

Javafx canvas not clearing correctly.

I've written a java implementation of Craig Reynolds Boids. I recently updated each object to be represented by a .png image. Ever since I've been having the display issue in the image.

What's the best way to fix the issue?


Main Class:

public void paint(final GraphicsContext g) {
    new AnimationTimer() {
        public void handle(long now) {
            g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);

public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
    primaryStage.setTitle("Boids Flocking Algorithm");
    Group root = new Group();
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(width, height);
    GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

    primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root));;




 * Paint each boid comprising the flock the canvas.
 * @param g
public void drawBoids(GraphicsContext g) {
    for(Boid aBoid : boids) {


public void draw(GraphicsContext g) {
    //coordinates for the tip of the boid
    int x = (int)this.position.xPos;
    int y = (int)this.position.yPos;

    //Calculate a angle representing the direction of travel. 
    Rotate r = new Rotate(angle, x, y);
    g.setTransform(r.getMxx(), r.getMyx(), r.getMxy(), r.getMyy(), r.getTx(), r.getTy());

    g.drawImage(image, x, y);   

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Views: 1725

Answers (1)


Reputation: 18415

The problem with your code is that you rotate the GraphicsContext, not the image. Or at least you don't rotate the GraphicsContext back after you rotated it.

I was curious about the link you mentioned, i. e. the Boids Pseudocode.

Here's a quick implementation. Drag the rectangle to have the flock follow it.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

// Boids implementation in JavaFX
// Pseudo code by Conrad Parker:
public class Main extends Application {

    int numBoids = 50;
    double boidRadius = 10d;
    double boidMinDistance = boidRadius * 2d + 5; // +5 = arbitrary value
    double initialBaseVelocity = 1d;
    double velocityLimit = 3d;
    double movementToCenter = 0.01; // 1% towards center

    List<Boid> boids;

    static Random rnd = new Random();

    double sceneWidth = 1024;
    double sceneHeight = 768;

    Pane playfield;

    Rectangle rectangle;

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {

        BorderPane root = new BorderPane();

        playfield = new Pane();
        playfield.setPrefSize(sceneWidth, sceneHeight);

        Text infoText = new Text( "Drag the rectangle and have the flock follow it");


        Scene scene = new Scene(root, sceneWidth, sceneHeight, Color.WHITE);

        // create boids

        // add boids to scene

        double w = 20;
        double h = 20;
        rectangle = new Rectangle( w, h);
        rectangle.relocate(sceneWidth / 2 - w/2, sceneHeight / 4 - h/2);

        MouseGestures mg = new MouseGestures();

        // animation loop
        AnimationTimer loop = new AnimationTimer() {

            public void handle(long now) {




    private void createBoids() {

        boids = new ArrayList<>();

        // margin from top/left/bottom/right, so we have the boids initially more in the center
        double marginX = sceneWidth / 4;
        double marginY = sceneHeight / 4;

        for (int i = 0; i < numBoids; i++) {

            // random position around the center
            double x = rnd.nextDouble() * (sceneWidth - marginX * 2) + marginX;
            double y = rnd.nextDouble() * (sceneHeight - marginY * 2) + marginY;

            // initial random velocity depending on speed
            double v = Math.random() * 4 + initialBaseVelocity;

            Boid boid = new Boid(i, x, y, v);




    // Rule 1: Boids try to fly towards the centre of mass of neighbouring boids. 
    public Point2D rule1(Boid boid) {

        Point2D pcj = new Point2D(0, 0);

        for( Boid neighbor: boids)  {

            if( boid == neighbor)

            pcj = pcj.add( neighbor.position);


        if( boids.size() > 1) {
            double div = 1d / (boids.size() - 1);
            pcj = pcj.multiply( div);

        pcj = (pcj.subtract(boid.position)).multiply( movementToCenter);

        return pcj;

    // Rule 2: Boids try to keep a small distance away from other objects (including other boids). 
    public Point2D rule2(Boid boid) {

        Point2D c = new Point2D(0, 0);

        for( Boid neighbor: boids)  {

            if( boid == neighbor)

            double distance = (neighbor.position.subtract(boid.position)).magnitude();

            if( distance < boidMinDistance) {
                c = c.subtract(neighbor.position.subtract(boid.position));


        return c;

    // Rule 3: Boids try to match velocity with near boids. 
    public Point2D rule3(Boid boid) {

        Point2D pvj = new Point2D(0, 0);

        for( Boid neighbor: boids)  {

            if( boid == neighbor)

            pvj = pvj.add( neighbor.velocity);


        if( boids.size() > 1) {
            double div = 1d / (boids.size() - 1);
            pvj = pvj.multiply( div);

        pvj = (pvj.subtract(boid.velocity)).multiply(0.125); // 0.125 = 1/8

        return pvj;

    // tend towards the rectangle
    public Point2D tendToPlace( Boid boid) {

        Point2D place = new Point2D( rectangle.getBoundsInParent().getMinX() + rectangle.getBoundsInParent().getWidth() / 2, rectangle.getBoundsInParent().getMinY() + rectangle.getBoundsInParent().getHeight() / 2);

        return (place.subtract(boid.position)).multiply( 0.01);

    public class Boid extends Circle {

        int id;

        Point2D position;
        Point2D velocity;

        double v;

        // random color
        Color color = randomColor();

        public Boid(int id, double x, double y, double v) {

   = id;
            this.v = v;

            position = new Point2D( x, y);
            velocity = new Point2D( v, v);

            setRadius( boidRadius);

            setFill(color.deriveColor(1, 1, 1, 0.2));


        public void move() {

            Point2D v1 = rule1(this);
            Point2D v2 = rule2(this);
            Point2D v3 = rule3(this);
            Point2D v4 = tendToPlace(this);

            velocity = velocity


            position = position.add(velocity);


        private void limitVelocity() {

            double vlim = velocityLimit;

            if( velocity.magnitude() > vlim) {
                 velocity = (velocity.multiply(1d/velocity.magnitude())).multiply( vlim);


        // limit position to screen dimensions
        public void constrainPosition() {

            double xMin = boidRadius;
            double xMax = sceneWidth - boidRadius;
            double yMin = boidRadius;
            double yMax = sceneHeight - boidRadius;

            double x = position.getX();
            double y = position.getY();
            double vx = velocity.getX();
            double vy = velocity.getY();

            if( x < xMin) {
                x = xMin;
                vx = v;
            else if( x > xMax) {
                x = xMax;
                vx = -v;

            if( y < yMin) {
                y = yMin;
                vy = v;
            else if( y > yMax) {
                y = yMax;
                vy = -v;

            // TODO: modification would be less performance consuming => find out how to modify the vector directly or create own Poin2D class
            position = new Point2D( x, y);
            velocity = new Point2D( vx, vy);


        public void updateUI() {


    public static Color randomColor() {
        int range = 220;
        return Color.rgb((int) (rnd.nextDouble() * range), (int) (rnd.nextDouble() * range), (int) (rnd.nextDouble() * range));

    public static class MouseGestures {

        class DragContext {
            double x;
            double y;

        DragContext dragContext = new DragContext();

        public void makeDraggable( Node node) {
            node.setOnMousePressed( onMousePressedEventHandler);
            node.setOnMouseDragged( onMouseDraggedEventHandler);
            node.setOnMouseReleased( onMouseReleasedEventHandler);

        EventHandler<MouseEvent> onMousePressedEventHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {

            public void handle(MouseEvent event) {

                if( event.getSource() instanceof Circle) {

                    Circle circle = ((Circle) (event.getSource()));

                    dragContext.x = circle.getCenterX() - event.getSceneX();
                    dragContext.y = circle.getCenterY() - event.getSceneY();

                } else {

                    Node node = ((Node) (event.getSource()));

                    dragContext.x = node.getTranslateX() - event.getSceneX();
                    dragContext.y = node.getTranslateY() - event.getSceneY();


        EventHandler<MouseEvent> onMouseDraggedEventHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {

            public void handle(MouseEvent event) {

                if( event.getSource() instanceof Circle) {

                    Circle circle = ((Circle) (event.getSource()));

                    circle.setCenterX( dragContext.x + event.getSceneX());
                    circle.setCenterY( dragContext.y + event.getSceneY());

                } else {

                    Node node = ((Node) (event.getSource()));

                    node.setTranslateX( dragContext.x + event.getSceneX());
                    node.setTranslateY( dragContext.y + event.getSceneY());



        EventHandler<MouseEvent> onMouseReleasedEventHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {

            public void handle(MouseEvent event) {



    public static void main(String[] args) {


enter image description here

A 3D version is just a matter of using Points3D instead of Points2D and Spheres and Boxes instead of Circles and Rectangles.

enter image description here

I also suggest you read the excellent book The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman, especially the chapter Autonomous Agents. It deals in detail with the Boids.

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