Reputation: 1
Currently I'm studying Computer Science and my teacher want me to make a snake game with array.
I have this code that is exactly same as my friend's but it only grow one body length and won't grow longer and after it eats the food it starts to slow down the speed of moving snake. I'm not sure where I went wrong please help. Thank you.
Here's the code:
public class Main extends JPanel implements KeyListener, ActionListener {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static int dir;
static int i;
static int x[] = new int[200]; // Decleare Array of snake on x coordinate
static int y[] = new int[200]; // Decleare Array of snake on y coordinate
static int taillength = 1;
static int sxinc = 20, syinc = 20; // Speed of moving snake
static int fx = 100, fy = 100; // Declare the position of where food at
static int f2x = 300, f2y = 300; // Declare the position of where food2 at
static int fmx = 300, fmy = 100; // Declare the position of where food3 at
static int score = 0; // Create Score Counter
static int width = 745, height = 489; // Declare the size of JPanel
static int nsx, nsy; // The new value of the snake movement
static int csx = 20, csy = 20; // The value to add/minus on the number to
static BufferedImage background = null;
static JFrame f;
static JFrame g;
public Main() {
public void addNotify() {
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0, width, height, this);
g.fillRect(fx, fy, 20, 20);
g.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 15));
g.drawString("GREEN - Add 1 body length, add 1 score", 0, 429);
g.fillRect(f2x, f2y, 20, 20);
g.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 15));
g.drawString("BLUE - Add 2 body length, add 2 score", 0, 444);
g.fillRect(fmx, fmy, 20, 20);
g.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 15));
g.drawString("CYAN - Minus 1 body length, add 1 score", 0, 459);
for (int j = 0; j < x.length && j < taillength; j++) {
g.fillRect(x[j], y[j], 20, 20);
g.fillRect(x[0], y[0], 20, 20);
g.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 25));
g.drawString("Score : " + score, 305, 459);
public void snakenew() {
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] = 0;
y[i] = 0;
public static void main(String a[]) {
x[0] = 300;
y[0] = 220;
try { // Import Background
background = File("H:/shutterstock_12730534.jpg"));
} catch (IOException e) {
Main p = new Main();
g = new JFrame();
g.setSize(200, 300);
f = new JFrame();
f.setSize(width, height);
Timer t = new Timer(60, p);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if ((x[0] + 20 > width) || (x[0] < 0) || (y[0] + 40 > height)
|| (y[0] < 0)) { // Game over when hit the wall
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You hit the wall!", "Game",
if ((taillength > 1) && (x[i] != x[0]) && (y[i] != y[0])) { // Game over
// when
// touch you
// snake
// body
if ((x[0] == x[i]) & (y[0] == y[i])) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You ran into yourself!",
if (dir == KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
if (y[0] == y[taillength]) {
y[0] = y[0] - syinc;
else if (dir == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
if (y[0] == y[taillength]) {
y[0] = y[0] + syinc;
else if (dir == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
if (x[0] == x[taillength]) {
x[0] = x[0] - sxinc;
else if (dir == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
if (x[0] == x[taillength]) {
x[0] = x[0] + sxinc;
if (dir == KeyEvent.VK_K) {
if ((score > 6) && (taillength > 5)) {
taillength = taillength - 5;
score = score - 7;
if ((x[0] == fx) && (y[0] == fy)) { // Food Score and random food
fx = (int) (Math.random() * 37) * 20;
fy = (int) (Math.random() * 25) * 20;
if ((x[0] == f2x) && (y[0] == f2y)) {
f2x = (int) (Math.random() * 37) * 20;
f2y = (int) (Math.random() * 25) * 20;
taillength = taillength + 2;
score = score + 2;
if ((x[0] == fmx) && (y[0] == fmy)) {
if (taillength > 0) {
fmx = (int) (Math.random() * 37) * 20;
fy = (int) (Math.random() * 25) * 20;
for (i = taillength; i > 0; i--) {
x[i] = x[(i - 1)];
y[i] = y[(i - 1)];
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
dir = ke.getKeyCode();
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) {
Upvotes: 0
Views: 465
Reputation: 442
A few things:
method... That's not how a timer works (please reference the last point as to why).paint()
method, can be attributed to the same reasoning as the last point.In conclusion: if you want to borrow code, never borrow code from someone who is in the same course as you. Finally, look up some examples of Snake games in Java. I'm sure you'll find some people who have experienced similar problems, from whom you might learn. I hope this helps you, and best of luck!
Upvotes: 2