Reputation: 697
My Azure WebJob keeps failing consistently with the exit code -2146232576. Does anyone know what the exit code relates to?
I'm trying to run it on a schedule, and my source code can be found here:
Relevant logs:
[06/15/2015 10:51:51 > 1e531f: SYS INFO] Status changed to Initializing
[06/15/2015 10:51:53 > 1e531f: SYS INFO] Run script
'TrakIMDB250.Scraper.exe' with script host - 'WindowsScriptHost'
[06/15/2015 10:51:53 > 1e531f: SYS INFO] Status changed to Running
[06/15/2015 10:51:53 > 1e531f: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
[06/15/2015 10:51:53 > 1e531f: SYS ERR ] Job failed due to exit code -2146232576
Relevant code:
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
namespace TrakIMDB250.Scraper
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var config = new JobHostConfiguration();
var host = new JobHost(config);
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace TrakIMDB250.Scraper
public class Functions
public async static Task ScrapeIMDB250(TextWriter log)
await log.WriteLineAsync("[{0}] Starting scrapping of IMDB Top 250");
var html = new HtmlWeb().Load("");
var chartTable = html.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//table[@class='chart']");
var movies = GetMovies(chartTable).OrderBy(movie => movie.Rank);
await log.WriteLineAsync("[{0}] Got movies");
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Storage"].ConnectionString);
var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("imdb-top250");
await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
await container.SetPermissionsAsync(new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
var jsonblob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("top250.json");
await jsonblob.UploadTextAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movies, Formatting.Indented));
await log.WriteLineAsync("[{0}] Written to blob storage");
static IEnumerable<Movie> GetMovies(HtmlNode chartTable)
foreach (var row in chartTable.SelectNodes(".//tr").Skip(1))
var title = row.SelectSingleNode("td[@class='titleColumn']");
var rankSpan = title.SelectSingleNode("span[@name='ir']");
var seenWidget = row.SelectSingleNode("td/span[@name='ur']/div");
var name = title.SelectSingleNode("a").InnerText;
var rank = int.Parse(new string(rankSpan.InnerText.Take(rankSpan.InnerText.Count() - 1).ToArray()));
var rating = decimal.Parse(rankSpan.GetAttributeValue("data-value", "0"));
var imdbid = seenWidget.GetAttributeValue("data-titleid", string.Empty);
var releaseDate = DateTime.Parse(title.SelectSingleNode("span[@name='rd']").GetAttributeValue("data-value", string.Empty));
yield return new Movie
Name = name,
Rank = rank,
Rating = rating,
IMDBId = imdbid,
ReleaseDate = releaseDate
Upvotes: 6
Views: 4234
Reputation: 697
My problem was that I was flying too close to the sun trying to run .NET 4.6.
Downgraded the solution to 4.5.2 and it worked perfectly :)
Note: this solution is bound to become irrelevant once 4.6 is officially supported.
As of 8/3/2018, this compatibility issue continues to be a problem. .NET 4.7.2 produces this same error, but downgrading to 4.7.1 works.
Upvotes: 11