Reputation: 38255
To implement a status bar like below:
[========== ] 45%
[================ ] 60%
[==========================] 100%
I want to this to be printed out to stdout, and keep refreshing it, not print to another line. How to do this?
Upvotes: 219
Views: 304523
Reputation: 1
Make it simple and just stick this in your loop
print(f'[{'=' * int(percent_complete/4)}{' ' * (25 - int(percent_complete/4))}] {percent_complete:.0f}%', flush=True)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Here is my contribution, I managed to make the bar to alternate between two different symbols (-, =), and this was the result:
[- ] 1%
[= ] 2%
[=- ] 3%
[== ] 4%
[==- ] 5%
def print_bar(percent, text_out):
long_bar = 50
progress = int(percent / 100 * long_bar)
if percent % 2 == 0:
bar_symbols = "=" * progress
elif percent == 1:
bar_symbols = '-'
elif percent == 0:
bar_symbols = ''
bar_symbols = "=" * progress
bar_symbols += '-'
bar_symbols += " " * (long_bar - progress)
bar = "[" + bar_symbols + "]"
output = '\r{} {}% {}'.format(bar, percent, text_out)
# sys.stdout.write(output)
# sys.stdout.flush()
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 910
Here Is a simple progress bar code with 0 imports
def progressbar(current_value,total_value,bar_lengh,progress_char):
percentage = int((current_value/total_value)*100) # Percent Completed Calculation
progress = int((bar_lengh * current_value ) / total_value) # Progress Done Calculation
loadbar = "Progress: [{:{len}}]{}%".format(progress*progress_char,percentage,len = bar_lengh) # Progress Bar String
print(loadbar, end='\r') # Progress Bar Output
if __name__ == "__main__":
the_list = range(1,301)
for i in the_list:
Progress: [■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■]100%
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1947
None of the answers posted completely addressed my needs. So I wrote my own as shown above. The features I needed:
Calling the progress display is pretty straight forward. For the above sample .gif
the function was called using:
percent_complete(step, total_steps, title="Convert Markdown")
The total_steps
was about 2,500 for len(rows)
in Stack Exchange Data Dump in CSV format. The step
was the current row number as each Stack Exchange Markdown Q&A was converted to Kramdown (for GitHub Pages).
The code is straight forward, but a bit longer than the other answers:
def percent_complete(step, total_steps, bar_width=60, title="", print_perc=True):
import sys
# UTF-8 left blocks: 1, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8
utf_8s = ["█", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "█"]
perc = 100 * float(step) / float(total_steps)
max_ticks = bar_width * 8
num_ticks = int(round(perc / 100 * max_ticks))
full_ticks = num_ticks / 8 # Number of full blocks
part_ticks = num_ticks % 8 # Size of partial block (array index)
disp = bar = "" # Blank out variables
bar += utf_8s[0] * int(full_ticks) # Add full blocks into Progress Bar
# If part_ticks is zero, then no partial block, else append part char
if part_ticks > 0:
bar += utf_8s[part_ticks]
# Pad Progress Bar with fill character
bar += "▒" * int((max_ticks/8 - float(num_ticks)/8.0))
if len(title) > 0:
disp = title + ": " # Optional title to progress display
# Print progress bar in green:
disp += "\x1b[0;32m" # Color Green
disp += bar # Progress bar to progress display
disp += "\x1b[0m" # Color Reset
if print_perc:
# If requested, append percentage complete to progress display
if perc > 100.0:
perc = 100.0 # Fix "100.04 %" rounding error
disp += " {:6.2f}".format(perc) + " %"
# Output to terminal repetitively over the same line using '\r'.
sys.stdout.write("\r" + disp)
A few points:
[ .... ]
bracket placeholders requirement in the question are not necessary because there is the fill characters that serve the same purpose. This saves two extra characters to make the progress bar wider.bar_width
keyword parameter can be used depending on screen width. The default of 60
seems a good fit for most purposes.print_perc=True
keyword parameter default can be overridden by passing print_perc=False
when calling the function. This would allow a longer progress bar.title=""
keyword parameter defaults to no title. Should you desire one use title="My Title"
and :
will automatically be added to it.sys.stdout.write("\r")
followed by sys.stdout.flush()
to clear the progress display line.This answer is a bit longer than the others but it's important to note it's a full solution, not part of a solution that you need to add more code to.
Another point is this solution has no dependencies and nothing extra to install. The UTF-8 character set is supported by Python and gnome-terminal
was no extra setup required. If you are using Python 2.7 you might require # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
after the shebang. IE as the second line of your program.
The function could be converted to a class with separate init
, update
, pause
(for printing debug stuff to the screen), resume
and close
This function was converted from a bash script:
The bash script would display Sony TV volume with libnotify-bin
(pop-up bubble message) whenever TV volume was changed. If you are interested in a bash progress bar, please visit the Stack Overflow link.
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 325
Try this function using only the built-in sys
import sys
def print_progress_bar(index, total, label):
n_bar = 50 # Progress bar width
progress = index / total
sys.stdout.write(f"[{'=' * int(n_bar * progress):{n_bar}s}] {int(100 * progress)}% {label}")
foo_list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
total = len(foo_list)
for index, item in enumerate(foo_list):
print_progress_bar(index, total, "foo bar")
gives you access to the index value during a loop.
[================================================ ] 96% foo bar
Upvotes: 19
Reputation: 1
import progressbar
import time
# Function to create
def animated_marker():
widgets = ['Loading: ', progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']', '-'), progressbar.Percentage()]
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=200,widgets=widgets).start()
for i in range(200):
# Driver's code
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1835
To be pure python and not make system calls:
from time import sleep
for i in range(21):
spaces = " " * (20 - i)
percentage = 5*i
print(f"\r[{'='*i}{spaces}]{percentage}%", flush=True, end="")
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 585
For Python 3.6 the following works for me to update the output inline:
for current_epoch in range(10):
for current_step) in range(100):
print("Train epoch %s: Step %s" % (current_epoch, current_step), end="\r")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1111
Per Steven C. Howell's comment on Mark Rushakoff's answer
j = (i + 1) / n
stdout.write('[%-20s] %d%%' % ('='*int(20*j), 100*j))
where i
is the current item and n
is the total number of items
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1355
def printProgressBar(value,label):
n_bar = 40 #size of progress bar
max = 100
j= value/max
bar = '█' * int(n_bar * j)
bar = bar + '-' * int(n_bar * (1-j))
sys.stdout.write(f"{label.ljust(10)} | [{bar:{n_bar}s}] {int(100 * j)}% ")
IP | [████████████----------------------------] 30%
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 431
Here is something I have made using the solution by @Mark-Rushakoff. To adaptively adjust to the terminal width.
from time import sleep
import os
import sys
from math import ceil
l = list(map(int,os.popen('stty size','r').read().split()))
col = l[1]
col = col - 6
for i in range(col):
getStr = "[%s " % ('='*i)
sys.stdout.write(getStr.ljust(col)+"]"+"%d%%" % (ceil((100/col)*i)))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 18644
As described in Mark Rushakoff's solution, you can output the carriage return character, sys.stdout.write('\r')
, to reset the cursor to the beginning of the line. To generalize that solution, while also implementing Python 3's f-Strings, you could use
from time import sleep
import sys
n_bar = 50
iterable = range(33) # for demo purposes
n_iter = len(iterable)
for i, item in enumerate(iterable):
j = (i + 1) / n_iter
sys.stdout.write(f"[{'=' * int(n_bar * j):{n_bar}s}] {int(100 * j)}%")
# do something with <item> here
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 809
Using @Mark-Rushakoff answer, I worked out a simpler approach, no need to call the sys library. It works with Python 3. Tested in Windows:
from time import sleep
for i in range(21):
# the exact output you're looking for:
print ("\r[%-20s] %d%%" % ('='*i, 5*i), end='')
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1345
Here you can use following code as a function:
def drawProgressBar(percent, barLen = 20):
progress = ""
for i in range(barLen):
if i < int(barLen * percent):
progress += "="
progress += " "
sys.stdout.write("[ %s ] %.2f%%" % (progress, percent * 100))
With use of .format:
def drawProgressBar(percent, barLen = 20):
# percent float from 0 to 1.
sys.stdout.write("[{:<{}}] {:.0f}%".format("=" * int(barLen * percent), barLen, percent * 100))
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 725
Easiest is still
import sys
total_records = 1000
for i in range (total_records):
sys.stdout.write('\rUpdated record: ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(total_records))
Key is to convert the integer type to string.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 21
Try PyProg. PyProg is an open-source library for Python to create super customizable progress indicators & bars.
It is currently at version 1.0.2; it is hosted on Github and available on PyPI (Links down below). It is compatible with Python 3 & 2 and it can also be used with Qt Console.
It is really easy to use. The following code:
import pyprog
from time import sleep
# Create Object
prog = pyprog.ProgressBar(" ", " ", total=34, bar_length=26, complete_symbol="=", not_complete_symbol=" ", wrap_bar_prefix=" [", wrap_bar_suffix="] ", progress_explain="", progress_loc=pyprog.ProgressBar.PROGRESS_LOC_END)
# Update Progress Bar
for i in range(34):
# Do something
# Set current status
prog.set_stat(i + 1)
# Update Progress Bar again
# Make the Progress Bar final
will produce exactly what you want (even the bar length!):
[=========== ] 45%
[=============== ] 60%
[==========================] 100%
For more options to customize the progress bar, go to the Github page of this website.
I actually made PyProg because I needed a simple but super customizable progress bar library. You can easily install it with: pip install pyprog
PyProg Github:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 29116
If you are developing a command line interface, I suggest you to take a look at click
which is very nice:
import click
import time
for filename in range(3):
with click.progressbar(range(100), fill_char='=', empty_char=' ') as bar:
for user in bar:
Here the output you get:
$ python
[====================================] 100%
[====================================] 100%
[========= ] 27%
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 129109
There's a Python module that you can get from PyPI called progressbar
that implements such functionality. If you don't mind adding a dependency, it's a good solution. Otherwise, go with one of the other answers.
A simple example of how to use it:
import progressbar
from time import sleep
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=20, \
widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()])
for i in xrange(20):
To install it, you can use easy_install progressbar
, or pip install progressbar
if you prefer pip.
Upvotes: 180
Reputation: 432
This is quite a simple approach can be used with any loop.
for i in range(100001):
s = ((i/5000)*'#')+str(i)+(' %')
print ('\r'+s),
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 41
I came upon this thread today and after having tried out this solution from Mark Rushakoff
from time import sleep
import sys
for i in range(21):
# the exact output you're looking for:
sys.stdout.write("[%-20s] %d%%" % ('='*i, 5*i))
I can say that this works fine on W7-64 with python 3.4.3 64-bit but only in the native console. However when using the built-in console of spyder 3.0.0dev, the line breaks are still/again present. As this took me some time to figure out, I'd like to report this observation here.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2826
I found useful library tqdm (, previously: It automatically estimates time of completion and can be used as iterator.
import tqdm
import time
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1000)):
# or other long operations
Results in:
|####------| 450/1000 45% [elapsed: 00:04 left: 00:05, 99.15 iters/sec]
can wrap any iterable.
Upvotes: 131
Reputation: 21
Building on some of the answers here and elsewhere, I've written this simple function which displays a progress bar and elapsed/estimated remaining time. Should work on most unix-based machines.
import time
import sys
percent = 50.0
start = time.time()
draw_progress_bar(percent, start)
def draw_progress_bar(percent, start, barLen=20):
progress = ""
for i in range(barLen):
if i < int(barLen * percent):
progress += "="
progress += " "
elapsedTime = time.time() - start;
estimatedRemaining = int(elapsedTime * (1.0/percent) - elapsedTime)
if (percent == 1.0):
sys.stdout.write("[ %s ] %.1f%% Elapsed: %im %02is ETA: Done!\n" %
(progress, percent * 100, int(elapsedTime)/60, int(elapsedTime)%60))
sys.stdout.write("[ %s ] %.1f%% Elapsed: %im %02is ETA: %im%02is " %
(progress, percent * 100, int(elapsedTime)/60, int(elapsedTime)%60,
estimatedRemaining/60, estimatedRemaining%60))
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1207
based on the above answers and other similar questions about CLI progress bar, I think I got a general common answer to all of them. Check it at
Here is a copy of the function, but modified to fit your style:
import time, sys
# update_progress() : Displays or updates a console progress bar
## Accepts a float between 0 and 1. Any int will be converted to a float.
## A value under 0 represents a 'halt'.
## A value at 1 or bigger represents 100%
def update_progress(progress):
barLength = 20 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar
status = ""
if isinstance(progress, int):
progress = float(progress)
if not isinstance(progress, float):
progress = 0
status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n"
if progress < 0:
progress = 0
status = "Halt...\r\n"
if progress >= 1:
progress = 1
status = "Done...\r\n"
block = int(round(barLength*progress))
text = "\rPercent: [{0}] {1}% {2}".format( "="*block + " "*(barLength-block), progress*100, status)
Looks like
Percent: [====================] 99.0%
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 284927
You can use \r
(carriage return). Demo:
import sys
total = 10000000
point = total / 100
increment = total / 20
for i in xrange(total):
if(i % (5 * point) == 0):
sys.stdout.write("\r[" + "=" * (i / increment) + " " * ((total - i)/ increment) + "]" + str(i / point) + "%")
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 258388
The '\r'
character (carriage return) resets the cursor to the beginning of the line and allows you to write over what was previously on the line.
from time import sleep
import sys
for i in range(21):
# the exact output you're looking for:
sys.stdout.write("[%-20s] %d%%" % ('='*i, 5*i))
I'm not 100% sure if this is completely portable across all systems, but it works on Linux and OSX at the least.
Upvotes: 316