Reputation: 3009
I'm trying to detect a plastic object on video stream using OpenCV 2.4.9 on C++.
The object has six angles and its contour looks like :.
For each frame I'm doing some kind of segmentation and edges detection. After these operations i got some binary image containing corrupted contours of the object and some noise from background.
For example: or
I need somehow to detect my object here and restore contours. Could you advise some methods? I need a fast method since I want to run this program on android phone.
I know the proportions of my object. And the camera is always approximately at normal angle to the object's surface.
Sometimes when the contour is not corrupted much i can find the correct bounding box, but in other cases I can't.
I think that I need to use somehow the information about object's geometry here. I will appreciate any help!
If I have found a partial contour of the object, is it possible to fit My shape somehow inside found contour to obtain missing lines?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 376
Reputation: 3642
Given the shape is a fairly regular polygon, have you tried running Hough Lines and computing intersections to find the vertices ?
Even if you can't get all the vertices, you should be able to reconstruct the missing ones if you get 4 of 6.
The following uses Hough Probabilistic Lines to identify likely line segments. Setting the minimum line length can avoid a certain amount of noise.
I then use kmeans on the end points of all discovered line segments to identify 6 likely vertices.
Results were OK for the one image I tested on but you may need to do some additional outlier removal if you have a lot of other artefacts in your inout images
Mat image = imread(image_name);
// Convert to grey scale
Mat grey;
cvtColor(image, grey, CV_RGB2GRAY);
// Invert colour scheme
grey = 255 - grey;
// Find Hough probabilistic lines
vector<Vec4i> lines;
double rho( 1 );
double theta( M_PI / 180.0 );
int thresh( 10 );
double minLineLength(20.0);
double maxLineGap( 5.0);
HoughLinesP(grey, lines, rho, theta, thresh, minLineLength, maxLineGap);
// Store end points of these segments as vertices
vector<Point2f> vertices;
for( int i=0; i<lines.size(); i++ ) {
float x1 = lines[i][0];
float y1 = lines[i][1];
float x2 = lines[i][2];
float y2 = lines[i][3];
vertices.push_back(Point2f(x1, y1) );
vertices.push_back(Point2f( x2, y2) );
// Run kMeans on line ends to find 6 centres which we assume are verts
TermCriteria criteria(TermCriteria::EPS+TermCriteria::COUNT, 500, 1.0);
int attempts(20);
Mat centres, labels;
kmeans(vertices, 6, labels, criteria, attempts, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centres );
// Plot them on the RGB image
for( int i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
Point2f v1 = Point2f( vertices[i].x-2, vertices[i].y-2 );
Point2f v2 = Point2f( vertices[i].x-2, vertices[i].y+2 );
Point2f v3 = Point2f( vertices[i].x+2, vertices[i].y-2 );
Point2f v4 = Point2f( vertices[i].x+2, vertices[i].y+2 );
line(image, v1, v4, Scalar(255,255,0));
line(image, v2, v3, Scalar(255,255,0));
imshow( "Verts", image );
cout << centres << endl;
You can see that the topmost two points are practically co-located. I'm guessing this is because there's a couple of missing vertices. Still, the others are pretty well placed and you may be able to recover the missing ones through the shape's symmetry.
Upvotes: 2