Reputation: 96
I have a COM Server , and I want to use it as a service. My application has a installer component which creates a user (CN_Service) in local system and install this COM server as a service using below command:
Connect.exe /service /noreinstall /user:CN_Service /password:somePassword /depends:lanmanworkstation
I have another component, which is responsible for starting this installed service. In its winmain(), I am using below code to register the COM server class objects (in SUSPENDED mode), it successfully registers the objects and returns HRESULT as S_OK which is as expected.
int CAppModule::WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPTSTR /* lpCmdLine */, int nShowCmd)
// Copy parameters
m_hInstance = hInstance;
m_nCmdShow = nShowCmd;
_strCmdLine = ::GetCommandLine();
_qappmodel->InitCOMSupport(); //::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
// Process command line options
bool bContinue = true;
int nExitCode = 0;
if (ProcessCommandLine(_strCmdLine, &bContinue) && bContinue)
if (_patlmodule != NULL)
//_patlmodule is an interface pointer and private member of CAppModule
if (FAILED(hr))
gNTEventLog.LogHR(_T("Failed to register the class objects"), hr);
return 2;
nExitCode = InternalWinMain();
if (_patlmodule != NULL)
// When we get here, the service has been stopped
return nExitCode;
But when I try to resume the registered class objects using ::CoResumeClassObjects(), it throws an error ‘Failed to resume class objects’ with HRESULT value:
800706c6 (The array bounds are invalid)
I am using below code to resume the class objects:
BOOL CAppModule::InitInstance()
// Increment usage count
if (_patlmodule != NULL)
HRESULT hr = ::CoResumeClassObjects(); //Fails here
if (FAILED(hr))
gNTEventLog.LogHR(_T("Failed to resume class objects (registered as a service?)"), hr);
gNTEventLog.LogHR(_T("Failed to resume class objects"), hr);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Problem Statement: The important thing is that, I want to run this code on Windows Server 2012 R2 machine, where the method ::CoResumeClassObjects() fails. This same piece of code runs fine on Windows Server 2008 machine.
Please suggest me whether server2012 box has anything to do with ::CoResumeClassObjects() method.
Also I am creating a separate local user(which is an app requirement) for registering the exe as service in code and responsible for starting/stopping service. Can It be a problem on win server 2012 ?
Any help would be appreciated…
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