Reputation: 642
I'm making a program to manage and show data about airports, their flights and so on. The fact is that I have a tableView (in javafx) with several tableColumns, and I want to show some information (destiny, origin, company, etc) on each column so I typed this:
private TableColumn<Flight, String> destinoCol;
private TableColumn<Flight, String> numCol;
private MenuButton aeropuerto;
private MenuButton tipo;
private Button filtrar;
private TableColumn<Flight, LocalTime> horaCol;
private Button este;
private DatePicker fecha;
private TableColumn<Flight, String> origenCol;
private Label retrasoLabel;
private ImageView companiaImg;
private VBox detalles;
private Button todos;
private ImageView avionImg;
private Label tipoLabel;
private mainVuelos m;
private List<Airport> aeropuertos;
private Data data;
void initialize() {
data = Data.getInstance();
aeropuertos = data.getAirportList();
List<MenuItem> ItemAeropuertos = new LinkedList<MenuItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < aeropuertos.size(); i++) {
MenuItem item = new MenuItem(aeropuertos.get(i).getName());
item.setOnAction((event) -> cambiarAer(event));
destinoCol.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().getDestiny());
The method getDestiny()
, as it says returns the destiny of a specific flight as a String
so obviously I cannot use the last instruction, it says
cannot convert from String to ObservableValue<String>
but I don't really know how to solve it in order to be able to show the destinies on that column.
Upvotes: 10
Views: 18421
Reputation: 167
I am a bit late I think, but this might help others. You can have cade as below
destinoCol.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().destinyProperty().asObject());
This code will work for property other than string, as I had problem with "LongProperty".
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 209684
According to the Javadocs, setCellValueFactory(...)
expects a Callback<CellDataFeatures<Flight, String>, ObservableValue<String>>
, i.e a function that takes a CellDataFeatures<Flight, String>
as its parameter, and results in an ObservableValue<String>
As the error message says, your function evaluates to a String
), which is not the correct type.
You have two choices, depending on your actual requirements.
Either you can create something on the fly that is of the correct type: the easiest thing to use is a ReadOnlyStringWrapper
destinoCol.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(cellData.getValue().getDestiny()));
This will display the correct value, but won't be nicely "wired" to the property of the flight object. If your table is editable, edits won't automatically propagate back to the underlying object, and changes to the underlying object from elsewhere won't automatically update in the table.
If you need this functionality (and this is probably a better approach anyway), you should implement your model class Flight
to use JavaFX properties:
public class Flight {
private final StringProperty destiny = new SimpleStringProperty();
public StringProperty destinyProperty() {
return destiny ;
public final String getDestiny() {
return destinyProperty().get();
public final void setDestiny(String destiny) {
// similarly for other properties...
and then you can do
destinoCol.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().destinyProperty());
Upvotes: 16