Reputation: 1277
I'm having trouble with my JSONObject
this is my code :
fisTargetFile = new FileInputStream(new File("C:/moe.json"));
input = IOUtils.toString(fisTargetFile, "UTF-8");
jsonData = input;
myJSONObject = eval('(' + jsonData + ' )');
len = myJSONObject.cells.length;
count = 0;
if (count < len) {
var name = myJSONObject.cells[count].attrs.text;
var type = myJSONObject.cells[count].type;
var photo = myJSONObject.cells[count].attrs.image.xlink:href;
row["name"] = name;
row["type"] = type;
// row["photo"] = photo;
return true;
return false;
My problem is in this line var photo = myJSONObject.cells[count].attrs.image.xlink:href;
i can't access my Image data because this is not a correct syntax ":" how can i overcome it ? is there a way to escape the ":" ?
Edit : this is my JSON object :
"cells": [
"type": "basic.Platform",
"size": {
"width": 60,
"height": 60
"custom": {
"identifier": [
"name": "Name1",
"URI": "Value1"
"classifier": [
"name": "Name2",
"URI": "Value2"
"output": [
"name": "Name3",
"URI": "Value3"
"imported": false,
"event": [
"ref": [
"uuid": [
"position": {
"x": 390,
"y": 230
"angle": 0,
"id": "dc537ba7-b9dc-476e-9f09-8c1f5211f9bb",
"embeds": "",
"z": 1,
"description": "",
"attrs": {
"text": {
"font-size": "9",
"text": "rere",
"ref-x": "0.5",
"ref-dy": "20",
"fill": "#000000",
"font-family": "Arial",
"display": "",
"stroke": "#000000",
"stroke-width": "0",
"font-weight": "400"
"image": {
"width": 50,
"height": 50,
"xlink:href": "data:image\/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAG4AAACWCAYAAAA\/mr2PAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAyJpVFh0WE1MOmNvbS5hZG9iZS5EOsBjwfqm3fvx0eIfsT89"
] }
I have trimmed the xlink:href data because it's too long.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 105
Reputation: 4007
Yes there is
Reasoning: Any where you use the dot notation to separate object references you can also use the square bracket notation and pass in a string. This is the standard way to reference something that is not a "valid" identifier such as a colon in the middle of a name.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4277
You may try to access it like a property of image["xlink:href"]
Or please specify what that column stands for.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 12785
In JavaScript, objects are also associative arrays (or hashes).
That is, the property
can also be read or written by calling foo["bar"]
var photo = myJSONObject.cells[count].attrs.image["xlink:href"];
Upvotes: 1