Reputation: 53
Having a little trouble understanding "dict[]
" command, if anyone could help me with this, it would be much appreciated.
This is the code I have so far: (I've put in where and what I need help with) import csv
inputYear = input('Please enter the year: ')
inFile = open('babyQldAll.csv', 'rU')
cvsFile = csv.reader(inFile, delimiter=',')
dict = {}
for row in cvsFile:
year, name, count, gender = row
if (year == inputYear) and (gender == 'Boy'):
dict[name] = count
print('Popular boy names in year %s are:' % inputYear)
# According to information in 'dict', print (name, count) sorted by 'name' in alphabetical order
print("Print boy names... ")
using the code above I'm trying to get an outcome of:
Popular boy names in year "2010" are: Aidan 119, Alex 224, Derek 143, Steven 212, Tom 111.....
from the following input:
File 2010:
2010, Steven, 212, Boy
2010, Mary, 423, Girl
2010 , Tom, 111, Boy
2010, Jessica, 223, Girl
(and so on)
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Views: 96
Reputation: 85522
This should do:
from __future__ import print_function
import csv
import sys
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
input = raw_input
input_gender = 'Boy' # could make this a user-supplied value too
input_year = input('Please enter the year: ').strip()
file_name = 'babyQldAll.csv'
with open(file_name) as fobj:
csv_file = csv.reader(fobj)
name_counts = {}
for row in csv_file:
year, name, count, gender = (entry.strip() for entry in row)
if year == input_year and gender == input_gender:
name_counts[name] = int(count)
print('Popular {} names in year {} are:'.format(input_gender.lower(), input_year))
for name, count in name_counts.items():
print(name, count)
print('\nBoys names in alphabetical order:')
for name in sorted(name_counts.keys()):
print('\nBoys names in alphabetical order and counts:')
for name, count in sorted(name_counts.items()):
print('{}: {}'.format(name, count))
Some notes:
In Python 2 you should use raw_input
, which turned into input
Python 3. One way would to make your program work in same way in Python 2
and 3 would adding this to the beginning of your file:
import sys
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
input = raw_input
Now you can use input
no matter what Python version.
Your input has a space after the comma. Since the csv reader only
looks for commas, the space is part of the string in your list
for a row. Stripping it off with (entry.strip() for entry in row)
So fare I compare a string for the year. I might be worthwhile to convert
both, input_year
and year
to and int
and compare these.
Running th Program with the example file in the question looks like thi:
Please enter the year: 2010
Popular boy names in year 2010 are:
Tom 111
Steven 212
Boys names in alphabetical order:
Boys names in alphabetical order and counts:
Steven: 212
Tom: 111
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 11
is used to retrieve values stored in the dictionary using the key. Therefore, if you had the above stored as:
names = {'Steven': [212, 'Boy', 2010], 'Mary': [423, 'Girl', 2010]}
And wanted to retrieve Steven's information, you would say names['Steven']
, which would return the list [212, 'Boy', 2010]
I don't think this will fully answer your question, but it should help you get started. You may also want to look at this if you want to pre-sort your dictionary.
Upvotes: 1