I have a spreadsheet with CommandButtons in cells. I would simply like to Get the name/ID of the commandbutton in a particular cell without a button being clicked. How could I go about it ? I have been using this code but its inefficient as I have to type every button ID one by one. I have about 60 buttons.
Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Cells(6, 3).Value = 0 Then
Me.Buttons("Button 55").Enabled = False
Me.Buttons("Button 55").Font.ColorIndex = 16
Me.Buttons("Button 55").Enabled = True
Me.Buttons("Button 55").Font.ColorIndex = 1
End If
If Cells(7, 3).Value = 0 Then
Me.Buttons("Button 61").Enabled = False
Me.Buttons("Button 61").Font.ColorIndex = 16
Me.Buttons("Button 61").Enabled = True
Me.Buttons("Button 61").Font.ColorIndex = 1
End If
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One way would be to loop through all the buttons on the worksheet and check the TopLeftCell for a match to your cell. Might bog down for a lot of buttons but I think 60 would run fine. May run into problems if you have overlapping buttons but you can probably avoid that. This looks at all Shapes
, it's possible to narrow it down some but I wasn't sure which type of button you're using.
'In a worksheet module change Me. to a worksheet as needed.
Function findShape(r As Range) As String
Dim s As Shape
findShape = "Not Found" 'if loop goes all the way around and doesn't find it.
For Each s In Me.Shapes
If s.TopLeftCell.Address = r.Address Then
findShape = s.Name
Exit For 'no need to keep going
End If
End Function
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