What am I doing Wrong? "list index out of range" on line 7 Sorry for russian letters in code, it's my hometask. Help me please.
import sys
morze = ['-----', '.----', '..---', '...--', '....-', '.....', '-....', '--...', '---..', '----.']
ralphabet = 'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя' #Russian alphabet 0-32
doc = "Вот цитата для тебя : Встретив двусмысленность , отбрось искушение угадать . С наилучшими пожеланиями , Андрей ." #doc = open('text.txt')
print('Не поддерживается правильное отображение знаков препинания. Ставьте знаки через пробел.') #Attention
for line in doc:
line = line.lower() #Downcase
for word in line.split(' '):
ln = len(word) #Length of word
if ln == 1 and word in ralphabet: #One-letter words
letternumber = ralphabet.find(word)
sys.stdout.write(morze[letternumber] + ' ')
elif ln == 1: #Symbols
elif ln != 1 and not (word[0] in alphabet): #Symbols error
elif ln != 1: #Long words
shift = ln - 1
if shift > 10:
shift = 10
for letter in word:
letternumber = ralphabet.find(letter) + 1 - shift
for digit in str(letternumber):
sys.stdout.write(morze[digit] + ' ')
sys.stdout.write('| ')
sys.stdout.write('| ')
input() #PAUSE
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You are using the index of the word to find something in the morze list if you print(letternumber,len(morze))
you can see exactly why you get the error:
(31, 10)
^ ^
The length of ralphabet
is 66
and the length of morze is 10
so that is not going to work.
You might also want to change these two lines:
elif ln > 1 and word[0] not in alphabet: #Symbols error
elif ln > 1: #Long words
is also != 1 but word[0]
is not going to work .
You are also calling str
on letternumber
then trying to pass a string as an index:
for digit in str(letternumber):
sys.stdout.write(morze[digit] + ' ')
string = error
You could use:
for digit in range(letternumber):
sys.stdout.write(morze[digit] + ' ')
But again if letternumber = ralphabet.find(letter) + 1 - shift
is greater than 10 you would get an error.
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