Reputation: 939
I have two tables, one with property listings and another one with contacts made for a property (i.e. is someone is interested in the property they will "contact" the owner).
Sample "listings" table below:
listings <- data.frame(id = c("6174", "2175", "9176", "4176", "9177"), city = c("A", "B", "B", "B" ,"A"), listing_date = c("01/03/2015", "14/03/2015", "30/03/2015", "07/04/2015", "18/04/2015"))
listings$listing_date <- as.Date(listings$listing_date, "%d/%m/%Y")
# id city listing_date
#1 6174 A 01/03/2015
#2 2175 B 14/03/2015
#3 9176 B 30/03/2015
#4 4176 B 07/04/2015
#5 9177 A 18/04/2015
Sample "contacts" table below:
contacts <- data.frame (id = c ("6174", "6174", "6174", "6174", "2175", "2175", "2175", "9176", "9176", "4176", "4176", "9177"), contact_date = c("13/03/2015","14/04/2015", "27/03/2015", "13/04/2015", "15/03/2015", "16/03/2015", "17/03/2015", "30/03/2015", "01/06/2015", "08/05/2015", "09/05/2015", "23/04/2015" ))
contacts$contact_date <- as.Date(contacts$contact_date, "%d/%m/%Y")
# id contact_date
#1 6174 2015-03-13
#2 6174 2015-04-14
#3 6174 2015-03-27
#4 6174 2015-04-13
#5 2175 2015-03-15
#6 2175 2015-03-16
#7 2175 2015-03-17
#8 9176 2015-03-30
#9 9176 2015-06-01
#10 4176 2015-05-08
#11 4176 2015-05-09
#12 9177 2015-04-23
Problem 1. I need to count the number of contacts made for a property within 'x' days of listing. The output should be a new column added to "listings" with # contacts:
Sample ('x' = 30 days)
# id city listing_date ngs
#1 6174 A 2015-03-01 2
#2 2175 B 2015-03-14 3
#3 9176 B 2015-03-30 1
#4 4176 B 2015-04-07 0
#5 9177 A 2015-04-18 1
I have done this with the for loop; it is horrible slow for live data:
n <- nrow(listings)
mat <- vector ("integer", n)
for (i in 1:n) {
mat[i] <- nrow (contacts[contacts$id==listings[i,"id"] & as.numeric (contacts$contact_date - listings[i,"listing_date"]) <=30,])
listings$ngs <- mat
Upvotes: 4
Views: 554
Reputation: 92282
Here's a possible solution using data.table
rolling joins
# key `listings` by proper columns in order perform the binary join
setkey(setDT(listings), id, listing_date)
# Perform a binary rolling join while extracting matched icides and counting them
indx <- data.table(listings[contacts, roll = 30, which = TRUE])[, .N, by = V1]
# Joining back to `listings` by proper rows while assigning the counts by reference
listings[indx$V1, ngs := indx$N]
# id city listing_date ngs
# 1: 2175 B 2015-03-14 3
# 2: 4176 B 2015-04-07 NA
# 3: 6174 A 2015-03-01 2
# 4: 9176 B 2015-03-30 1
# 5: 9177 A 2015-04-18 1
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 53
You could use the dplyr package. First merge the data: <- merge(contacts,listings,by = "id")
Set a target number of days:
number.of.days <- 30
Then gather the data by ID (group_by), exclude the results that are not within the time frame (filter) and count the number of occurrences/rows (summarise).
result <- %>% group_by(id) %>% filter(contact_date > listing_date + number.of.days) %>% summarise(count.of.contacts = length(id))
I think there are a number of ways this could be potentially solved but I have found dplyr to be very helpful in a lot circumstances.
Sorry should have thought about that a little more. Does this work,
result <- %>% group_by(id,city,listing_date) %>% summarise(ngs = length(id[which(contact_date < listing_date + number.of.days)]))
I don't think zero results can be passed sensibly through the filter stage (understandably, the goal is usually the opposite). I'm not too sure what sort of impact the 'which' component will have on processing time, likely to be slower than using the 'filter' function but might not matter.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1459
Using dplyr
for your first problem:
left_join(contacts, listings, by = c("id" = "id")) %>%
filter(abs(listing_date - contact_date) < 30) %>%
group_by(id) %>% summarise(cnt = n()) %>%
And the output is:
id cnt city listing_date
1 6174 2 A 2015-03-01
2 2175 3 B 2015-03-14
3 9176 1 B 2015-03-30
4 4176 NA B 2015-04-07
5 9177 1 A 2015-04-18
I'm not sure I understand your second question to answer it.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 28441
indx <- match(contacts$id, listings$id)
days_since <- contacts$contact_date - listings$listing_date[indx]
n <- with(contacts[days_since <= 30, ], tapply(id, id, length))
n[] <- 0
listings$n <- n[match(listings$id, names(n))]
It's similar to Thomas' answer but utilizes tapply
and match
instead of aggregate
and merge
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 44525
I'm not sure if your actual id
values are factor, but I'll start by making those numeric. Using them as factors will cause you problems:
listings$id <- as.numeric(as.character(listings$id))
contacts$id <- as.numeric(as.character(contacts$id))
Then, the strategy is to calculate the "days since listing" value for each contact and add this to your contacts
data.frame. Then, aggregate this new data.frame (in your example, sum of contacts within 30 days), and then merge the resulting count back into your original data.
contacts$ngs <- contacts$contact_date - listings$listing_date[match(contacts$id, listings$id)]
a <- aggregate(ngs ~ id, data = contacts, FUN = function(x) sum(x <= 30))
merge(listings, a)
# id city listing_date ngs
# 1 2175 B 2015-03-14 3
# 2 4176 B 2015-04-07 0
# 3 6174 A 2015-03-01 2
# 4 9176 B 2015-03-30 1
# 5 9177 A 2015-04-18 1
Upvotes: 1