I have a video, test.mp4
, and an image, test.png
is a black image with a transparent "hole" in the center.
I would like, using FFmpeg:
over the video so I can only see a circle of videotest.png
to the size of the video so it covers the whole thingIs this possible ?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 14582
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I used this on android and its working fine :-
String[] cmd = new String[]{ "-i", video.mp4, "-i", image.png, "-filter_complex", "overlay=0:main_h-overlay_h", outputFile.getPath()};
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Reputation: 132
Try this:
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -framerate 30000/1001 -loop 1 -i test.png -filter_complex "[1:v] fade=out:st=30:d=1:alpha=1 [ov]; [0:v][ov] overlay=10:10 [v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -shortest out.mp4
Upvotes: 10