Reputation: 946
I am trying to convert an StdPicture into a PNG before encoding it to Base64 to be sent over XML. I've gotten the Base64 encoding portion down (see near end of function EncodeImageToBase64()
) however I am having trouble converting the StdPicture object into a PNG byte array.
Here's my function:
Private Function EncodeImageToBase64(ByRef Image As StdPicture) As String
Dim xmlDoc As DOMDocument60
Dim xmlNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim bColor() As Byte
Dim bMask() As Byte
Dim bImage() As Byte
Dim lCrcTable() As Long
Dim lWidth As Long
Dim lHeight As Long
EncodeImageToBase64 = vbNullString
If Image Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
Call MakeCRC32Table(lCrcTable)
Call IconPicToArrays(Image, bColor, bMask, lWidth, lHeight)
If Not CreatePngByteArray(bImage, lWidth, lHeight, bColor, bMask, lCrcTable) Then
Debug.Assert False
Exit Function
End If
'Call GetPictureBits(bImage, Image)
Set xmlDoc = New DOMDocument60
Set xmlNode = xmlDoc.createElement("b64")
xmlNode.DataType = "bin.base64"
xmlNode.nodeTypedValue = bImage
EncodeImageToBase64 = xmlNode.Text
Set xmlNode = Nothing
Set xmlDoc = Nothing
End Function
The problem is that the people who wrote CreatePngByteArray only intended the function to convert PNG's of 16x16. Thus my 32x32 icons fail the assertion that's in the function:
'Create PNG (RFC-2083) image based on a 16x16 icon's color and mask bitmaps
Public Function CreatePngByteArray(ByRef bTarget() As Byte, ByVal Width As Long, ByVal _
Height As Long, bColor() As Byte, bMask() As Byte, lCrcTable() As Long) As Boolean
Dim bIndex() As Byte
Dim bPalette() As Byte
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lCRC As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim z As Long
Dim lPalSize As Long
If Width > 16 Or Height > 16 Then Exit Function
lPalSize = RGBtoPalette(bColor, bMask, bIndex, bPalette, Width, Height)
ReDim bTarget(0 To 364 + lPalSize) As Byte '8+25+(12+lPalSize)+13+295+12-1
'PNG signature 'long val = -1991225785 'hex value = 89504E47
bTarget(0) = 137
bTarget(1) = 80
bTarget(2) = 78
bTarget(3) = 71
bTarget(4) = 13
bTarget(5) = 10
bTarget(6) = 26
bTarget(7) = 10
lPos = 8
Call FlipLongToArray(13, bTarget(), lPos)
Call FlipLongToArray(pctIHDR, bTarget(), lPos + 4) 'add chunk flag
Call FlipLongToArray(Width, bTarget(), lPos + 8)
Call FlipLongToArray(Height, bTarget(), lPos + 12)
bTarget(lPos + 16) = 8 'bit depth
bTarget(lPos + 17) = 3 'color type
bTarget(lPos + 18) = 0 'compression - none
bTarget(lPos + 19) = 0 'filter
bTarget(lPos + 20) = 0 'interlace
lCRC = CRC32(bTarget(), lPos + 4, lPos + 20, lCrcTable())
Call FlipLongToArray(lCRC, bTarget(), lPos + 21)
lPos = lPos + 25
Call FlipLongToArray(lPalSize, bTarget(), lPos)
Call FlipLongToArray(pctPLTE, bTarget(), lPos + 4) 'add chunk flag
Call CopyMemory(bTarget(lPos + 8), bPalette(0), lPalSize)
lCRC = CRC32(bTarget(), lPos + 4, lPos + lPalSize + 7, lCrcTable())
Call FlipLongToArray(lCRC, bTarget(), lPos + lPalSize + 8)
lPos = lPos + lPalSize + 12
Call FlipLongToArray(1, bTarget(), lPos)
Call FlipLongToArray(pcttRNS, bTarget(), lPos + 4) 'add chunk flag
bTarget(lPos + 8) = 0 'alpha
lCRC = CRC32(bTarget(), lPos + 4, lPos + 8, lCrcTable())
Call FlipLongToArray(lCRC, bTarget(), lPos + 9)
lPos = lPos + 13
Call FlipLongToArray(283, bTarget(), lPos)
Call FlipLongToArray(pctIDAT, bTarget(), lPos + 4) 'add chunk flag
bTarget(lPos + 8) = 24 '8=deflate + 16=512b LZ77 window (RFC-1950)
bTarget(lPos + 9) = 25 'so that (CompMethod*256 + AddlFlags) Mod 31=0 (RFC-1950)
bTarget(lPos + 10) = 1 '(RFC-1951)
bTarget(lPos + 11) = 16 '272: LEN 0 (RFC-1951)
bTarget(lPos + 12) = 1 '272: LEN 1
bTarget(lPos + 13) = &HEF '~272: NLEN 0 (RFC-1951)
bTarget(lPos + 14) = &HFE '~272: NLEN 1
For X = 0 To 15
bTarget(lPos + 15 + z) = 0
Call CopyMemory(bTarget(lPos + 16 + z), bIndex(Y), 16)
Y = Y + 16
z = z + 17
Next X
lCRC = Adler32(bTarget(), lPos + 15, lPos + 286)
Call FlipLongToArray(lCRC, bTarget(), lPos + 287) 'Adler32 is supposed to be safe to leave empty, but isn't
lCRC = CRC32(bTarget(), lPos + 4, lPos + 290, lCrcTable())
Call FlipLongToArray(lCRC, bTarget(), lPos + 291)
lPos = lPos + 295
Call FlipLongToArray(0, bTarget(), lPos)
Call FlipLongToArray(pctIEND, bTarget(), lPos + 4) 'add chunk flag
lCRC = CRC32(bTarget(), lPos + 4, lPos + 7, lCrcTable())
Call FlipLongToArray(lCRC, bTarget(), lPos + 8)
CreatePngByteArray = True
End Function
I've looked over this code relentlessly but I have not done very much low-level programming (dealing with bytes and whatnot) and have come up far short.
Is there any way to repurpose this, or any other way to be able to convert PNG images of any size into byte arrays? If I'm going to be using libraries /.dlls I prefer they be standard Microsoft ones.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 395
Reputation: 11991
You can use a property bag like this
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim encoded As String
encoded = EncodeImageToBase64(LoadPicture("d:\temp\aaa.gif"))
Caption = "Encoded Size: " & Len(encoded)
Set Picture = DecodeImageFromBase64(encoded)
End Sub
Private Function EncodeImageToBase64(ByRef Image As StdPicture) As String
Dim oBag As PropertyBag
Set oBag = New PropertyBag
oBag.WriteProperty "i", Image, Nothing
With VBA.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument").createElement("dummy")
.DataType = "bin.base64"
.NodeTypedValue = oBag.Contents
EncodeImageToBase64 = .Text
End With
End Function
Private Function DecodeImageFromBase64(ByRef Base64 As String) As StdPicture
Dim oBag As PropertyBag
Dim QH As Long
On Error GoTo QH
Set oBag = New PropertyBag
With VBA.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument").createElement("dummy")
.DataType = "bin.base64"
.Text = Base64
oBag.Contents = .NodeTypedValue
End With
Set DecodeImageFromBase64 = oBag.ReadProperty("i", Nothing)
End Function
Upvotes: 1