Reputation: 531
I am working on the DE12-115 microprocessor from Altera using Quartus. In order to display a BMP image onto a monitor using the built-in VGA connections, I must first transform the BMP image into its MIF Format. The MIF format will be nothing but a lookup table that specifies the address of each pixel and the alias of each color using the RGB Color code. A Sample MIF File will have the following shape
DEPTH = 32; -- The size of data in bits
WIDTH = 8; -- The size of memory in words
ADDRESS_RADIX = HEX; -- The radix for address values
DATA_RADIX = BIN; -- The radix for data values
CONTENT -- start of (address : data pairs)
00 : 00000000; -- memory address : data
01 : 00000001;
02 : 00000010;
03 : 00000011;
04 : 00000100;
05 : 00000101;
06 : 00000110;
07 : 00000111;
08 : 00001000;
09 : 00001001;
0A : 00001010;
0B : 00001011;
0C : 00001100;
I haven't found any software that will enable me to transform my own images into the format above. However, I've found a C code that does it. Since I am not acquainted with C, I was wondering if anyone could help me understand the code, the library imports etc... so that I can transform it into JAVA. It would also be great if someone explains to me how to extract the MIF format from a photo and I could write my own code from scratch. The C Code is below. Thank you all in advance
// PicTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
//#ifndef LaserMaze_Bitmap_h
//#define LaserMaze_Bitmap_h
#pragma pack(2) // Add this
typedef struct
unsigned short bfType;
unsigned int bfSize;
unsigned short bfReserved1;
unsigned short bfReserved2;
unsigned int bfOffBits;
#pragma pack() // and this
# define BF_TYPE 0x4D42 /* "MB" */
typedef struct /**** BMP file info structure ****/
unsigned int biSize; /* Size of info header */
int biWidth; /* Width of image */
int biHeight; /* Height of image */
unsigned short biPlanes; /* Number of color planes */
unsigned short biBitCount; /* Number of bits per pixel */
unsigned int biCompression; /* Type of compression to use */
unsigned int biSizeImage; /* Size of image data */
int biXPelsPerMeter; /* X pixels per meter */
int biYPelsPerMeter; /* Y pixels per meter */
unsigned int biClrUsed; /* Number of colors used */
unsigned int biClrImportant; /* Number of important colors */
unsigned int RedMask; /* Mask identifying bits of red component */
unsigned int GreenMask; /* Mask identifying bits of green component */
unsigned int BlueMask; /* Mask identifying bits of blue component */
unsigned int AlphaMask; /* Mask identifying bits of alpha component */
unsigned int CSType; /* Color space type */
long RedX; /* X coordinate of red endpoint */
long RedY; /* Y coordinate of red endpoint */
long RedZ; /* Z coordinate of red endpoint */
long GreenX; /* X coordinate of green endpoint */
long GreenY; /* Y coordinate of green endpoint */
long GreenZ; /* Z coordinate of green endpoint */
long BlueX; /* X coordinate of blue endpoint */
long BlueY; /* Y coordinate of blue endpoint */
long BlueZ; /* Z coordinate of blue endpoint */
unsigned int GammaRed; /* Gamma red coordinate scale value */
unsigned int GammaGreen; /* Gamma green coordinate scale value */
unsigned int GammaBlue; /* Gamma blue coordinate scale value */
* Constants for the biCompression field...
# define BI_RGB 0 /* No compression - straight BGR data */
# define BI_RLE8 1 /* 8-bit run-length compression */
# define BI_RLE4 2 /* 4-bit run-length compression */
# define BI_BITFIELDS 3 /* RGB bitmap with RGB masks */
typedef struct /**** Colormap entry structure ****/
unsigned char rgbBlue; /* Blue value */
unsigned char rgbGreen; /* Green value */
unsigned char rgbRed; /* Red value */
unsigned char rgbReserved; /* Reserved */
unsigned char *LoadBitmapFile(char *filename, BITMAPINFOHEADER *bitmapInfoHeader)
FILE *filePtr; //our file pointer
BITMAPFILEHEADER bitmapFileHeader; //our bitmap file header
unsigned char *bitmapImage; //store image data int imageIdx=0; //image index counter
unsigned char tempRGB; //our swap variable
//open filename in read binary mode
filePtr = fopen(filename,"rb");
if (filePtr == NULL)
return NULL;
//read the bitmap file header
fread(&bitmapFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),1,filePtr);
//verify that this is a bmp file by check bitmap id
if (bitmapFileHeader.bfType !=0x4D42)
return NULL;
//read the bitmap info header
fread(bitmapInfoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1,filePtr);
//move file point to the begging of bitmap data
fseek(filePtr, bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
//allocate enough memory for the bitmap image data
bitmapImage = (unsigned char*)malloc(bitmapInfoHeader->biSizeImage);
//verify memory allocation
if (!bitmapImage)
return NULL;
//read in the bitmap image data
//make sure bitmap image data was read
if (bitmapImage == NULL)
return NULL;
//swap the r and b values to get RGB (bitmap is BGR)
/*for (imageIdx = 0,imageIdx < bitmapInfoHeader->biSizeImage;imageIdx+=3)
tempRGB = bitmapImage[imageIdx];
bitmapImage[imageIdx] = bitmapImage[imageIdx + 2];
bitmapImage[imageIdx + 2] = tempRGB;
//close file and return bitmap iamge data
return bitmapImage;
double round(double d)
return floor(d + 0.5);
bool generateMIF(unsigned char *bitmapData, long tSize, char *file)
FILE * pFile;
pFile = fopen (file,"w");
if (pFile==NULL)
printf("Unable to Open file to write \n");
return 0;
char buff[40];
sprintf(buff,"DEPTH = %d;\n",tSize/3);
fputs("WIDTH = 8;\n",pFile);
fputs("ADDRESS_RADIX = HEX;\n",pFile);
fputs("DATA_RADIX = HEX;\n",pFile);
fputs("CONTENT BEGIN\n",pFile);
long ind=0;
long addr=0;
for (ind=tSize-1;ind>=0; ind-=3)
unsigned char R=round(bitmapData[ind]/255.0*7.0);
unsigned char G=round(bitmapData[ind-1]/255.0*7.0);
unsigned char B=round(bitmapData[ind-2]/255.0*3.0);
unsigned char Var = R *32 + G *4 + B;
sprintf(buff,"%X : %X ;\n",addr,Var);
fclose (pFile);
bool generateLUTMIF(char *file)
FILE * pFile;
pFile = fopen (file,"w");
if (pFile==NULL)
printf("Unable to Open file to write \n");
return 0;
char buff[40];
fputs("WIDTH = 24;\n",pFile);
fputs("DEPTH = 256;\n",pFile);
fputs("ADDRESS_RADIX = HEX;\n",pFile);
fputs("DATA_RADIX = HEX;\n",pFile);
fputs("CONTENT BEGIN\n",pFile);
long ind=0;
long addr=0;
for (ind=0;ind<256; ind++)
unsigned char C=ind;
unsigned char R=C >> 5;
R = R* 255/7;
unsigned char G= (C >> 2)&0x07;
G= G* 255 / 7;
unsigned char B=C & 0x3;
sprintf(buff,"%X : %02X%02X%02X ;\n",ind,R,G,B);
fclose (pFile);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
printf("Reading Image... \n");
unsigned char *bitmapData;
bitmapData = LoadBitmapFile("d:\\back_24.bmp",&bitmapInfoHeader);
long tSize= bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight *bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth * 3 ;//24 bps
printf("Done !");
return 0;
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2856
Reputation: 131
I am working on a project about configuring an Altera FPGA to a monitor, so I needed a MIF file generator. I saw there are not a lot online, and some do not even compile.
So I decided to write my own in Java, it works and handles almost all possible errors. The tool, however, will first convert the image to grayscale, and only then will the MIF file be created.
You can find my tool on my page on GitHub.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 41
Try to use Matlab. It will become so easy. If yo use c, you should define some struct, try to jump the header of a picture. that is meaningless. But if you use Matlab, you cam just open the picture and get the data! This is my Matlab Code, Hope to help you:
%mcode to create a mif file
src = imread('lena.jpg');
gray = rgb2gray(src);
[m,n] = size( gray ); %size od your picture
N = m*n; %your ram or rom depth。
word_len = 8;
data = reshape(gray, 1, N);% reshape you picture's data
fid=fopen('gray_image.mif', 'w'); % open mif file
fprintf(fid, 'DEPTH=%d;\n', N);
fprintf(fid, 'WIDTH=%d;\n', word_len);
fprintf(fid, 'ADDRESS_RADIX = UNS;\n');
fprintf(fid, 'DATA_RADIX = HEX;\n');
fprintf(fid, 'CONTENT\t');
fprintf(fid, 'BEGIN\n');
for i = 0 : N-1
fprintf(fid, '\t%d\t:\t%x;\n',i, data(i+1));
fprintf(fid, 'END;\n'); % prinf the end
fclose(fid); % close your file
Upvotes: 4