I have 2 buttons on the pop-up window (Ok and Cancel) using javascript message pop-up window in below code. But i need only one button option (ok) using jquery or javascript message pop-up because i am not getting concept to disable cancel button using javascript.
Jquery message pop-up should work perfectly according to my below code.
I am working on time out session notification for a masterpage in ASP.NET and below is my javascript pop-up message code:
var active = confirm('Your session will expire in ' + (sess_expirationMinutes - sess_warningMinutes) +
' minutes (as of ' + now.toTimeString() + '), press OK to remain logged in ' +
'or press Cancel to log off. \nIf you are logged off any changes will be lost.');
Javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var sess_pollInterval = 60000;
var sess_expirationMinutes = 3;
var sess_warningMinutes = 1;
var sess_intervalID;
var sess_lastActivity;
function initSession()
sess_lastActivity = new Date();
$(document).bind('keypress.session', function (ed, e) {
sessKeyPressed(ed, e);
function sessSetInterval()
sess_intervalID = setInterval('sessInterval()', sess_pollInterval);
function sessClearInterval()
function sessKeyPressed(ed, e)
sess_lastActivity = new Date();
function sessLogOut()
window.location.href = 'Logout.aspx';
function sessInterval()
var now = new Date();
//get milliseconds of differneces
var diff = now - sess_lastActivity;
//get minutes between differences
var diffMins = (diff / 1000 / 60);
if (diffMins >= sess_warningMinutes)
//wran before expiring
//stop the timer
//promt for attention
var active = confirm('Your session will expire in ' + (sess_expirationMinutes - sess_warningMinutes) +
' minutes (as of ' + now.toTimeString() + '), press OK to remain logged in ' +
'or press Cancel to log off. \nIf you are logged off any changes will be lost.');
if (active == true)
now = new Date();
diff = now - sess_lastActivity;
diffMins = (diff / 1000 / 60);
if (diffMins > sess_expirationMinutes)
sess_lastActivity = new Date();
HTML code:
<body onload="initSession()" >
<form id="form1" runat="server">
Upvotes: 2
Views: 319
Reputation: 141
You can use some JQuery from here :
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 41075
Replace confirm with alert. The confirm has both Ok and Cancel. alert has only Ok.
Upvotes: 1