Reputation: 2030
I need to apply a filter on data frame in my Shiny App. I am looking for some button (small one) that opens a multiselect list of values of a specific column. Something like Excel's table filter
As an example (from another topic):
ui = fluidPage(
checkboxGroupInput("specy", "Specy", choices = levels(iris$Species)),
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$content <- renderTable({
iris[iris$Species == input$specy, ]
Some idea from the widget fallery: use checkboxGroupInput
that appears clicking on actionButton
All kind of suggestions are welcome. Thank's
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4127
Reputation: 927
This gets you most of the way, but it doesn't have a way to hide the checkbox once you have selected an option:
ui = fluidPage(
actionButton("show_checkbox", "Show Choices"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$checkbox <- renderUI({
if ( is.null(input$show_checkbox) ) { return(NULL) }
if ( input$show_checkbox == 0 ) { return(NULL) }
return(checkboxGroupInput("specy", "Specy", choices = levels(iris$Species)))
output$content <- renderTable({
if ( is.null(input$specy) ) { return(iris) }
if ( length(input$specy) == 0 ) { return(iris) }
iris[iris$Species == input$specy, ]
Upvotes: 3