Reputation: 49965
I'm asking this because i'm a n00b when it comes to Powershell.
How do i use Powershell to add a particular domain user or group to a specific reporting role in SSRS2005 (say the Content Manager or Browser role)? Is there a simple one or two line script to achieve it?
Note: this is definately programming related (not server admin), but i am also going to ask this on SF.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 9003
Reputation: 41
you can use below script to set user permissions in Reporting services. I use this for set permission to a user on 250 reports and I found it easy to use.
source: Using Powershell to set user permissions in Reporting Services
function Add-SSRSUserRole
#Ensure we stop on errors
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
#Connect to the SSRS webservice
$ssrs = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "$reportServerUrl" -UseDefaultCredential;
$namespace = $ssrs.GetType().Namespace;
$changesMade = $false;
#Look for a matching policy
$policies = $ssrs.GetPolicies($folder, [ref]$inheritFromParent);
if ($policies.GroupUserName -contains $userGroup)
Write-Host "User/Group already exists. Using existing policy.";
$policy = $policies | where {$_.GroupUserName -eq $userGroup} | Select -First 1 ;
#A policy for the User/Group needs to be created
Write-Host "User/Group was not found. Creating new policy.";
$policy = New-Object -TypeName ($namespace + '.Policy');
$policy.GroupUserName = $userGroup;
$policy.Roles = @();
$policies += $policy;
$changesMade = $true;
#Now we have the policy, look for a matching role
$roles = $policy.Roles;
if (($roles.Name -contains $requiredRole) -eq $false)
#A role for the policy needs to added
Write-Host "Policy doesn't contain specified role. Adding.";
$role = New-Object -TypeName ($namespace + '.Role');
$role.Name = $requiredRole;
$policy.Roles += $role;
$changesMade = $true;
Write-Host "Policy already contains specified role. No changes required.";
#If changes were made...
if ($changesMade)
{ them to SSRS
Write-Host "Saving changes to SSRS.";
$ssrs.SetPolicies($folder, $policies);
Write-Host "Complete.";
[string]$url = "http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportService2006.asmx?wsdl";
Add-SSRSUserRole $url "Everyone" "Browser" "/MyReportFolder" $true;
Add-SSRSUserRole $url "Domain\User" "Browser" "/MyReportFolder" $true;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4489
Sorry, it isn't just one or two lines but you could easily wrap the following sample code into a reusable function:
$ReportServerUri = 'http://myreportserver/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx'
$InheritParent = $true
$ItemPath = '/SomeReportFolder'
$GroupUserName = 'MYDOMAIN\SomeUser'
$RoleName = 'SomeReportServerRoleToGrant'
$Proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportServerUri -Namespace SSRS.ReportingService2005
$Policies = $Proxy.GetPolicies($ItemPath, [ref]$InheritParent)
$Policy = $Policies |
Where-Object { $_.GroupUserName -eq $GroupUserName } |
Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $Policy) {
$Policy = New-Object -TypeName SSRS.ReportingService2005.Policy
$Policy.GroupUserName = $GroupUserName
$Policy.Roles = @()
$Policies += $Policy
$Role = $Policy.Roles |
Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $RoleName } |
Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $Role) {
$Role = New-Object -TypeName SSRS.ReportingService2005.Role
$Role.Name = $RoleName
$Policy.Roles += $Role
$Proxy.SetPolicies($ItemPath, $Policies)
Upvotes: 10