
Reputation: 1276

Parsing large XML file in R is very slow

I need to extract data from a large xml file in R. The file size is 60 MB. I use the following R code to download the data from the Internet:


url = "http://hydro1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/daac-bin/his/1.0/NLDAS_NOAH_002.cgi"
SOAPAction = "http://www.cuahsi.org/his/1.0/ws/GetSites"
envelope = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\">\n<soap:Body>\n<GetSites xmlns=\"http://www.cuahsi.org/his/1.0/ws/\">\n<site></site><authToken></authToken>\n</GetSites>\n</soap:Body>\n</soap:Envelope>"

response = POST(url, body = envelope,
             add_headers("Content-Type" = "text/xml", "SOAPAction" = SOAPAction))
status.code = http_status(response)$category

Once I have received the response from the server, I use the following code to parse the data into a data.frame:

# Parse the XML into a tree
WaterML = content(response, as="text")
SOAPdoc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(WaterML, getDTD=FALSE, useInternalNodes = TRUE))
doc = SOAPdoc[[1]][[1]][[1]]

# Allocate a new empty data frame with same name of rows as the number of sites
N = xmlSize(doc) - 1
df = data.frame(SiteName=rep("",N),
             SiteID=rep(NA, N),

# Populate the data frame with the values
# This loop is VERY SLOW it takes around 10 MINUTES!
start.time = Sys.time()

for(i in 1:N){  
  siteInfo = doc[[i+1]][[1]]
  siteList = xmlToList(siteInfo)
  siteName = siteList$siteName
  sCode = siteList$siteCode
  siteCode = sCode$text
  siteID = ifelse(is.null(sCode$.attrs["siteID"]), siteCode,   sCode$.attrs["siteID"])
  latitude = as.numeric(siteList$geoLocation$geogLocation$latitude)
  longitude = as.numeric(siteList$geoLocation$geogLocation$longitude) 

end.time = Sys.time()
time.taken = end.time - start.time

The for loop that I use to parse the XML into a data.frame is very slow. It takes around 10 minutes to complete. Is there any way to make the loop faster?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2635

Answers (1)

Joshua Ulrich
Joshua Ulrich

Reputation: 176648

I was able to get better performance by using xpath expressions to extract the information you want. Each of the calls to xpathSApply takes ~20 seconds on my laptop, so all the commands complete in less than 2 minutes.

# you need to specify the namespace information
ns <- c(soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",

Data <- list(
  siteName = xpathSApply(SOAPdoc, "//sr:siteName", xmlValue, namespaces=ns),
  siteCode = xpathSApply(SOAPdoc, "//sr:siteCode", xmlValue, namespaces=ns),
  siteID = xpathSApply(SOAPdoc, "//sr:siteCode", xmlGetAttr, name="siteID", namespaces=ns),
  latitude = xpathSApply(SOAPdoc, "//sr:latitude", xmlValue, namespaces=ns),
  longitude = xpathSApply(SOAPdoc, "//sr:longitude", xmlValue, namespaces=ns))
DataFrame <- as.data.frame(Data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
DataFrame$latitude <- as.numeric(DataFrame$latitude)
DataFrame$longitude <- as.numeric(DataFrame$longitude)

Upvotes: 4

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