Reputation: 4914
I allocate buffers and start audio queue like
// allocate the buffers and prime the queue with some data before starting
AudioQueueBufferRef buffers[kNumberPlaybackBuffers];
isDone = false;
packetPosition = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < kNumberPlaybackBuffers; ++i)
CheckError(AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(queue, packetBufferSize, &buffers[i]), "AudioQueueAllocateBuffer failed");
// manually invoke callback to fill buffers with data
MyAQOutputCallBack((__bridge void *)(self), queue, buffers[i]);
// EOF (the entire file's contents fit in the buffers)
if (isDone)
// start the queue. this function returns immedatly and begins
// invoking the callback, as needed, asynchronously.
CheckError(AudioQueueStart(queue, NULL), "AudioQueueStart failed");
Above code successfully call the outputcallback
#pragma mark playback callback function
static void MyAQOutputCallBack(void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueueBufferRef inCompleteAQBuffer)
// this is called by the audio queue when it has finished decoding our data.
// The buffer is now free to be reused.
AnotherPlayer* player = (__bridge AnotherPlayer *)inUserData;
[player handleBufferCompleteForQueue:inAQ buffer:inCompleteAQBuffer];
which calls an objective-c function where I fill the buffers and enqueu them.
- (void)handleBufferCompleteForQueue:(AudioQueueRef)inAQ
BOOL isBufferFilled=NO;
size_t bytesFilled=0; // how many bytes have been filled
size_t packetsFilled=0; // how many packets have been filled
size_t bufSpaceRemaining;
while (isBufferFilled==NO ) {
if (currentlyReadingBufferIndex<[sharedCache.baseAudioCache count]) {
printf("currentlyReadingBufferIndex %i\n",currentlyReadingBufferIndex);
//loop thru untill buffer is enqued
if (sharedCache.baseAudioCache) {
NSMutableDictionary *myDict= [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
myDict=[sharedCache.baseAudioCache objectAtIndex:currentlyReadingBufferIndex];
//UInt32 inNumberBytes =[[myDict objectForKey:@"inNumberBytes"] intValue];
UInt32 inNumberPackets =[[myDict objectForKey:@"inNumberPackets"] intValue];
NSData *convert=[myDict objectForKey:@"inInputData"];
const void *inInputData=(const char *)[convert bytes];
//AudioStreamPacketDescription *inPacketDescriptions;
AudioStreamPacketDescription *inPacketDescriptions= malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamPacketDescription));
NSNumber *mStartOffset = [myDict objectForKey:@"mStartOffset"];
NSNumber *mDataByteSize = [myDict objectForKey:@"mDataByteSize"];
NSNumber *mVariableFramesInPacket = [myDict objectForKey:@"mVariableFramesInPacket"];
inPacketDescriptions->mVariableFramesInPacket=[mVariableFramesInPacket intValue];
inPacketDescriptions->mStartOffset=[mStartOffset intValue];
inPacketDescriptions->mDataByteSize=[mDataByteSize intValue];
for (int i = 0; i < inNumberPackets; ++i)
SInt64 packetOffset = [mStartOffset intValue];
SInt64 packetSize = [mDataByteSize intValue];
printf("packetOffset %lli\n",packetOffset);
printf("packetSize %lli\n",packetSize);
if (packetSize > packetBufferSize)
//[self failWithErrorCode:AS_AUDIO_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL];
bufSpaceRemaining = packetBufferSize - bytesFilled;
printf("bufSpaceRemaining %zu\n",bufSpaceRemaining);
// if the space remaining in the buffer is not enough for this packet, then enqueue the buffer.
if (bufSpaceRemaining < packetSize)
packetDescs), "AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer failed");
// OSStatus status = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(inAQ,
// fillBuf,
// packetsFilled,
// packetDescs);
// if (status) {
// // This is also not called.
// NSLog(@"Error enqueueing buffer %d", (int)status);
// }
//printf("bufSpaceRemaining < packetSize\n");
//go to the next item on keepbuffer array
// If there was some kind of issue with enqueueBuffer and we didn't
// make space for the new audio data then back out
if (bytesFilled + packetSize > packetBufferSize)
// copy data to the audio queue buffer
//error -66686 refers to
//kAudioQueueErr_BufferEmpty = -66686
memcpy((char*)inBuffer->mAudioData + bytesFilled, (const char*)inInputData + packetOffset, packetSize);
//memcpy(inBuffer->mAudioData, (const char*)inInputData + packetOffset, packetSize);
// fill out packet description
packetDescs[packetsFilled] = inPacketDescriptions[0];
packetDescs[packetsFilled].mStartOffset = bytesFilled;
bytesFilled += packetSize;
packetsFilled += 1;
// if that was the last free packet description, then enqueue the buffer.
size_t packetsDescsRemaining = kAQMaxPacketDescs - packetsFilled;
if (packetsDescsRemaining == 0) {
packetDescs), "AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer failed");
printf("if that was the last free packet description, then enqueue the buffer\n");
//go to the next item on keepbuffer array
Here once the buffer is full I call AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer
, I think problem might be memcpy(
but through break point it seems there is some data in the buffer but it still gives me
Error: AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer failed (-66686)
That means in AudioQueue.h
kAudioQueueErr_BufferEmpty = -66686,
Upvotes: 2
Views: 997
Reputation: 4914
filling mAudioDataByteSize of the buffer before enquing it solved the problem
inBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize = bytesFilled;
packetDescs), "AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer failed");
Upvotes: 1