
Reputation: 23

Python text file data extraction

I have a text file that looks likes this

P1 : Some data
P2 : blabla
P4 : whatever
F1 : something
F2 : something else
G6 : This entry continues
G6 : down here

This is followed by a empty line and then a new record which looks the same as above (about 100k total). I need to get a text file in which every line contains the P2, p4 and G6 entry separated by a tab.

This is what I have so far

output = open('out.txt', 'w')

P1_ = False
G6_ = False

with open("data.txt", 'r') as data:
    for line in data:
        if line.startswith('P1 :'):
            P1 = line[4:10]
            P1_ = True

        elif line.startswith('G6'):         
            G6 = line.lstrip('G6 :')
            G6_ = True


        if P1_ and G6_ :
            output.write(year + "\t" + abstract)
            year_ = False
            abstract_ = False

The problem I encounter is that some records do not have all entries I need and some have the G6 spread over several lines. Any ideas on how to do this?

EDIT: After reading all of your answers I realised my question was a bit vague. I do need the records which do not have all entries.

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Views: 149

Answers (4)


Reputation: 4396

As others have suggested, you could create a dictionary for each data chunk. When you hit blank lines write to your output file and clear the dictionary. Using a defaultdict makes concatenating the multiple entries per key easier.

from collections import defaultdict

keep = ['P2', 'P4', 'G6']
tmp_dict = defaultdict(str)

# a function to handle formatting of output
def output_format(the_dict):
    return '\t'.join([the_dict[k].rstrip() for k in keep]) + '\n'

with open('test.txt') as infile, open('output.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    for line in infile:

        # if there's non-whitespace text on this line
        if line.strip():
            k, v = line.split(' : ')

            # store the data if the key is relevant,
            # appending if the key has already been hit
            if k in keep:
                tmp_dict[k] += v.rstrip() + ' '

        # when there's a blank line, write the data to
        # the output file and clear the temporary dict
            tmp_dict = defaultdict(str)

    # one last time, in case file doesn't end in newline

Not sure I fully understand the desired output. This prints the value for P2, then for P4 then for G6 all on one line with a tab between each. For example:

blabla  whatever    This entry continues down here

If an element is missing, the tabs will still be printed, so if P4 is missing there will be two tabs in a row.

But the output is flexible. If you wanted, say, to preserve the original format after filtering and merging G6, then you could use:

def output_format(the_dict):

    output = ''
    for k, v in the_dict.iteritems():
        output += '{} : {}\n'.format(k, the_dict[k])

    return output + '\n'

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 541

@blackcloud, following @Kursian's original comment, I think the dictionary approach is the cleanest. Here's some sample code based on what i think you are after:

f_in  = open('data.txt','r')
f_out = open('out.txt', 'w')

myDict = {}
for line in f_in:                                     #loop through each line     in the input text file...
  if not len(line.strip()):                           #check for a blank line - your "record separator"...
    if 'P1' in myDict and 'G6' in myDict:             #check if this record meets your conditions
      abstract = myDict['P1']+'\t'+myDict['G6']+'\n'  #build your tab-separated abstract
      f_out.write(abstract)                           #and write a record if so
    myDict = {}                                       #reset your dictionary for your next "record"
  else:                                               #otherwise,
    key,val = line.split(' : ')                       #split the line into its key and value components
    if key == 'P1':                                   #if it has a P1
      myDict[key] = val.strip()                       #add it...
    if key == 'G6':                                   #if it has a G6
      if 'G6' in myDict:                              #check if it's already in the dictionary
        myDict[key] += ''.join([' ',val.strip()])     #and just append to the existing value with a space
      else:                                           #otherwise
        myDict[key] = val.strip()                     #just add the G6 key,value pair

f_in.close()                                          #cleanup!

If I understand your original challenge, you are looking for blocks of data separated by a blank line and having at least one P1 entry and one or more G6 lines. So, extending your example, given an input text file like this:

P1 : Some data
P2 : blabla
P4 : whatever
F1 : something
F2 : something else
G6 : This entry continues
G6 : down here

P1 : Some data
P2 : blabla
P4 : whatever
G6 : This entry continues
F1 : something
F2 : something else
G6 : down here

P2 : blabla
P4 : whatever
F1 : something
F2 : something else
G6 : This entry continues
G6 : down here

P1 : Some data
P2 : blabla
P4 : whatever
F1 : something
G6 : This entry continues
F2 : something else

You'll end up with an output file that looks like this after running the above script:

P1  G6
Some data   This entry continues down here
Some data   This entry continues down here
Some data   This entry continues

Hope this all helps and big thanks to all the contributors here!!

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 40894

So your problem is parsing, I suppose.

I hope you can somehow logically detect when a new record starts, even if some lines are missing. I suppose that the order of the entries is fixed, so you can detect when one group is over and the next starts by the fact that e.g. P fields always go before G fields.

This code works reasonably and handles the missing fields:

FIELD_ORDER = ['P1', 'P2', 'P4', 'F1', 'F2', 'G6']

class RecordReader(object):
  def __init__(self, input_stream):
    self.input_stream = input_stream
    self.prev_record = None

  def readNext(self):
    if self.prev_record:
      # if we have a value pushed back, return it first
      prev_value = self.prev_record
      self.prev_record = None
      return prev_value
    # read things for real
    line = self.input_stream.readline()
    if line == '':
      return None  # end of file
    tag, value = line.split(':')  # assume the format is always correct
    return tag.strip(), value.strip()

  def pushBack(self, record):
    self.prev_record = record

def readGroup(reader):
  data = {}  # accumulate values here
  expected = FIELD_ORDER[:] # make a copy, for we'll change the expectations
  while True:
    record = reader.readNext()
    if not record:
      return data # end of file, we are done
    tag, content = record
    # are we still in the same group?
    if tag in expected:
      if tag == 'G6':
        # append to existing G6, if any
        data[tag] = data.get(tag, '') + ' ' + content
        data[tag] = content
      # cut away all the expected fields up to the field we just found
      point = expected.index(tag)
      if tag != 'G6':
        point += 1 # stop expecting the tag we just found (unless it's G6)
      expected = expected[point:]
      reader.pushBack(record) # it belongs to next group
      return data

def read(input_stream):
  reader = RecordReader(input_stream)
  while True:
    group = readGroup(reader)
    if group:
      p1 = group.get('P1', 'No P1 found')
      g6 = group.get('G6', 'No G6 found')
      print "%s\t%s" % (p1, g6)  # edit to taste
      # we could only get an empty group at end of file.

def main():
  with open('') as input_stream:

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Reputation: 7886

So I added a new variable G6_Done that keeps track of when we've started seeing G6 which prevents entering the bottom if (which writes to the file) till we're no longer seeing G6 (as then G6_Done == True). Then, by using G6 = "" in its definition, we can write to it continuously till we reset things.

output = open('out.txt', 'w')

P1_ = False
G6_ = False
G6_Done = False
G6 = ""
with open("data.txt", 'r') as data:
    for line in data:
        if line.startswith('P1 :'):
            P1 = line[4:10]
            P1_ = True

        elif line.startswith('G6'):
            G6 += line.lstrip('G6 :')
            G6_Done = False
            G6_ = True
        elif G6 and not G6_Done:
            G6 = True

        if P1_ and G6_ and G6_Done:
            output.write(year + "\t" + abstract)
            year_ = False
            abstract_ = False
            G6 = ""
            P1_ = False
            G6_ = False
            G6_Done = False

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