Reputation: 177
I'm using awk to swap fields in a filename using two different field separators. I want to know if it's possible to preserve both separators, '/' and '_', in the correct positions in the output.
I want to change this:
into this:
I've tried:
awk -F "[/_]" '{ t=$3; $3=$4; $4=t;print}' file.txt
but the field separators are missing from the output:
path to file example 123.txt
I've tried preserving the field separators:
awk -F "[/_]" '{t=$3; $3=$4; $4=t; OFS=FS; print}' file.txt
but I get this:
Is there a way of preserving the correct original field separator in awk when you're dealing multiple separators?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 592
Reputation: 103744
You can always use Perl.
$ echo $e
$ echo $e | perl -ple 's/([^_\/]+)_([^_\/]+)/\2_\1/'
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 34
$ cat /tmp/1
$ awk -F'_' '{split($1,a,".*/"); gsub(a[2],"",$1);print $1$2"_"a[2]"_"$3}' /tmp/1
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Reputation: 41446
Here is one solution:
awk -F/ '{n=split($NF,a,"_");b=a[1];a[1]=a[2];a[2]=b;$NF=a[1];for (i=2;i<=n;i++) $NF=$NF"_"a[i]}1' OFS=/ file
Upvotes: 1