
Reputation: 3428

HAProxy SSL termination + client certificate validation + curl / java client

I would like to have SSL termination on HAProxy, using my own self-signed certificates, and to validate client access using client certificates I create.

I create the server (which is also the CA) certificates the following way:

openssl genrsa -out ca.key 1024
openssl req -new -key ca.key -out ca.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ca.csr -signkey ca.key -out ca.crt


cat ca.crt ca.key > haproxy.pem

at HAProxy, I configure: bind *:443 ssl crt /path/server.pem ca-file /path/ca.crt verify required crt-ignore-err all

I create the client certificates in a similar way:

openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in client.csr -signkey ca.key -out client.crt
cat client.crt client.key > client.pem

My logic is: I'm creating a client key, a certificate signing request for it, and then I sign it using the CA (which is also the server certificate, so there's a simple chain that the server would recognize).

To test, I first try with the server certificate as the client cert:

curl https://my.service:443/ping -E ./haproxy.pem -k

ok, it works. Now I try with the client certificate as the client certificate:

curl https://my.service:443/ping -E ./client.pem -k
curl: (58) unable to set private key file: './client.pem' type PEM

My question: 1) I would like to create a client certificate that this server will accpet, and test it using curl. 2) I would like to import this certificate and the CA into a new java keystore / truststore using keytool, so that Java (Jersey client) code could access the same content.

I have spent 2 days on 1/2. I'm pretty sure someone that's done this before could answer this in 5m. Or so I hope. :)


Upvotes: 3

Views: 4667

Answers (1)


Reputation: 39000

1. create client cert

wrong: openssl x509 -req -signkey creates a self-signed cert, which by definition means the key in the cert (the subject key) is the public half of the same key whose private half signs the cert. The documentation for the cert (not req) case is clear that it replaces the key previously in the cert with the signing key. The -req doc is less clear, but it does the same thing; it puts in the cert the subject name from the CSR, also as the issuer, and the key from -signkey. You have used a CSR containing the client name, but a -signkey containing the CA key, producing an unusable chimera.

right: to sign a "child" (not self-signed) cert with x509, use -CA and possibly -CAkey as described in the documentation https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/x509.html#SIGNING-OPTIONS (or man [where] x509 on any Unix with openssl doc installed). If there is or ever will be more than one child cert for a given CA (defined by its DN), either use the serial-number file scheme to automatically and conveniently assign sequential serial numbers, or use -set_serial to manually assign unique serial numbers (sequential is the easiest way to do unique, but if you a prefer another way that's okay).

aside: for the self-signed CA (and server?!) cert, you don't need separate req -new and x509 -req -signkey steps, you can do it in one req -new -x509. See the doc/manpage for req. In fact you don't need a separate genrsa step, req -newkey [-nodes] -x509 can do that as well. One note: in OpenSSL 1.0.0+ this generates the generic PKCS#8 format keyfile instead of the "legacy" PKCS#1 format used by genrsa (and rsa); all OpenSSL functions can accept either, but some other things might not. In particular last I checked (a while ago) the Wireshark option to decrypt SSL/TLS using server key for akRSA (there are other options too) accepted only PKCS#1 not PKCS#8.

2. use in Java (Jersey). Note that any SSL/TLS client doing client authentication, including Java, needs both the certificate and the privatekey, and in most cases the certificate uses "chain" or "intermediate" certs which you need also. Some people (cough) Microsoft (cough) encourage you to misunderstand and ignore this important distinction, but if you try to use only a certificate it won't work at all. On the other hand a truststore entry needs only the certificate, almost always only the root (CA) certificate, and usually must have only the certificate. Your situation where the same person operates the CA and server and client(s) is somewhat unusual for PKC.

2a. maybe just convert to pkcs12. Java does not directly support the openssl format(s) for keys, but both Java and openssl support PKCS#12 (and so do Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple, and probably others). Since you combined client key and (leaf) cert in client.pem do

openssl pkcs12 -export <client.pem -CA ca.crt [-name whatever] >client.p12
# if you use separate key,cert files see the doc about -in and -inkey

Java crypto (JCE and JSSE) can use this PKCS#12 as a keystore, if you can configure the keystore "type" (as pkcs12). The default SSLSocketFactory supports this, and so do other apps I've used, but I don't use Jersey and don't know what it does here. PKCS#12 isn't generally supported to carry "separate" certs (without privatekey), but in your case the CA cert for the client is also the cert for the server, so it will happen to work as your truststore as well; otherwise you would need to import the server CA or server selfsigned cert (only cert not privatekey) into a JKS truststore (which might be the default truststore in JRE/lib/security/[jsse]cacerts).

2b. maybe further convert to JKS. If Jersey cannot use PKCS#12 directly, Java can convert it to JKS which any sane Java code can use, like:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore client.jks 

UPDATE 2018: after this answer was written Java support of PKCS12 increased, making it less often necessary to convert to JKS. 8u60 released fall 2017 and up still defaults to keystore type JKS, but as a special feature(?) type JKS can actually read (though not write) PKCS12; see the release notes and item keystore.type.compat in file JRE/lib/security/java.security. Java9 released 2017 makes the default keystore type PKCS12 which (as expected) reads and writes PKCS12, although explicit JKS no longer reads PKCS12. But if you do need to convert with Java9 for some reason, you now need to specify -deststoretype jks but no longer need to specify -srcstoretype pkcs12.

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