Reputation: 2705
I am starting to use Spark DataFrames and I need to be able to pivot the data to create multiple columns out of 1 column with multiple rows. There is built in functionality for that in Scalding and I believe in Pandas in Python, but I can't find anything for the new Spark Dataframe.
I assume I can write custom function of some sort that will do this but I'm not even sure how to start, especially since I am a novice with Spark. If anyone knows how to do this with built-in functionality or suggestions for how to write something in Scala, it is greatly appreciated.
Upvotes: 91
Views: 133737
Reputation: 330453
As mentioned by David Anderson Spark provides pivot
function since version 1.6. General syntax looks as follows:
.pivot(pivot_column, [values])
Usage examples using nycflights13
and csv
from pyspark.sql.functions import avg
flights = (sqlContext
.options(inferSchema="true", header="true")
gexprs = ("origin", "dest", "carrier")
aggexpr = avg("arr_delay")
## 336776
%timeit -n10 flights.groupBy(*gexprs ).pivot("hour").agg(aggexpr).count()
## 10 loops, best of 3: 1.03 s per loop
val flights = sqlContext
.options(Map("inferSchema" -> "true", "header" -> "true"))
.groupBy($"origin", $"dest", $"carrier")
import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
import org.apache.spark.sql.*;
Dataset<Row> df ="csv")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("header", "true")
df.groupBy(col("origin"), col("dest"), col("carrier"))
R / SparkR:
flights <- read.df("flights.csv", source="csv", header=TRUE, inferSchema=TRUE)
flights %>%
groupBy("origin", "dest", "carrier") %>%
pivot("hour") %>%
R / sparklyr
flights <- spark_read_csv(sc, "flights", "flights.csv")
avg.arr.delay <- function(gdf) {
expr <- invoke_static(
gdf %>% invoke("agg", expr, list())
flights %>%
sdf_pivot(origin + dest + carrier ~ hour, fun.aggregate=avg.arr.delay)
Note that PIVOT keyword in Spark SQL is supported starting from version 2.4.
OPTIONS (header 'true', path 'flights.csv', inferSchema 'true') ;
SELECT origin, dest, carrier, arr_delay, hour FROM flights
FOR hour IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)
Example data:
2013,1,1,517,515,2,830,819,11,"UA",1545,"N14228","EWR","IAH",227,1400,5,15,2013-01-01 05:00:00
2013,1,1,533,529,4,850,830,20,"UA",1714,"N24211","LGA","IAH",227,1416,5,29,2013-01-01 05:00:00
2013,1,1,542,540,2,923,850,33,"AA",1141,"N619AA","JFK","MIA",160,1089,5,40,2013-01-01 05:00:00
2013,1,1,544,545,-1,1004,1022,-18,"B6",725,"N804JB","JFK","BQN",183,1576,5,45,2013-01-01 05:00:00
2013,1,1,554,600,-6,812,837,-25,"DL",461,"N668DN","LGA","ATL",116,762,6,0,2013-01-01 06:00:00
2013,1,1,554,558,-4,740,728,12,"UA",1696,"N39463","EWR","ORD",150,719,5,58,2013-01-01 05:00:00
2013,1,1,555,600,-5,913,854,19,"B6",507,"N516JB","EWR","FLL",158,1065,6,0,2013-01-01 06:00:00
2013,1,1,557,600,-3,709,723,-14,"EV",5708,"N829AS","LGA","IAD",53,229,6,0,2013-01-01 06:00:00
2013,1,1,557,600,-3,838,846,-8,"B6",79,"N593JB","JFK","MCO",140,944,6,0,2013-01-01 06:00:00
2013,1,1,558,600,-2,753,745,8,"AA",301,"N3ALAA","LGA","ORD",138,733,6,0,2013-01-01 06:00:00
Performance considerations:
Generally speaking pivoting is an expensive operation.
if you can, try to provide values
list, as this avoids an extra hit to compute the uniques:
vs = list(range(25))
%timeit -n10 flights.groupBy(*gexprs ).pivot("hour", vs).agg(aggexpr).count()
## 10 loops, best of 3: 392 ms per loop
in some cases it proved to be beneficial (likely no longer worth the effort in 2.0 or later) to repartition
and / or pre-aggregate the data
for reshaping only, you can use first
: Pivot String column on Pyspark Dataframe
Related questions:
Upvotes: 133
Reputation: 3321
There is a SIMPLE method for pivoting :
id tag value
1 US 50
1 UK 100
1 Can 125
2 US 75
2 UK 150
2 Can 175
import sparkSession.implicits._
val data = Seq(
val dataFrame = data.toDF("id","tag","value")
val df2 = dataFrame
| id|Can| UK| US|
| 1|125|100| 50|
| 2|175|150| 75|
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1164
Spark has been providing improvements to Pivoting the Spark DataFrame. A pivot function has been added to the Spark DataFrame API to Spark 1.6 version and it has a performance issue and that has been corrected in Spark 2.0
however, if you are using lower version; note that pivot is a very expensive operation hence, it is recommended to provide column data (if known) as an argument to function as shown below.
val countries = Seq("USA","China","Canada","Mexico")
val pivotDF = df.groupBy("Product").pivot("Country", countries).sum("Amount")
This has been explained detailed at Pivoting and Unpivoting Spark DataFrame
Happy Learning !!
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 1668
There are plenty of examples of pivot operation on dataset/dataframe, but I could not find many using SQL. Here is an example that worked for me.
create or replace temporary view faang
as SELECT AS `Date`,
stock.adj_close AS `Price`,
stock.symbol as `Symbol`
FROM stock
WHERE (stock.symbol rlike '^(FB|AAPL|GOOG|AMZN)$') and year(date) > 2010;
SELECT * from faang
PIVOT (max(price) for symbol in ('AAPL', 'FB', 'GOOG', 'AMZN')) order by date;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1152
The built-in spark pivot function is inefficient. The bellow implementation works on spark 2.4+ - the idea is to aggregate a map and extract the values as columns. The only limitation is it does not handle aggregate function in the pivoted columns, only column(s).
On a 8M table, those functions applies on 3 secondes, versus 40 minutes in the built-in spark version:
# pass an optional list of string to avoid computation of columns
def pivot(df, group_by, key, aggFunction, levels=[]):
if not levels:
levels = [row[key] for row in df.filter(col(key).isNotNull()).groupBy(col(key)).agg(count(key)).select(key).collect()]
return df.filter(col(key).isin(*levels) == True).groupBy(group_by).agg(map_from_entries(collect_list(struct(key, expr(aggFunction)))).alias("group_map")).select([group_by] + ["group_map." + l for l in levels])
# Usage
pivot(df, "id", "key", "value")
pivot(df, "id", "key", "array(value)")
// pass an optional list of string to avoid computation of columns
def pivot(df: DataFrame, groupBy: Column, key: Column, aggFunct: String, _levels: List[String] = Nil): DataFrame = {
val levels =
if (_levels.isEmpty) df.filter(key.isNotNull).select(key).distinct().collect().map(row => row.getString(0)).toList
else _levels
.agg(map_from_entries(collect_list(struct(key, expr(aggFunct)))).alias("group_map"))
.select(groupBy.toString, => "group_map." + f): _*)
// Usage:
pivot(df, col("id"), col("key"), "value")
pivot(df, col("id"), col("key"), "array(value)")
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 65
There is simple and elegant solution.
scala> spark.sql("select * from k_tags limit 10").show()
| imsi| name| value|
|246021000000000| age| 37|
|246021000000000| gender|Female|
|246021000000000| arpu| 22|
|246021000000000| DeviceType| Phone|
|246021000000000|DataAllowance| 6GB|
scala> spark.sql("select * from k_tags limit 10").groupBy($"imsi").pivot("name").agg(min($"value")).show()
| imsi|DataAllowance|DeviceType|age|arpu|gender|
|246021000000000| 6GB| Phone| 37| 22|Female|
|246021000000001| 1GB| Phone| 72| 10| Male|
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 2705
I overcame this by writing a for loop to dynamically create a SQL query. Say I have:
id tag value
1 US 50
1 UK 100
1 Can 125
2 US 75
2 UK 150
2 Can 175
and I want:
id US UK Can
1 50 100 125
2 75 150 175
I can create a list with the value I want to pivot and then create a string containing the SQL query I need.
val countries = List("US", "UK", "Can")
val numCountries = countries.length - 1
var query = "select *, "
for (i <- 0 to numCountries-1) {
query += """case when tag = """" + countries(i) + """" then value else 0 end as """ + countries(i) + ", "
query += """case when tag = """" + countries.last + """" then value else 0 end as """ + countries.last + " from myTable"
val myDF1 = sqlContext.sql(query)
I can create similar query to then do the aggregation. Not a very elegant solution but it works and is flexible for any list of values, which can also be passed in as an argument when your code is called.
Upvotes: 16
Reputation: 165
Initially i adopted Al M's solution. Later took the same thought and rewrote this function as a transpose function.
This method transposes any df rows to columns of any data-format with using key and value column
for input csv
|id| UK| US|Can|
| 2|150| 75|175|
| 1|100|50a|125|
transpose method :
def transpose(hc : HiveContext , df: DataFrame,compositeId: List[String], key: String, value: String) = {
val distinctCols = { r => r(0) }.collect().toList
val rdd = { row =>
(compositeId.collect { case id => row.getAs(id).asInstanceOf[Any] },
scala.collection.mutable.Map(row.getAs(key).asInstanceOf[Any] -> row.getAs(value).asInstanceOf[Any]))
val pairRdd = rdd.reduceByKey(_ ++ _)
val rowRdd = => dynamicRow(r, distinctCols))
hc.createDataFrame(rowRdd, getSchema(df.schema, compositeId, (key, distinctCols)))
private def dynamicRow(r: (List[Any], scala.collection.mutable.Map[Any, Any]), colNames: List[Any]) = {
val cols = colNames.collect { case col => r._2.getOrElse(col.toString(), null) }
val array = r._1 ++ cols
Row(array: _*)
private def getSchema(srcSchema: StructType, idCols: List[String], distinctCols: (String, List[Any])): StructType = {
val idSchema = { idCol => srcSchema.apply(idCol) }
val colSchema = srcSchema.apply(distinctCols._1)
val colsSchema = { col => StructField(col.asInstanceOf[String], colSchema.dataType, colSchema.nullable) }
StructType(idSchema ++ colsSchema)
main snippet
import java.util.Date
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val dfdata1 ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true")
val dfOutput = transpose(new HiveContext(sc), dfdata1, List("id"), "tag", "value")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 43707
A pivot operator has been added to the Spark dataframe API, and is part of Spark 1.6.
See for details.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 557
I have solved a similar problem using dataframes with the following steps:
Create columns for all your countries, with 'value' as the value:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val countries = List("US", "UK", "Can")
val countryValue = udf{(countryToCheck: String, countryInRow: String, value: Long) =>
if(countryToCheck == countryInRow) value else 0
val countryFuncs ={country => (dataFrame: DataFrame) => dataFrame.withColumn(country, countryValue(lit(country), df("tag"), df("value"))) }
val dfWithCountries = Function.chain(countryFuncs)(df).drop("tag").drop("value")
Your dataframe 'dfWithCountries' will look like this:
|id|US| UK|Can|
| 1|50| 0| 0|
| 1| 0|100| 0|
| 1| 0| 0|125|
| 2|75| 0| 0|
| 2| 0|150| 0|
| 2| 0| 0|175|
Now you can sum together all the values for your desired result:
dfWithCountries.groupBy("id").sum(countries: _*).show
| 1| 50| 100| 125|
| 2| 75| 150| 175|
It's not a very elegant solution though. I had to create a chain of functions to add in all the columns. Also if I have lots of countries, I will expand my temporary data set to a very wide set with lots of zeroes.
Upvotes: 6