I want to make an AppleScript that generates a salted hash with Terminal. Is there a specific Terminal command that can generate a salted hash, preferably a secure one like SHA-512? If possible, I would like one that's a one-liner so I can use it with the do shell script command. I searched the web but didn't find a way to generate a salted hash in Terminal, just a regular one.
I'm running OS X Mavericks 10.9.5.
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From what I understand, at least conceptually, what you're asking for requires 2 steps:
For later verification, you'll have to store the salt along with the resulting hash.
The following AppleScript handlers wrap shell functions that provide the requisite functionality - they're preceded by sample invocations.
Disclaimer: my understanding of this field is limited, so take these functions with a grain of salt (ha!).
The salt-generating function was gratefully adapted from this post.
# Sample text to hash.
set passwd to "somePassword"
# Generate salt value with 10 chars, amounting to about a 64-bit value.
set salt to generateSalt(10)
# Compute hash from combined salt and input value.
set hash to getSha512(salt & passwd)
# getSha512(text)
# Calculates and outputs TEXT's hash value using the SHA-512 (SHA-2) algorithm.
# Output is a 128-characters string composed of lowercase hexadecimal digits.
# To create a salted hash, obtain a salt with generateSalt() first and
# prepend it to the text to hash.
# Requires either the sha512sum or the shasum utility. One or the other should be
# available on BSD/OSX and Linux systems.
# set salt to generateSalt(20)
# set hash to getSha512(salt & passwd)
on getSha512(txt)
do shell script "
getSha512() {
local -a shaCmd
if command -v sha512sum &>/dev/null; then
shaCmd=( sha512sum )
elif command -v shasum &>/dev/null; then
shaCmd=( shasum -a 512 )
{ echo 'ERROR: Cannot locate SHA-512-generating utility.' >&2; return 1; }
# Invoke the SHA-generating command and output the first space-separated field.
# (The subsequent fields indicate the mode and input filename.)
\"${shaCmd[@]}\" <<<\"$1\" | cut -d' ' -f1
return \"${PIPESTATUS[0]}\"
getSha512 " & quoted form of txt
end getSha512
# generateSalt(numChars)
# Generates NUMCHARS random *printable* ASCII characters that can serve as
# cryptographic salt. Due to the range of printable characters, each character
# returned contains ca. 6.55 bits of information.
# Thus, for instance, to get a 64-bit salt value, specify 10 for NUMCHARS.
# For a 128-bit value, specify 20.
# Use /dev/urandom as the source of random data.
# File /dev/urandom as a source of random bytes.
# The `head` utility must support the -c option to extract a number of *bytes*.
# Both BSD/OSX and Linux systems fulfill these requirements.
# set salt to generateSalt(20) # get a ca. 128-bit salt value as 20 printable ASCII chars.
on generateSalt(numChars)
do shell script "
generateSalt() {
[[ -c /dev/urandom ]] || { echo 'ERROR: Random source /dev/urandom not available.' >&2; return 1; }
LC_ALL=C tr -cd '!\"#$%&'\\''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~' < /dev/urandom | head -c $1
generateSalt " & numChars
end generateSalt
Upvotes: 1