Reputation: 319
I'm trying to make a procedure that changes the user login on a table,but change only the last entry if its in a specific status:Here is the procudure i'm trying:
iClic = @iClic and iStatus = '9' and dtDateCreated =
(select max (dtDateCreated) FROM T_STATUS_CLIC where iclic = @iClic );
I can only change the iEDV if the last row of the table the max date,is in the iStatus 9,i dont know if this is possible,i'm trying something like this:
iStatus = (select iStatus = '9' where max(dtDateCreated))
But didn't work,is there a way to do this?
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Views: 109
Reputation: 983
If i understand correctly, you can have many rows per "iClic" and only want to update the row if the most recent has a status = 9.
It would help if the table had a true PK.
But I believe this will work, given:
CREATE TABLE T_STATUS_CLIC (iClic INT , iEDV INT, iStatus CHAR(1), dtDateCreated DateTime)
DECLARE @iEDV int = 123;
DECLARE @iClic int = 8888;
this script:
; -- WITH must be preceeded by a semicolon
WITH clicmax as (SELECT iClic
, max(dtDateCreated) as maxdt
, max(case when mc.iStatus = '9' THEN mc.dtDateCreated ELSE null END) as Max9dt
FROM dbo.T_STATUS_CLIC mc WHERE iClic = @iClic GROUP BY iClic)
JOIN clicmax on clicmax.iClic = tt.iClic
WHERE tt.iClic = @iClic
and tt.dtDateCreated = clicmax.Max9dt
and tt.dtDateCreated = clicmax.Maxdt
and tt.iStatus = '9';
The WITH clause determines BOTH the actual max date and the max date for status 9. The update can then reference both of these in its WHERE clause.
Upvotes: 1