Reputation: 70406
In my app gradle file I have
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
This allows me to use the classes inside my library jar files. But what if the jar itself contains a lib folder with jar's inside? Like
I can do:
but not
import com.otherlib.model.*;
Is it possible to load the nested libs with gradle? Any other ideas?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 258
Reputation: 17879
Usually if you are running gradle, you could execute ./gradlew jarRelease
which will create your project classes.jar and other folder with dependencies (not in jar). Is up to you after to jar the dependencies folder like com/squareup/okhttp
the jarRelease gradle script is this one :
android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
def name =
if (name.equals( {
return; // Skip debug builds.
def task = project.tasks.create "jar${name.capitalize()}", Jar
task.dependsOn variant.javaCompile
task.from variant.javaCompile.destinationDir
task.from configurations.compile.findAll {
it.getName() != 'android.jar' && !it.getName().startsWith('junit') && !it.getName().startsWith('hamcrest')
}.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
artifacts.add('archives', task);
To jar a folder :
# Jar .class dependencies
@cd outputs/aar/ && \
jar cf libs/com.jar com/
To unjar a folder :
@cd outputs/jar/ && \
jar xf myjar.jar
Note : you could also if you are using ressources create a library project compatible with eclipse using a makefile and using data from aar and jar.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 15919
I don't think that this work with jars (transitive). But you can simply unzip your jar to pull out the other jar and place both jars directly into the libs folder used by gradle
Upvotes: 1