Reputation: 640
I have class method to test with dependant object (Keys object)
+ (NSURL*)apiURLWithPath:(NSString*)path {
MyKeys *keys = [MyKeys new];
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@?api_key=%@", path, [keys APIKey]];
return [NSURL URLWithString:url];
I am trying to partially mock this Keys object and return "MY_API_KEY" value but the test method fails and returns real API key (e.g. as78d687as6d7das8da).
describe(@"APIRouter", ^{
it(@"should return url for api", ^{
Keys *keys = [Keys new];
id keysPartialMock = OCMPartialMock(keys);
OCMStub([keysPartialMock APIKey]).andReturn(@"MY_API_KEY");
NSURL *url = [APIRouter apiURLWithPath:@""];
expect([url absoluteString]).to.equal([NSString stringWithFormat:@""]);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 213
Reputation: 9143
Maybe this will work for you:
Somewhere outside your test method:
static NSString *gMockApiKey = @"MY_API_KEY";
Stub the method like this:
OCMStub([keysPartialMock APIKey]).andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation)
[invocation setReturnValue:&gMockApiKey];
Since APIRouter is probably using its own instance of Keys you can try a class mock:
id keysMock = OCMClassMock([Keys class]);
OCMStub(ClassMethod([keysMock APIKey])).andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation)
[invocation setReturnValue:&gMockApiKey];
So.. I think the proper way to mock it would be to create a mock instance of Keys.
Somewhere at the top of your test file:
static Keys *gMockedKeys = nil;
static NSString *gMockApiKey = @"MY_API_KEY";
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
gMockedKeys = [Keys new];
id keysPartialMock = OCMPartialMock(gMockedKeys);
OCMStub([keysPartialMock APIKey]).andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation)
[invocation setReturnValue:&gMockApiKey];
- (void)testAPIURLWithPath {
id keysMock = OCMClassMock([Keys class]);
OCMStub([keysMock new]).andReturn(gMockedKeys);
NSURL *url = [APIRouter apiURLWithPath:@""];
NSString *expectedUrlString = [url absoluteString];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(expectedUrlString, @"", @"It Should work now..");
Upvotes: 2