Reputation: 83
In my GUI there is an axes, I want to add a buttons to zoom in/out the plotted signal in the axes. But I didn't know how to code these buttons. Any help
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Views: 3787
Reputation: 12214
Based on your comment I've created a quick little GUI to illustrate the process.
This code assumes you have MATLAB 2014b or newer:
function heyitsaGUI
% Set up a basic GUI
h.mainwindow = figure( ... % Main figure window
'Units','pixels', ...
'Position',[100 100 800 800], ...
'MenuBar','none', ...
'ToolBar','none' ...
h.myaxes = axes( ...
'Parent', h.mainwindow, ...
'Position', [0.1 0.15 0.8 0.8] ...
h.zoomtoggle = uicontrol( ...
'Style', 'togglebutton', ...
'Parent', h.mainwindow, ...
'Units', 'Normalized', ...
'Position', [0.4 0.05 0.2 0.05], ...
'String', 'Toggle Zoom', ...
'Callback', {@myzoombutton, h} ... % Pass along the handle structure as well as the default source and eventdata values
% Plot some data
function myzoombutton(source, ~, h)
% Callbacks pass 2 arguments by default: the handle of the source and a
% structure called eventdata. Right now we don't need eventdata so it's
% ignored.
% I've also passed the handles structure so we can easily address
% everything in our GUI
% Get toggle state: 1 is on, 0 is off
togglestate = source.Value;
switch togglestate
case 1
% Toggle on, turn on zoom
zoom(h.myaxes, 'on')
case 0
% Toggle off, turn off zoom
zoom(h.myaxes, 'off')
Which will generate you something that looks like this:
Since you're new I would highly recommend you read through MATLAB's GUI building documentation, it walks you through building both programmatic GUIs and GUIs using GUIDE. What I've done here is create a custom little Callback
function, myzoombutton
, that allows you to toggle the zoom on and off for your axis object. There are a few good ways to answer your question, this is only one and not necessarily the best. I like using this method because it gives me the framework to add other actions and calculations based on the state of the toggle button.
Take a look at the code and the linked documentation, it should hopefully help you get started.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 732
Use the uitoolbar function to create a custom toolbar. Then, use uipushtool to create a zoom-in, and a zoom-out button. In your callback function for the buttons, you can get the current axes limits, and then scale them by some factor.
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Reputation: 5175
In a Figure the zoom in and zoom out button are already available in the Figure toolbar
The toolbar can be made visible through the Figure Menu:
View -> Figure Toolbar
Hope this helps.
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