
Reputation: 35

Sort files according to creation date?

First Problem is solved. Files is perfectly arrange.

for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.GetSize(); i++)

vector<file> files;

vector<tstring> vec;
vec.insert(vec.begin(), &allFiles[0], &allFiles[allFiles.GetSize() - 1] + 1);

transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(),back_inserter(files),[](wstring const &fname)
    WIN32_FIND_DATA d;
    HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(fname.c_str(), &d);
    return d;


sort(files.begin(), files.end());
CStringArray sortFiles;
files.insert(files.begin(), &sortFiles[0], &sortFiles[sortFiles.GetSize() - 1] + 1);

Now The problem is how i save sort files in CStringArray. Last Statement show the error see the comments?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 6804

Answers (2)

akram Halder
akram Halder

Reputation: 9

Simple way to sort file based on creation date or last write date is store the files in to a map where Key is the date and value is the file name. Map will sort it for you.. my code example as below..

BOOL GetLastWriteTime(FILETIME ftWrite, LPWSTR lpszString, DWORD dwSize)
     DWORD dwRet;
     SYSTEMTIME st, stLocal;
    // Convert the last-write time to local time.
    FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftWrite, &st);
    SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &st, &stLocal);

    // Build a string showing the date and time.
    dwRet = StringCchPrintf(lpszString, dwSize, 
        stLocal.wMonth, stLocal.wDay, stLocal.wYear,
        stLocal.wHour, stLocal.wMinute, stLocal.wSecond, stLocal.wMilliseconds);

    if( S_OK == dwRet )
        return TRUE;
    else return FALSE;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    std::map<wstring, wstring> first;

     wstring directory = L"D:\\SourceCode\\FilesTemp\\*";
     std::wstring name;
     WCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH];
     WIN32_FIND_DATA d;
     HANDLE hFindFile   = FindFirstFile ( directory.c_str(), &d );

     if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
        DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError();

        if( dwLastError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES &&
            dwLastError != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
            return FALSE;

        // No files found
        return TRUE;
         if( d.cFileName[0] &&  _tcscmp( d.cFileName, _T( "." )) != 0 &&_tcscmp( d.cFileName, _T( ".." )) != 0 )
             name = d.cFileName;
             if(GetLastWriteTime( d.ftLastWriteTime, szBuf, MAX_PATH ))
                _tprintf(TEXT("Last write time is: %s\n"), szBuf);
                first[szBuf] = name;
     }while (FindNextFile ( hFindFile, &d ));

    return 0;

Upvotes: 0

Jerry Coffin
Jerry Coffin

Reputation: 490278

I would:

  1. Create a type to hold a file name and timestamp.
  2. Use FindFirstFile to get the timestamp you care about for each file.
  3. Create a name/timestamp object and store it into a vector.
  4. Call FindClose for that file.
  5. Repeat from 2 for each input file name.
  6. Sort the vector on the timestamp.
  7. Display the results.

So, one possible implementation might look something like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>

class file {
    std::string name;
    FILETIME time;
    bool operator<(file const &other) const { 
        return CompareFileTime(&time, &other.time) == 1;

    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, file const &f) {
        SYSTEMTIME st;
        FileTimeToSystemTime(&f.time, &st);
        return os << std::setw(20) << << "\t" << st.wHour << ":" << st.wMinute << ":" << st.wSecond << " " << st.wYear << "/" << st.wMonth << "/" << st.wDay;

    file(WIN32_FIND_DATA const &d) : name(d.cFileName), time(d.ftCreationTime) {}

int main(){ 
    std::vector<std::string> inputs{ "a.txt", "b.txt" };

    std::vector<file> files;

    std::transform(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), 
        [](std::string const &fname) {
            WIN32_FIND_DATA d;
            HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(fname.c_str(), &d);
            return d;

    std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
        std::ostream_iterator<file>(std::cout, "\n"));

To deal with "wide" (Unicode) strings for the file names, you'd modify that (slightly) to look something like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>

class file {
    std::wstring name;
    FILETIME time;
    bool operator<(file const &other) const { 
        return CompareFileTime(&time, &other.time) == 1;

    friend std::wostream &operator<<(std::wostream &os, file const &f) {
        SYSTEMTIME st;
        FileTimeToSystemTime(&f.time, &st);
        return os << std::setw(20) << << L"\t" << st.wHour << L":" << st.wMinute << L":" << st.wSecond << L" " << st.wYear << L"/" << st.wMonth << L"/" << st.wDay;

    file(WIN32_FIND_DATA const &d) : name(d.cFileName), time(d.ftCreationTime) {}

int main(){ 
    std::vector<std::wstring> inputs{ L"a.txt", L"b.txt" };

    std::vector<file> files;

    std::transform(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), 
        [](std::wstring const &fname) {
            WIN32_FIND_DATA d;
            HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(fname.c_str(), &d);
            return d;

    std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
    for (auto const &f : files)
        std::wcout << f << L"\n";

Then when you build it you need to tell the compiler you want the Unicode versions of the Windows functions by defining UNICODE when you compile:

cl -DUNICODE files.cpp

Upvotes: 5

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