Reputation: 71
I am trying to install the R package gputools on a windows machine. According to the install instuctions there is no support for windows. The linux instructions however are all about instructing the r package where to find the cuda folder, so I'm thinking this should be possible on windows.
The file is
# set R_HOME, R_INC, and R_LIB to the the R install dir,
# the R header dir, and the R shared library dir on your system
R_HOME := $(shell R RHOME)
R_INC := $(R_HOME)/include
R_LIB := $(R_HOME)/lib
# replace these three lines with
# CUDA_HOME := <path to your cuda install>
ifndef CUDA_HOME
CUDA_HOME := /usr/local/cuda
# set CUDA_INC to CUDA header dir on your system
CUDA_INC := $(CUDA_HOME)/include
ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
# replace these five lines with
# CUDA_LIB := <path to your cuda shared libraries>
ifeq ($(ARCH), i386)
CUDA_LIB := $(CUDA_HOME)/lib64
OS := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
ifeq ($(ARCH), x86_64)
R_FRAMEWORK := -F$(R_HOME)/.. -framework R
RPATH := -rpath $(CUDA_LIB)
CPICFLAGS := $(shell R CMD config CPICFLAGS)
I have modified the file by replacing every instance of $(CUDA_HOME)
with C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v6.5/lib
and $(R_HOME)
with C:/R/R-3.1.2
After this I rezipped the package folder and tried to install it with install.packages("C:/Users/prg/Desktop/gputools_0.28.tar/gputools_0.28/", repos = NULL)
but this give the error file ‘src/’ has the wrong MD5 checksum
Is there a way to get past the MD5 check? Do I need to specify anything else in the folder?
After following cdeterman's and RHertel's suggestion I rebuild the tar file with R CMD build gputools_0.28
after deleting the MD5 file. Trying to install the package now no longer gives a checksum error, but a compilation error:
* installing *source* package 'gputools' ...
** libs
*** arch - i386
no DLL was created
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'gputools'
* removing 'C:/Users/prg/Desktop/gputools/gputools_0.28/gputools.Rcheck/gputools'
I have installed Rtools and MinGw, any ideas on what I can do to get gputools to compile?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2510
Reputation: 23818
This could be the problem: "After this I rezipped the package". How did you do this? I've never tried it, but I assume that simply zipping the directory might not work.
I suggest that you create the modified package with R CMD build gputools_0.28
Upvotes: 4