
Reputation: 170

Visual Studio <AtlImplementationDetails> IntelliSense Error

i tried to import a VS sln file, probably created using VS 2010 or 2008, into VS 2013 Ultimate. That went pretty well and i could rebuild the project.

Then i added the opencv libraries and it wouldn't compile, getting the following Errors in the atlbase.h file:

namespace __identifier("<AtlImplementationDetails>")

causes "IntelliSense: Expecting C++ Keyword" multiple times and

inline LSTATUS CRegKey::EnumKey(
_In_ DWORD iIndex,
_Out_writes_to_(*pnNameLength, *pnNameLength) _Post_z_ LPTSTR pszName,
_Inout_ LPDWORD pnNameLength,
_Out_opt_ FILETIME**  pftLastWriteTime) throw()
  FILETIME* ftLastWriteTime;

  ATLASSUME(m_hKey != NULL);
  if (pftLastWriteTime == NULL)
      pftLastWriteTime = &ftLastWriteTime;

return ::RegEnumKeyEx(m_hKey, iIndex, pszName, pnNameLength, NULL, NULL,    NULL, pftLastWriteTime);

causes "IntelliSense: FILETIME is ambigous" multiple times. To fix that, i changed it to

System::Runtime::InteropServices::ComTypes::FILETIME* ftLastWriteTime;

but that caused the following error:

7   IntelliSense: The Deklaration is not compatible with ""LSTATUS ATL::CRegKey::EnumKey(DWORD iIndex, LPTSTR pszName, LPDWORD pnNameLength, System::Runtime::InteropServices::ComTypes::FILETIME *pftLastWriteTime = (System::Runtime::InteropServices::ComTypes::FILETIME *)0)" (deklared in 5685 von "C:\VisualStudio\VC\atlmfc\include\AtlBase.h")".    c:\VisualStudio\VC\atlmfc\include\atlbase.h 5826    25  Start IPC2

Any ideas?

best, hh

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1627

Answers (1)


Reputation: 6666

Ensure that you have set your OpenCV Libraries to be the correct version of Visual Studio.

In this case change them from VS11 to VS12 and it will work. The errors you are getting will only take you down a path of misery and confusion.

Upvotes: 1

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