Reputation: 95
The purpose is to select a single folder at random from within a given text file containing a folder list using a batch script in Windows.
Step by step method:
variable to a random number up to the number of lines in that text file
number of lines. Then do set VARNAME=%%I from the for loop. Then goto NextLine so it's not repeated until the end of the text file.
***THIS STEP GIVES ME ERROR: System cannot find file specified.[EDIT] On further testing, error only happens IF %SKIP% > 4 i.e. if SKIP corresponds to a line with a filepath on it, it gives that error. Else it works fine.
I've read all the answers everywhere, but can't solve it! If I take the for outside into a test file with just random words it works fine. So I can only presume it's something to do with the special characters in the dir output list that are causing problems? Any help much appreciated!
My Code:
:: Make the code run quietly
:: Get home directory
set HOMEDIR=D:\External\My Pictures
:: Switch to the drive of HOMEDIR
:: If the drive letter of the current directory differs from HOMEDIR
:: Then change drive letter
:: Else change directory to root of that drive
:: Thanks Jatrim for if not
if not %cd:~0,2% == %HOMEDIR:~0,2% %HOMEDIR:~0,2% else cd %HOMEDIR:~0,2%
:: Change directory to HOMEDIR
cd "%HOMEDIR%"
:: Write a list of the subdirectories of HOMEDIR to file homedir.txt
dir "%cd%" /a:d >> homedir.txt
:: Calculate how many lines there are in homedir.txt
:: Thanks Aacini from
for /F "" %%I in (homedir.txt) do set /a LINES=%%I
:: enable delayed expansion (needed???)
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: Set a random integer (within the limit of variable LINES)
:: Thanks Aacini from
set /a SKIP=%random%%%LINES%
echo SKIP=%SKIP%
:: In homedir.txt the first 5 lines aren't directories
:: Thanks Andriy M for the inspiration!
:: If it's the same as SKIP, read line's contents into variable SCRDIR
for /F "usebackq delims= skip=%SKIP%" %%I in (homedir.txt) do (if not defined SCRDIRORIG set SCRDIRORIG=%%I & GoTo :NextLine)
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Views: 2741
Reputation: 70971
For a version without temporary files you can try with
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "HOMEDIR=D:\External\My Pictures"
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%a in ('
cmd /q /v /c"for /d %%a in ("!HOMEDIR!\*") do (set /a "1000000000+(!random! * %random% %% (!random!+1^)^)" & echo( %%a)"
^| sort
^| cmd /q /v /c"(set /p "line^=" & echo(!line!)"
') do set "SCRDIRORIG=%%b"
echo Folder selected : %SCRDIRORIG%
The code creates a cmd
instance that will list all the folders under the indicated starting point prefixed with a random number. This list is sorted and then the first line in the list retrieved.
All this is wrapped inside a for /f
command so at the end we can separate the starting random number from the folder name and set the variable.
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Reputation: 4209
I've tried to carefully select the means for each step in the following code in order to avoid pitfalls.
is not strictly necessary here it is best done with a cd /d
which changes the drive as well if necessary. dir /b /ad
does not include '.' and '..' nor any junctions like dir /ad
would. find /c
combined with a negated search for the empty string yields the count directly without need for complicated extraction (or loops). nlines
is 0. So the alternative method is used. The quotient %RANDOM% / 32768
is in the desired range [0..1) so we only need to multiply it with nlines
loop will choke on the skip=
option. FOR
loop extracts the desired line and stops immediately with a GOTO
. Not nice but effective. Here is the code:
@echo off &setlocal enableextensions
set "HOMEDIR=D:\External\My Pictures"
cd /d %HOMEDIR%
:: count the dirs
for /f %%I in ('dir /b /ad "%HOMEDIR%"^| find /c /v ""') do set "nlines=%%I"
:: pick a number from 0..nlines-1
set /A nskip=%random% * %nlines% / 32768
:: discard "skip=" option if no lines to skip
set skipopt=
if %nskip% GTR 0 set skipopt=skip=%nskip%
:: read line[nskip+1] from input and quit
for /F "%skipopt% delims=" %%I in ('dir /b /ad %HOMEDIR%') do set "LINE=%%I" & GOTO :out
echo folder selected : %LINE%
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 37589
I would recommend this:
@echo off &setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /n $ homedir.txt') do (
set ".%%~a.=%%~b"
set /a DirCount=%%~a
set /a DirCount-=5
set /a Sample=%random%%%DirCount
set /a Sample+=5
for /f "tokens=1*delims==" %%a in ('set ".%Sample%."') do echo %%~b
Upvotes: 2