Reputation: 27017
I am getting the following error message in the Visual Studio 2013 debug window:
'iexplore.exe' (Script): Loaded http://localhost:4453/Scripts/lib/jquery-migrate.min.js
Unsupported format of the sourcemap
Module load messages are turned on (debug window context menu). I know that there should be a file, but that is unfortunately not distributed by the jQuery team.
Now I tried to simply use an empty file, and also I tried to use the file (simply renaming a copy to, but both don't work.
I have also looked on the jQuery site, they provide a map file for Jquery but not for jquery-migrate: Download the map file for jQuery 2.1.4
Since the file is not available for download (or did I look at the wrong location), how can I create such a file from scratch? It seems to look like a JSON formatted file.
NOTE: There is some information available @ StackOverflow about site map files (see bootstrap-3-1-1-what-is-the-map-extension-file-used-for). And to give you an idea about the syntax of sourcemaps, you can read this: Source Map Revision 3 Proposal
Unfortunately, trying to mimick a sourcemap by using the information from the proposal did not help, the error message is still shown.
What I tried was creating a file in the same path as the minified file jquery-migrate.min.js:
{"version":3, "file":"jquery-migrate.min.js", "sources":["jquery-migrate.js"], "names":["$"],"mappings":";EAAIzkC"}
(No idea how the mapping code is being calculated)
Unfortunately, this did not help.
Then I thought that it would suppress the error message by changing the file jquery-migrate.min.js in the following way:
I.e., I commented out the line
//@ sourceMappingURL=dist/
so the file now looks like this (the code below is truncated for easier reading, just note the last line /*---disabled: //@ sourceMappingURL=dist/ ---*/
/*! jQuery Migrate v1.1.1 | (c) 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors | */ jQuery.migrateMute===void 0&&(jQuery.migrateMute=!0),function(e,t,n){function r(n){o[n]||(o[n]=!0,e.migrateWarning....................
/---disabled: //@ sourceMappingURL=dist/ ---/
But the error message still occurred. Astro gave me the right hint (see his answer). Thank you!
NOTE (to the reviewers who changed the message above): This is an error message thrown by Visual Studio and the link is a local link which points to my IISExpress. Don't change the error message.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3008
Reputation: 3991
The is there so you can debug the jquery minified library. It needs to be there for development purpose but for production you don't need that whole line. I dont know why they have included that line in the js.
You can just safely delete that whole line.
I dont know about VS2013 but for my php projects i run a gulp task on the file jquery.js to remove this line before concatenating with other js libraries,
Upvotes: 2