Alex from Jitbit
Alex from Jitbit

Reputation: 60912

Convert (render) HTML to Text with correct line-breaks

I need to convert HTML string to plain text (preferably using HTML Agility pack). With proper white-spaces and, especially, proper line-breaks.

And by "proper line-breaks" I mean that this code:


Should be converted as


I.e. only one line-break.

Most of the solutions I've seen simply convert all <div> <br> <p> tags to \n which, obviously, s*cks.

Any suggestions for html-to-plaintext rendering logic for C#? Not the complete code, at least common logic answers like "replace all closing DIVs with line-breaks, but only if the next sibling is not a DIV too" will really help.

Things I tried: simply getting the .InnerText property (wrong obviously), regex (slow, painful, lots of hacks, also regexs are 12 times slower then HtmlAgilityPack - I measured it), this solution and similar (returns more line-breaks then required)

Upvotes: 44

Views: 23844

Answers (10)


Reputation: 31

03/2021 update of the top answer

This update includes HtmlAgilityPack changes (new methods instead of unexisting ones) and HTML decode HTML Entities (ie.  ).

public static string FormatLineBreaks(string html)
    //first - remove all the existing '\n' from HTML
    //they mean nothing in HTML, but break our logic
    html = html.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", " ");

    //now create an Html Agile Doc object
    HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

    //remove comments, head, style and script tags
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//comment() | //script | //style | //head") ?? Enumerable.Empty<HtmlNode>())

    //now remove all "meaningless" inline elements like "span"
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span | //label") ?? Enumerable.Empty<HtmlNode>()) //add "b", "i" if required
        node.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(HtmlNode.CreateNode(node.InnerHtml), node);

    //block-elements - convert to line-breaks
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//p | //div") ?? Enumerable.Empty<HtmlNode>()) //you could add more tags here
        //we add a "\n" ONLY if the node contains some plain text as "direct" child
        //meaning - text is not nested inside children, but only one-level deep

        //use XPath to find direct "text" in element
        var txtNode = node.SelectSingleNode("text()");

        //no "direct" text - NOT ADDDING the \n !!!!
        if (txtNode == null || txtNode.InnerHtml.Trim() == "") continue;

        //"surround" the node with line breaks
        node.ParentNode.InsertBefore(doc.CreateTextNode("\r\n"), node);
        node.ParentNode.InsertAfter(doc.CreateTextNode("\r\n"), node);

    //todo: might need to replace multiple "\n\n" into one here, I'm still testing...

    //now BR tags - simply replace with "\n" and forget
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//br") ?? Enumerable.Empty<HtmlNode>())
        node.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(doc.CreateTextNode("\r\n"), node);

    //finally - return the text which will have our inserted line-breaks in it
    return WebUtility.HtmlDecode(doc.DocumentNode.InnerText.Trim());

    //todo - you should probably add "&code;" processing, to decode all the &nbsp; and such

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 2468

The top answer didn't work for me; my contribution below I think would be fast and light as it doesn't need to query the document, it recursively visits each node to find text nodes, using three bookkeeping flags to handle whitespace around inline and block elements.

using System;
using System.Text;
using HtmlAgilityPack;

public class HtmlToTextConverter {

    public static string Convert(string html) {
        var converter = new HtmlToTextConverter();
        return converter.ToString();

    private readonly StringBuilder _text = new();
    private bool _atBlockStart = true;
    private bool _atBlockEnd = false;
    private bool _needsInlineWhitespace;

    public override string ToString() => _text.ToString();

    public void ParseAndVisit(string html) {
        var doc = new HtmlDocument();

    public void Visit(HtmlDocument doc) => Visit(doc.DocumentNode);

    public void Visit(HtmlNode node) {
        switch (node.NodeType) {
            case HtmlNodeType.Document:

            case HtmlNodeType.Comment:

            case HtmlNodeType.Text:
                WriteText((node as HtmlTextNode).Text);

            case HtmlNodeType.Element:
                switch (node.Name) {
                    case "script":
                    case "style":
                    case "head":

                    case "br":
                        _atBlockStart = true;
                        _atBlockEnd = false;
                        _needsInlineWhitespace = false;

                    case "p":
                    case "div":


    private void MarkBlockStart() {
        _atBlockEnd = false;
        _needsInlineWhitespace = false;
        if (!_atBlockStart) {
            _atBlockStart = true;

    private void MarkBlockEnd() {
        _atBlockEnd = true;
        _needsInlineWhitespace = false;
        _atBlockStart = false;

    private void WriteText(string text) {
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) {

        if (_atBlockStart || _atBlockEnd) {
            text = text.TrimStart();

        // This would mean this is the first text after a block end,
        // e.g., "...</p>this text"
        if (_atBlockEnd) {

        if (_needsInlineWhitespace) {
            _text.Append(" ");

        var trimmedText = text.TrimEnd();
        if (trimmedText != text) {
            // This text has trailing whitespace; if more inline content
            // comes next, we'll need to add a space then; if a block start
            // or block end comes next, we should ignore it.
            _needsInlineWhitespace = true;
        } else {
            _needsInlineWhitespace = false;

        _atBlockStart = false;
        _atBlockEnd = false;

    private void VisitChildren(HtmlNode node) {
        if (node.ChildNodes != null) {
            foreach (var child in node.ChildNodes) {


Upvotes: 1

Raman Sinclair
Raman Sinclair

Reputation: 1283

No-regex solution:

while (text.IndexOf("\n\n") > -1 || text.IndexOf("\n \n") > -1)
    text = text.Replace("\n\n", "\n");
    text = text.Replace("\n \n", "\n");


text = Regex.Replace(text, @"^\s*$\n|\r", "", RegexOptions.Multiline).TrimEnd();

Also, as I remember,

text = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(text);

does the favor.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 16981


  1. Non visible tags (script, style)
  2. Block-level tags
  3. Inline tags
  4. Br tag
  5. Wrappable spaces (leading, trailing and multi whitespaces)
  6. Hard spaces
  7. Entities

Algebraic decision:

  plain-text = Process(Plain(html))

  Plain(node-s) => Plain(node-0), Plain(node-1), ..., Plain(node-N)
  Plain(BR) => BR
  Plain(not-visible-element(child-s)) => nil
  Plain(block-element(child-s)) => BS, Plain(child-s), BE
  Plain(inline-element(child-s)) => Plain(child-s)   
  Plain(text) => ch-0, ch-1, .., ch-N

  Process(symbol-s) => Process(start-line, symbol-s)

  Process(start-line, BR, symbol-s) => Print('\n'), Process(start-line, symbol-s)
  Process(start-line, BS, symbol-s) => Process(start-line, symbol-s)
  Process(start-line, BE, symbol-s) => Process(start-line, symbol-s)
  Process(start-line, hard-space, symbol-s) => Print(' '), Process(not-ws, symbol-s)
  Process(start-line, space, symbol-s) => Process(start-line, symbol-s)
  Process(start-line, common-symbol, symbol-s) => Print(common-symbol), 
                                                  Process(not-ws, symbol-s)

  Process(not-ws, BR|BS|BE, symbol-s) => Print('\n'), Process(start-line, symbol-s)
  Process(not-ws, hard-space, symbol-s) => Print(' '), Process(not-ws, symbol-s)
  Process(not-ws, space, symbol-s) => Process(ws, symbol-s)
  Process(not-ws, common-symbol, symbol-s) => Process(ws, symbol-s)

  Process(ws, BR|BS|BE, symbol-s) => Print('\n'), Process(start-line, symbol-s)
  Process(ws, hard-space, symbol-s) => Print(' '), Print(' '), 
                                       Process(not-ws, symbol-s)
  Process(ws, space, symbol-s) => Process(ws, symbol-s)
  Process(ws, common-symbol, symbol-s) => Print(' '), Print(common-symbol),
                                          Process(not-ws, symbol-s)

C# decision for HtmlAgilityPack and System.Xml.Linq:

  //HtmlAgilityPack part
  public static string ToPlainText(this HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc)
    var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
    var state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;

    Plain(builder, ref state, new[]{doc.DocumentNode});
    return builder.ToString();
  static void Plain(StringBuilder builder, ref ToPlainTextState state, IEnumerable<HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode> nodes)
    foreach (var node in nodes)
      if (node is HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlTextNode)
        var text = (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlTextNode)node;
        Process(builder, ref state, HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(text.Text).ToCharArray());
        var tag = node.Name.ToLower();

        if (tag == "br")
          state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;
        else if (NonVisibleTags.Contains(tag))
        else if (InlineTags.Contains(tag))
          Plain(builder, ref state, node.ChildNodes);
          if (state != ToPlainTextState.StartLine)
            state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;
          Plain(builder, ref state, node.ChildNodes);
          if (state != ToPlainTextState.StartLine)
            state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;



  //System.Xml.Linq part
  public static string ToPlainText(this IEnumerable<XNode> nodes)
    var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
    var state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;

    Plain(builder, ref state, nodes);
    return builder.ToString();
  static void Plain(StringBuilder builder, ref ToPlainTextState state, IEnumerable<XNode> nodes)
    foreach (var node in nodes)
      if (node is XElement)
        var element = (XElement)node;
        var tag = element.Name.LocalName.ToLower();

        if (tag == "br")
          state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;
        else if (NonVisibleTags.Contains(tag))
        else if (InlineTags.Contains(tag))
          Plain(builder, ref state, element.Nodes());
          if (state != ToPlainTextState.StartLine)
            state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;
          Plain(builder, ref state, element.Nodes());
          if (state != ToPlainTextState.StartLine)
            state = ToPlainTextState.StartLine;

      else if (node is XText)
        var text = (XText)node;
        Process(builder, ref state, text.Value.ToCharArray());
  //common part
  public static void Process(System.Text.StringBuilder builder, ref ToPlainTextState state, params char[] chars)
    foreach (var ch in chars)
      if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
        if (IsHardSpace(ch))
          if (state == ToPlainTextState.WhiteSpace)
            builder.Append(' ');
          builder.Append(' ');
          state = ToPlainTextState.NotWhiteSpace;
          if (state == ToPlainTextState.NotWhiteSpace)
            state = ToPlainTextState.WhiteSpace;
        if (state == ToPlainTextState.WhiteSpace)
          builder.Append(' ');
        state = ToPlainTextState.NotWhiteSpace;
  static bool IsHardSpace(char ch)
    return ch == 0xA0 || ch ==  0x2007 || ch == 0x202F;

  private static readonly HashSet<string> InlineTags = new HashSet<string>
      "b", "big", "i", "small", "tt", "abbr", "acronym", 
      "cite", "code", "dfn", "em", "kbd", "strong", "samp", 
      "var", "a", "bdo", "br", "img", "map", "object", "q", 
      "script", "span", "sub", "sup", "button", "input", "label", 
      "select", "textarea"

  private static readonly HashSet<string> NonVisibleTags = new HashSet<string>
      "script", "style"

  public enum ToPlainTextState
    StartLine = 0,



// <div>  1 </div>  2 <div> 3  </div>
//  <div>1  <br/><br/>&#160; <b> 2 </b> <div>   </div><div> </div>  &#160;3</div>

//  <span>1<style> text </style><i>2</i></span>3
//    <div>
//        <div>
//            line1
//        </div>
//    </div>

Upvotes: 16

Serge Shultz
Serge Shultz

Reputation: 6068

The code below works correctly with the example provided, even deals with some weird stuff like <div><br></div>, there're still some things to improve, but the basic idea is there. See the comments.

public static string FormatLineBreaks(string html)
    //first - remove all the existing '\n' from HTML
    //they mean nothing in HTML, but break our logic
    html = html.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", " ");

    //now create an Html Agile Doc object
    HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

    //remove comments, head, style and script tags
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SafeSelectNodes("//comment() | //script | //style | //head"))

    //now remove all "meaningless" inline elements like "span"
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SafeSelectNodes("//span | //label")) //add "b", "i" if required
        node.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(HtmlNode.CreateNode(node.InnerHtml), node);

    //block-elements - convert to line-breaks
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SafeSelectNodes("//p | //div")) //you could add more tags here
        //we add a "\n" ONLY if the node contains some plain text as "direct" child
        //meaning - text is not nested inside children, but only one-level deep

        //use XPath to find direct "text" in element
        var txtNode = node.SelectSingleNode("text()");

        //no "direct" text - NOT ADDDING the \n !!!!
        if (txtNode == null || txtNode.InnerHtml.Trim() == "") continue;

        //"surround" the node with line breaks
        node.ParentNode.InsertBefore(doc.CreateTextNode("\r\n"), node);
        node.ParentNode.InsertAfter(doc.CreateTextNode("\r\n"), node);

    //todo: might need to replace multiple "\n\n" into one here, I'm still testing...

    //now BR tags - simply replace with "\n" and forget
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SafeSelectNodes("//br"))
        node.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(doc.CreateTextNode("\r\n"), node);

    //finally - return the text which will have our inserted line-breaks in it
    return doc.DocumentNode.InnerText.Trim();

    //todo - you should probably add "&code;" processing, to decode all the &nbsp; and such

//here's the extension method I use
private static HtmlNodeCollection SafeSelectNodes(this HtmlNode node, string selector)
    return (node.SelectNodes(selector) ?? new HtmlNodeCollection(node));

Upvotes: 30


Reputation: 27115

The class below provides an alternate implementation to innerText. It does not emit more than one newline for subsequent divs, because it only considers the tags that differentiate different text contents. Every text node's parent is evaluated to decide if a newline or space is to be inserted. Any tags that do not contain direct text are therefore automatically ignored.

The case you presented provided the same result as you desired. Furthermore:








since div is a block tag. script and style elements are ignored completely. The HttpUtility.HtmlDecode utility method (in System.Web) is used to decode HTML escaped text like &amp;. Multiple occurrences of whitespace (\s+) are replaced by a single space. br tags will not cause multiple newlines if repeated.

static class HtmlTextProvider
    private static readonly HashSet<string> InlineElementNames = new HashSet<string>
        "b", "big", "i", "small", "tt", "abbr", "acronym", 
        "cite", "code", "dfn", "em", "kbd", "strong", "samp", 
        "var", "a", "bdo", "br", "img", "map", "object", "q", 
        "script", "span", "sub", "sup", "button", "input", "label", 
        "select", "textarea"

    private static readonly Regex WhitespaceNormalizer = new Regex(@"(\s+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);

    private static readonly HashSet<string> ExcludedElementNames = new HashSet<string>
        "script", "style"

    public static string GetFormattedInnerText(this HtmlDocument document)
        var textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        var root = document.DocumentNode;
        foreach (var node in root.Descendants())
            if (node is HtmlTextNode && !ExcludedElementNames.Contains(node.ParentNode.Name))
                var text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(node.InnerText);
                text = WhitespaceNormalizer.Replace(text, " ").Trim();
                if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) continue;
                var whitespace = InlineElementNames.Contains(node.ParentNode.Name) ? " " : Environment.NewLine;
                if (EndsWith(textBuilder, " ") && whitespace == Environment.NewLine)
                    textBuilder.Remove(textBuilder.Length - 1, 1);
                if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(textBuilder[textBuilder.Length - 1]))
                    if (InlineElementNames.Contains(node.ParentNode.Name))
                        textBuilder.Append(' ');
            else if (node.Name == "br" && EndsWith(textBuilder, Environment.NewLine))
        return textBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());

    private static bool EndsWith(StringBuilder builder, string value)
        return builder.Length > value.Length && builder.ToString(builder.Length - value.Length, value.Length) == value;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2739

I always use CsQuery for my projects. It's supposedly faster than HtmlAgilityPack and much easier to use with css selectors instead of xpath.

var html = @"<div>

var lines = CQ.Create(html)
              .Replace("\r\n", "\n") // I like to do this before splitting on line breaks
              .Select(s => s.Trim()) // Trim elements
              .Where(s => !s.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) // Remove empty lines

var result = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines);

The above code works as expected, however if you have a more complex example with an expected result, this code can be easily accommodated.

If you want to preserve <br> for example, you can replace it with something like "---br---" in the html variable and split on it again in the final result.

Upvotes: 0

Kieren Johnstone
Kieren Johnstone

Reputation: 42013

I don't believe SO is about exchanging bounties for writing complete code solutions. I think the best answers are those that give guidance and help you solve it yourself. In that spirit here's a process that occurs to me should work:

  1. Replace any lengths of whitespace characters with a single space (this is to represent the standard HTML whitespace processing rules)
  2. Replace all instances of </div> with newlines
  3. Collapse any multiple instances of newlines with a single newline
  4. Replaces instances of </p>, <br> and <br/> with a newline
  5. Remove any remaining html open/close tags
  6. Expand any entities e.g. &trade; as required
  7. Trim the output to remove trailing and leading spaces

Basically, you want one newline for each paragraph or line break tab, but to collapse multiple div closures with a single one - so do those first.

Finally note that you are really performing HTML layout, and this depends on the CSS of the tags. The behaviour you see occurs because divs default to the block display/layout mode. CSS would change that. There is no easy way to a general solution for this problem without a headless layout/rendering engine, i.e. something that can process CSS.

But for your simple example case, the above approach should be sound.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1346

Below code works for me :

 static void Main(string[] args)
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        string path = new WebClient().DownloadString("");
        HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
        var bodySegment = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("body").FirstOrDefault();
        if (bodySegment != null)
            foreach (var item in bodySegment.ChildNodes)
                if (item.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Element && string.Compare(item.Name, "script", true) != 0)
                    foreach (var a in item.Descendants())
                        if (string.Compare(a.Name, "script", true) == 0 || string.Compare(a.Name, "style", true) == 0)
                            a.InnerHtml = string.Empty;


Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 223

I don't know much about html-agility-pack but here is a c# alternative.

    public string GetPlainText()
        WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("URL for page you want to 'stringify'");
        WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
        Stream data = response.GetResponseStream();
        string html = String.Empty;
        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(data))
            html = sr.ReadToEnd();

        html = Regex.Replace(html, "<.*?>", "\n");

        html = Regex.Replace(html, @"\\r|\\n|\n|\r", @"$");
        html = Regex.Replace(html, @"\$ +", @"$");
        html = Regex.Replace(html, @"(\$)+", Environment.NewLine);

        return html;

If you are intending on showing this in a html page then replace Environment.NewLine with <br/>.

Upvotes: 0

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