Reputation: 999
Given a png file, I am trying to get the list of its chunks' offset and sizes.
In a nutshell, png files are made of chunks, and each chunk is made of three 4-byte fields plus one variable-length field (the chunk's data field). The size of the data field is stored in the first 4-byte field (called the "length" field).
Therefore given the current chunk's offset and size, (ofs, sz), one derives the next chunk's offset and size, (ofs', sz'), that way :
ofs' = ofs + sz
read sz' at offset = ofs'
Given the initial chunk's offset and size, always (0, 8) in png files, one can loop through the file until one reaches its end. That's how I did it :
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Binary.Get
size :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> IO (Int)
size bytes offset = do
let ln = runGet (do skip offset
l <- getWord32be
return l)
return $ 3*4 + fromIntegral ln
offsetSizes :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> [(Int, Int)] -> IO [(Int, Int)]
offsetSizes fLen bytes oss = do
let (offset, sz) = last oss
offset' = offset + sz
sz' <- size bytes offset'
let nextOffset = offset' + sz'
if nextOffset < fLen then offsetSizes fLen bytes $ oss ++ [(offset', sz')]
else return oss
main = do
contents <- BS.readFile "myfile.png"
let fLen = fromIntegral $ BS.length contents :: Int
ofszs <- offsetSizes fLen contents [(0,8)]
putStrLn $ "# of chunks: " ++ (show $ length ofszs)
putStrLn $ "chunks [(offset,size)]: " ++ show ofszs
My question : I am not really satisfied with the loop. I was wondering whether there is a more idiomatic way to achieve the same in Haskell?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 158
Reputation: 27626
is repeatedly fed some state (the (offset, sz)
pair) to produce a new pair or finish. All the pairs created are collected into a list.
This recursion scheme is captured by unfoldrM
from the monad-loops
package, allowing you to write offsetSizes
offsetSizes :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> IO [(Int, Int)]
offsetSizes fLen bytes = unfoldrM step (0, 8)
step (offset, sz) = do
let offset' = offset + sz
sz' <- size bytes offset'
let state' = (offset', sz')
return $ if offset' + sz' < fLen then Just (state', state') else Nothing
Upvotes: 1