    1.351145 1.4558582
# 3: 2004  AM    1.700798 0.7211942

Alternately, you could make this much more efficient using .SD[2L]/.SD[1L] (see @Aruns comment) which will perform / only once no matter how many columns you want to modify and hence skips the _each part (or the lapply part)

setDT(df)[order(CO2), .SD[2L]/.SD[1L], by=.(year, Spp), .SDcols = cols]

To explain how it works, we are basically ordering the data by CO2 so amb will be always before elev, then we simply divide the second instance by the first. .SD represents Sub Data which means our data set with the columns specified in.SDcols

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 4194

tidyr is helpful here.

library(dplyr) # for %>% from [magrittr][http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/magrittr/vignettes/magrittr.html]

reproducible data:

df <- structure(list(year = c(2004L, 2004L, 2004L, 2004L, 2004L, 2004L
), Spp = c("A", "A", "AB", "AB", "AM", "AM"), CO2 = c("amb", 
"elev", "amb", "elev", "amb", "elev"), plantN_mean = c(17.136667, 
23.31, 14.41, 19.47, 9.603333, 16.333333), N15_mean = c(10.723333, 
13.043333, 10.156667, 14.786667, 13.51, 9.743333)), .Names = c("year", 
"Spp", "CO2", "plantN_mean", "N15_mean"), row.names = c(NA, -6L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x0>)

df looks like:

  year Spp  CO2 plantN_mean  N15_mean
1 2004   A  amb   17.136667 10.723333
2 2004   A elev   23.310000 13.043333
3 2004  AB  amb   14.410000 10.156667
4 2004  AB elev   19.470000 14.786667
5 2004  AM  amb    9.603333 13.510000
6 2004  AM elev   16.333333  9.743333

1. let's gather all the mean value variables:

gdf <- df %>% group_by(year,Spp) %>% gather(mean_id,mean_val,plantN_mean:N15_mean)

gdf looks like:

    year Spp  CO2     mean_id  mean_val
1  2004   A  amb plantN_mean 17.136667
2  2004   A elev plantN_mean 23.310000
3  2004  AB  amb plantN_mean 14.410000
4  2004  AB elev plantN_mean 19.470000
5  2004  AM  amb plantN_mean  9.603333
6  2004  AM elev plantN_mean 16.333333
7  2004   A  amb    N15_mean 10.723333
8  2004   A elev    N15_mean 13.043333
9  2004  AB  amb    N15_mean 10.156667
10 2004  AB elev    N15_mean 14.786667
11 2004  AM  amb    N15_mean 13.510000
12 2004  AM elev    N15_mean  9.743333

2. let's spread out the mean values according to the CO2 variable:

sdf <- gdf %>% spread(CO2,mean_val)

sdf looks like:

  year Spp     mean_id       amb      elev
1 2004   A plantN_mean 17.136667 23.310000
2 2004   A    N15_mean 10.723333 13.043333
3 2004  AB plantN_mean 14.410000 19.470000
4 2004  AB    N15_mean 10.156667 14.786667
5 2004  AM plantN_mean  9.603333 16.333333
6 2004  AM    N15_mean 13.510000  9.743333

3. Now calculate ratio of elev / amb:

sdf %>% mutate(elev_o_amb = elev / amb)

to get:

  year Spp     mean_id       amb      elev elev_o_amb
1 2004   A plantN_mean 17.136667 23.310000  1.3602412
2 2004   A    N15_mean 10.723333 13.043333  1.2163506
3 2004  AB plantN_mean 14.410000 19.470000  1.3511450
4 2004  AB    N15_mean 10.156667 14.786667  1.4558582
5 2004  AM plantN_mean  9.603333 16.333333  1.7007984
6 2004  AM    N15_mean 13.510000  9.743333  0.7211942  

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