Reputation: 1351
| RecordId | high_speed | speed | DateFrom | DateTo |
| 666542 | 60 | 10 | 09/11/2011 | 10/11/2011 |
| 666986 | 20 | 20 | 11/11/2011 | 11/11/2011 |
| 666996 | 0 | 0 | 13/11/2011 | 17/11/2011 |
| 755485 | 0 | 0 | 01/11/2011 | 14/11/2011 |
| 758545 | 70 | 50 | 15/11/2011 | 26/11/2011 |
| 796956 | 40 | 40 | 09/11/2011 | 09/11/2011 |
| 799656 | 25 | 20 | 09/11/2011 | 09/11/2011 |
| 808845 | 0 | 0 | 15/11/2011 | 15/11/2011 |
| 823323 | 0 | 0 | 15/11/2011 | 16/11/2011 |
| 823669 | 0 | 0 | 17/11/2011 | 18/11/2011 |
| 899555 | 0 | 0 | 18/11/2011 | 19/11/2011 |
| 990990 | 20 | 10 | 12/11/2011 | 12/11/2011 |
Here, I want to construct database view which combines the consecutive rows having speed = 0. In that case, DateFrom will be the DateFrom value from first row & DateTo will be the DateTo value of last row. Which results into table as follows:
| high_speed | speed | DateFrom | DateTo |
| 60 | 10 | 09/11/2011 | 10/11/2011 |
| 20 | 20 | 11/11/2011 | 11/11/2011 |
| 0 | 0 | 13/11/2011 | 14/11/2011 |
| 70 | 50 | 15/11/2011 | 26/11/2011 |
| 40 | 40 | 09/11/2011 | 09/11/2011 |
| 25 | 20 | 09/11/2011 | 09/11/2011 |
| 0 | 0 | 15/11/2011 | 19/11/2011 |
| 20 | 10 | 12/11/2011 | 12/11/2011 |
Is there any possible way to get result in database view or function?
Note - 1. Removed devID column. It was very confusing instead of it added another column for understanding of the question. 2. Also additionally, I need to add one "Period" column i.e function which is difference of "DateFrom" & "DateTo" column.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1639
Reputation: 357
This is another approach for the same solution. It uses lag()
, lead()
and partition by
The difference to the previous solution is that this query binds rows by consecutive periods minding the gaps, i.e:
Consider all rows with speed 0.
Also note that periods that share the same days like 15/11-15/11 and 13/11-17/11 will break this query. The sample data provided has periods like this.
-- for better understanding, start reading from the most nested query to the outer
-- QUERY 4: Removes duplicates
-- this query removes duplicates, because both border-rows on a multiple-row period will be identical
-- after the query 3
select distinct
dateto-datefrom period
-- QUERY 3: Selects border-rows and builds datefrom and dateto.
-- this query selects all border-rows, which have the datefrom and dateto data that we need
-- to build the bigger period row.
-- this query also builds the bigger period datefrom and dateto
CASE WHEN is_previous_a_border = 0 and is_next_a_border = 1 then lag(datefrom) over (partition by speed order by datefrom)
WHEN is_previous_a_border = 1 and is_next_a_border = 0 then datefrom
WHEN is_previous_a_border = 1 and is_next_a_border = 1 then datefrom
ELSE null END datefrom,
CASE WHEN is_previous_a_border = 0 and is_next_a_border = 1 then dateto
WHEN is_previous_a_border = 1 and is_next_a_border = 0 then lead(dateto) over (partition by speed order by datefrom)
WHEN is_previous_a_border = 1 and is_next_a_border = 1 then dateto
ELSE null END dateto
from (
-- QUERY 2: Create syntax-sugar
-- this query creates some syntax-sugar properties:
-- - "is_previous_a_border": defines if previous row is a border
-- - "is_next_a_border": defines if previous row is a border
nvl(lag(is_border) over (partition by speed order by datefrom), 1) as is_previous_a_border,
nvl(lead(is_border) over (partition by speed order by datefrom), 1) as is_next_a_border
from (
-- QUERY 1: Create "is_border" property
-- this query creates the "is_border" property, which defines if a row is a border of a bigger multiple-row period
-- we use partition by to group rows and lag/lead to flag rows with consecutive periods
-- note that both border-rows of a bigger multiple-row period will have is_border = 1, while all rows in between
-- them, will have is_border = 0.
case when lead(datefrom) over (partition by speed order by datefrom) between datefrom and dateto + interval '1' day
and lag(dateto) over (partition by speed order by datefrom) between datefrom - interval '1' day and dateto then 0
else 1 end is_border
where is_border = 1)
order by
speed, datefrom;
SQL Fiddle (with altered sample data)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14858
This query using analytic functions lag()
, lead()
and some logic with case ... when
gives desired output:
select high_speed, speed, datefrom, dateto, dateto-datefrom period
from (
select recordid, high_speed, speed, datefrom,
case when tmp = 2 then lead(dateto) over (order by recordid)
else dateto end dateto, tmp
from (
select test.*, case when speed <> 0 then 1
when lag(speed) over (order by recordid) <> 0 then 2
when lead(speed) over (order by recordid) <> 0 then 3
end tmp
from test )
where tmp is not null)
where tmp in (1, 2) order by recordid
Upvotes: 3