
Reputation: 5532

Play DoubleAnimationUsingPath in reverse

I have a WPF Storyboard (with RepeatBehavior=Forever) containing two DoubleAnimationUsingPath animations. These animations trace a circular path, which I create through adding an EllipseGeometry. One animation is used to control the X position, and the other animation is used to control the Y position, of another object which appears to orbit using the circular path.

The animation always follows the path in a clockwise direction, and always starts in the middle on the right side of the circle. I need to force the animation to play in reverse (i.e. counterclockwise along the path). Ideally I'd also like to be able to control the starting position, but this isn't a necessity right now.

The AutoReverse property on the animation does what I want, but obviously then it alternates between clockwise and counterclockwise - and I need the animation to loop, always in a counterclockwise direction.

I also tried to use a ScaleTransform with ScaleX = -1 in order to flip the ellipse, hoping that this would help - but it hasn't.

Is there any way to force a DoubleAnimationUsingPath to follow a specific direction along the path?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 926

Answers (2)


Reputation: 128147

An alternative to DoubleAnimationUsingPath would be a custom animation that provides sinus values. It has an Amplitude property that controls the amplitude and by its sign also the direction of the sinus animation. There is also a StartAngle property that controls at which angle the animation starts.

public class SinusAnimation : DoubleAnimationBase
    public static readonly DependencyProperty AmplitudeProperty =
            "Amplitude", typeof(double), typeof(SinusAnimation));

    public static readonly DependencyProperty StartAngleProperty =
            "StartAngle", typeof(double), typeof(SinusAnimation));

    public double Amplitude
        get { return (double)GetValue(AmplitudeProperty); }
        set { SetValue(AmplitudeProperty, value); }

    public double StartAngle
        get { return (double)GetValue(StartAngleProperty); }
        set { SetValue(StartAngleProperty, value); }

    protected override double GetCurrentValueCore(double defaultOriginValue,
        double defaultDestinationValue, AnimationClock animationClock)
        var result = defaultOriginValue;
        var p = animationClock.CurrentProgress;

        if (p.HasValue)
            result = Amplitude * Math.Sin(
                p.Value * Math.PI * 2d + StartAngle * Math.PI / 180d);

        return result;

    protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore()
        return new SinusAnimation();

This is some simple XAML that creates circular motion of a small blue circle. By different Amplitudes it might as well create elliptical trajectories, and by different StartAngles also all kinds of Lissajous figures.

<Canvas Margin="200">
    <Path Fill="Blue">
            <EllipseGeometry RadiusX="10" RadiusY="10"/>
            <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Loaded">
                    <Storyboard Duration="0:0:2" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                            Duration="0:0:2" RepeatBehavior="Forever"/>
                            Amplitude="100" StartAngle="90"
                            Duration="0:0:2" RepeatBehavior="Forever"/>

Edit: In order to reverse a DoubleAnmationUsingPath you can simply set the Transform property of the used PathGeometry to an appropriate ScaleTransform:

<PathGeometry x:Key="path">
        <ScaleTransform ScaleX="-1"/>

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 4808

You can switch between two paths with the same coordinates but reverse directions. here is a sample using MatrixAnimationUsingPath in which the animation direction is cw when UI element loads and it changes to ccw when mouse pointer enters the blue rectangle.

    <Canvas ClipToBounds="False" Width="400" Height="400">
        <Path StrokeThickness="10" StrokeDashArray="" StrokeDashCap="Flat" StrokeDashOffset="0" StrokeStartLineCap="Flat" StrokeEndLineCap="Flat" StrokeLineJoin="Miter" StrokeMiterLimit="10" Stroke="#000000">
                <PathGeometry Figures="M 150,250 C 150,120 300,120 300,250 C 300,390 150,390 150,250 Z" />
        <Rectangle Fill="Blue"  RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Width="10" Height="10" Margin="-5">
                    <MatrixTransform x:Name="tt">
                            <Matrix />
                <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="FrameworkElement.Loaded">
                            <MatrixAnimationUsingPath Duration="0:0:05" Storyboard.TargetName="tt" 
                                    <PathGeometry Figures="M 150,250 C 150,120 300,120 300,250 C 300,390 150,390 150,250 Z">
                <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="FrameworkElement.MouseEnter">
                            <MatrixAnimationUsingPath Duration="0:0:05" Storyboard.TargetName="tt" 
                                    <PathGeometry Figures="M 150,250 C 150,390 300,390 300,250 C 300,120 150,120 150,250 Z" >

Upvotes: 1

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