Reputation: 235
I am getting a path of directory in a string , like "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Hello”
, and I am trying to get the last directory, but without success.
I tried a lot of manipulation on the string but in the end of the day i stayed with nothing... i will be grateful to get some help. Thanks !
Here was my first idea :
Get_Line(Line, Len);
while (Line /="") loop
NewLine :String := (Line(FirstWord .. Len));
Line:=NewLine ;
end loop;
I know its not working (I can’t assign NewLine
to Line
because there isn't a match between their lengths), and now I am stuck.
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Views: 1005
Reputation: 25501
I’m assuming you want to manipulate directory (and file) names, rather than just any old string?
In which case you should look at the standard library packages Ada.Directories
(ARM A.16) and Ada.Directories.Hierarchical_File_Names
(ARM A.16.1):
with Ada.Directories;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Tal is
Line : constant String := "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Hello";
Put_Line ("Full_Name: "
& Ada.Directories.Full_Name (Line));
Put_Line ("Simple_Name: "
& Ada.Directories.Simple_Name (Line));
Put_Line ("Containing_Directory: "
& Ada.Directories.Containing_Directory (Line));
Put_Line ("Base_Name: "
& Ada.Directories.Base_Name (Line));
end Tal;
On the other hand, if you’re trying to work out plain string manipulation, you could use something like
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Tal is
function Get_Last_Word (From : String;
With_Separator : String)
return String is
Separator_Position : constant Natural :=
Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Source => From,
Pattern => With_Separator,
Going => Ada.Strings.Backward);
-- This will fail if there are no separators in From
return From (Separator_Position + 1 .. From'Last); --'
end Get_Last_Word;
Line : constant String := "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Hello";
Last_Name : constant String := Get_Last_Word (Line, "\");
Put_Line (Last_Name);
end Tal;
As you can see, putting the logic in Get_Last_Word
allows you to hoist Last_Name
out of a declare
block. But it will never be possible to overwrite a fixed string with a substring of itself (unless you’re prepared to deal with trailing blanks, that is): it’s much better never to try.
Upvotes: 8