Thats what I am using to read e-mail using C#:
outLookApp.NewMailEx += new ApplicationEvents_11_NewMailExEventHandler(outLookApp_NewMailEx);
Outlook.NameSpace olNameSpace = outLookApp.GetNamespace("mapi");
olNameSpace.Logon("xxxx", "xxxxx", false, true);
Outlook.MAPIFolder oInbox = olNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
Outlook.Items oItems = oInbox.Items;
MessageBox.Show("Total : " + oItems.Count); //Total Itemin inbox
oItems = oItems.Restrict("[Unread] = true");
MessageBox.Show("Total Unread : " + oItems.Count); //Unread Items
Outlook.MailItem oMsg;
Outlook.Attachment mailAttachement;
for (int i = 0; i < oItems.Count; i++)
oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oItems.GetFirst();
The problem that I am facing is this application only works if the Outlook is open on the machine. If Outlook is closed it throws an exception:
The server is not available. Contact your administrator if this condition persists.
Is there anyway I can read e-mail with Outlook open?
Upvotes: 9
Views: 21033
Reputation: 5757
This is kind of an old question, but I am going to answer it since I struggled with the same issue for a long time and the previous answers on this page did not really help me.
I had to write a program and use outlook to send an email on different machines with different UAC-levels and this is what I came up with after a long time.
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
// Create the Outlook application.
Outlook.Application oApp = null;
// Check whether there is an Outlook process running.
int outlookRunning = Process.GetProcessesByName("OUTLOOK").Length;
if (outlookRunning > 0)
// If so, use the GetActiveObject method to obtain the process and cast it to an Application object.
oApp = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application") as Outlook.Application;
catch (Exception)
oApp = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Outlook.Application")) as Outlook.Application;
// At this point we must kill Outlook (since outlook was started by user on a higher prio level than this current application)
// kill Outlook (otherwise it will only work if UAC is disabled)
// this is really a kind of last resort
Process[] workers = Process.GetProcessesByName("OUTLOOk");
foreach (Process worker in workers)
// If not, create a new instance of Outlook and log on to the default profile.
oApp = new Outlook.Application();
Outlook.NameSpace nameSpace = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");
// use default profile and DO NOT pop up a window
// on some pc bill gates fails to login without the popup, then we must pop up and lets use choose profile and allow access
nameSpace.Logon("", "", false, Missing.Value);
catch (Exception)
// use default profile and DO pop up a window
nameSpace.Logon("", "", true, true);
nameSpace = null;
// Done, now you can do what ever you want with the oApp, like creating a message and send it
// Create a new mail item.
Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 101192
Use a MAPI client to retrieve the emails and a MIME decoder to read them. Both exists in the lumisoft framework:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21791
I would personally not use Outlook as a proxy. If you're trying to ultimately monitor an Exchange store, then I'd use WebDav. Your Exchange server must support it - but if it does, it's a simple XML API. Well, the API bit is simple, but the XML is quite convoluted. But once you've encapsulated this in a bit of code, it's a doddle to use.
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Reputation: 4028
Are you sure you want to use Outlook as a proxy?
people seems to deal low level with such a task in C# (surprising there isn't any built-in component in the framework...)
Concerning Mat's response, Redemption is indeed a fine product (used it to parse mails upon arrival in outlook), but I doubt it can work without outlook running.
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Reputation: 8264
You'll likely run into this when Outlook is closed.
Also following this tutorial will ensure you're doing all the right steps part and parcel.
Best of luck!
Upvotes: 2