Reputation: 8294
I'm having trouble getting the "stock" blog functionality / template working within FUEL CMS.
I have read that it is already there, stock with the download configuration of the CMS; I have also tried creating one from scratch and uploading a 'blog' theme from a project found in GitHub. None have worked so far.
I found the blog variable at:
I have created a 'blog' controller via interpretation of (gappy) docs.
By adding the below code within it; then making a corresponding 'blog.php' view. I get nothing but a 404 error.
class Blog extends CI_Controller {
public function view($page = 'home')
//you can acesse this
public function new($page = 'home')
//you can acesse this
Within the modules folder. I found this 'stock' blog controller file. But don't know how to use it? found at: /fuel/modules/blog/controller/blog.php
class Blog extends Blog_base_controller {
function __construct()
function _remap()
$year = ($this->uri->rsegment(2) != 'index') ? (int) $this->uri->rsegment(2) : NULL;
$month = (int) $this->uri->rsegment(3);
$day = (int) $this->uri->rsegment(4);
$slug = $this->uri->rsegment(5);
$limit = (int) $this->fuel->blog->config('per_page');
$view_by = 'page';
// we empty out year variable if it is page because we won't be querying on year'
if (preg_match('#\d{4}#', $year) && !empty($year) && empty($slug))
$view_by = 'date';
// if the first segment is id then treat the second segment as the id
else if ($this->uri->rsegment(2) === 'id' && $this->uri->rsegment(3))
$view_by = 'slug';
$slug = (int) $this->uri->rsegment(3);
$post = $this->fuel->blog->get_post($slug);
if (isset($post->id))
else if (!empty($slug))
$view_by = 'slug';
// set this to false so that we can use segments for the limit
$cache_id = fuel_cache_id();
$cache = $this->fuel->blog->get_cache($cache_id);
if (!empty($cache))
$output =& $cache;
$vars = $this->_common_vars();
if ($view_by == 'slug')
return $this->post($slug);
else if ($view_by == 'date')
$page_title_arr = array();
$posts_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
if (!empty($day)) $page_title_arr[] = $day;
if (!empty($month)) $page_title_arr[] = date('M', strtotime($posts_date));
if (!empty($year)) $page_title_arr[] = $year;
// run before_posts_by_date hook
$hook_params = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day, 'slug' => $slug, 'limit' => $limit);
$this->fuel->blog->run_hook('before_posts_by_date', $hook_params);
$vars = array_merge($vars, $hook_params);
$vars['page_title'] = $page_title_arr;
$vars['posts'] = $this->fuel->blog->get_posts_by_date($year, (int) $month, $day, $slug);
$vars['pagination'] = '';
$limit = $this->fuel->blog->config('per_page');
$config['uri_segment'] = 3;
$offset = $this->uri->segment($config['uri_segment']);
$this->config->set_item('enable_query_strings', FALSE);
$config = $this->fuel->blog->config('pagination');
$config['base_url'] = $this->fuel->blog->url('page/');
//$config['total_rows'] = $this->fuel->blog->get_posts_count();
$config['page_query_string'] = FALSE;
$config['per_page'] = $limit;
$config['num_links'] = 2;
if (!empty($offset))
$vars['page_title'] = lang('blog_page_num_title', $offset, $offset + $limit);
$vars['page_title'] = '';
// run before_posts_by_date hook
$hook_params = array('offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'type' => 'posts');
$this->fuel->blog->run_hook('before_posts_by_page', $hook_params);
$vars['offset'] = $offset;
$vars['limit'] = $limit;
$vars['posts'] = $this->fuel->blog->get_posts_by_page($limit, $offset);
// run hook again to get the proper count
$hook_params['type'] = 'count';
$this->fuel->blog->run_hook('before_posts_by_page', $hook_params);
//$config['total_rows'] = count($this->fuel->blog->get_posts_by_page());
$config['total_rows'] = $this->fuel->blog->get_posts_count();
// create pagination
$vars['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
// show the index page if the page doesn't have any uri_segment(3)'
$view = ($this->uri->rsegment(2) == 'index' OR ($this->uri->rsegment(2) == 'page' AND !$this->uri->segment(3))) ? 'index' : 'posts';
$output = $this->_render($view, $vars, TRUE);
$this->fuel->blog->save_cache($cache_id, $output);
function post($slug = null)
if (empty($slug))
$blog_config = $this->fuel->blog->config();
// run before_posts_by_date hook
$hook_params = array('slug' => $slug);
$this->fuel->blog->run_hook('before_post', $hook_params);
$post = $this->fuel->blog->get_post($slug);
if (isset($post->id))
$vars = $this->_common_vars();
$vars['post'] = $post;
$vars['user'] = $this->fuel->blog->logged_in_user();
$vars['page_title'] = $post->title;
$vars['next'] = $this->fuel->blog->get_next_post($post);
$vars['prev'] = $this->fuel->blog->get_prev_post($post);
$vars['slug'] = $slug;
$vars['is_home'] = $this->fuel->blog->is_home();
$antispam = md5(random_string('unique'));
$field_values = array();
// post comment
if (!empty($_POST))
$field_values = $_POST;
// the id of "content" is a likely ID on the front end, so we use comment_content and need to remap
$field_values['content'] = $field_values['new_comment'];
if (!empty($_POST['new_comment']))
$vars['processed'] = $this->_process_comment($post);
$cache_id = fuel_cache_id();
$cache = $this->fuel->blog->get_cache($cache_id);
if (!empty($cache) AND empty($_POST))
$output =& $cache;
if (is_true_val($this->fuel->blog->config('use_captchas')))
$captcha = $this->_render_captcha();
$vars['captcha'] = $captcha;
$vars['thanks'] = ($this->session->flashdata('thanks')) ? blog_block('comment_thanks', $vars, TRUE) : '';
$vars['comment_form'] = '';
$this->session->set_userdata('antispam', $antispam);
if ($post->allow_comments)
$this->load->module_model(BLOG_FOLDER, 'blog_comments_model');
$this->load->library('form_builder', $blog_config['comment_form']);
$fields['author_name'] = array('label' => 'Name', 'required' => TRUE);
$fields['author_email'] = array('label' => 'Email', 'required' => TRUE);
$fields['author_website'] = array('label' => 'Website');
$fields['new_comment'] = array('label' => 'Comment', 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => TRUE);
$fields['post_id'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $post->id);
$fields['antispam'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $antispam);
if (!empty($vars['captcha']))
$fields['captcha'] = array('required' => TRUE, 'label' => 'Security Text', 'value' => '', 'after_html' => ' <span class="captcha">'.$vars['captcha']['image'].'</span><br /><span class="captcha_text">'.lang('blog_captcha_text').'</span>');
// now merge with config... can't do array_merge_recursive'
foreach($blog_config['comment_form']['fields'] as $key => $field)
if (isset($fields[$key])) $fields[$key] = array_merge($fields[$key], $field);
if (!isset($blog_config['comment_form']['label_layout'])) $this->form_builder->label_layout = 'left';
if (!isset($blog_config['comment_form']['submit_value'])) $this->form_builder->submit_value = 'Submit Comment';
if (!isset($blog_config['comment_form']['use_form_tag'])) $this->form_builder->use_form_tag = TRUE;
if (!isset($blog_config['comment_form']['display_errors'])) $this->form_builder->display_errors = TRUE;
$this->form_builder->form_attrs = 'method="post" action="'.site_url($this->uri->uri_string()).'#comments_form"';
$vars['comment_form'] = $this->form_builder->render();
$vars['fields'] = $fields;
$output = $this->_render('post', $vars, TRUE);
// save cache only if we are not posting data
if (!empty($_POST))
$this->fuel->blog->save_cache($cache_id, $output);
if (!empty($output))
function _process_comment($post)
if (!is_true_val($this->fuel->blog->config('allow_comments'))) return;
$notified = FALSE;
// check captcha
if (!$this->_is_valid_captcha())
// check that the site is submitted via the websit
if (!$this->_is_site_submitted())
// check consecutive posts
if (!$this->_is_not_consecutive_post())
$this->load->module_model(BLOG_FOLDER, 'blog_users_model');
$user = $this->blog_users_model->find_one(array('' => $this->input->post('author_email', TRUE)));
// create comment
$this->load->module_model(BLOG_FOLDER, 'blog_comments_model');
$comment = $this->blog_comments_model->create();
$comment->post_id = $post->id;
$comment->author_id = (!empty($user->id)) ? $user->id : NULL;
$comment->author_name = $this->input->post('author_name', TRUE);
$comment->author_email = $this->input->post('author_email', TRUE);
$comment->author_website = $this->input->post('author_website', TRUE);
$comment->author_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$comment->content = trim($this->input->post('new_comment', TRUE));
$comment->date_added = NULL; // will automatically be added
// check double posts by IP address
if ($comment->is_duplicate())
// if no errors from above then proceed to submit
if (!has_errors())
// submit to akisment for validity
$comment = $this->_process_akismet($comment);
// process links and add no follow attribute
$comment = $this->_filter_comment($comment);
// set published status
if (is_true_val($comment->is_spam) OR $this->fuel->blog->config('monitor_comments'))
$comment->published = 'no';
// save comment if saveable and redirect
if (!is_true_val($comment->is_spam) OR (is_true_val($comment->is_spam) AND $this->fuel->blog->config('save_spam')))
if ($comment->save())
$notified = $this->_notify($comment, $post);
$vars['post'] = $post;
$vars['comment'] = $comment;
$this->session->set_flashdata('thanks', TRUE);
$this->session->set_userdata('last_comment_ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$this->session->set_userdata('last_comment_time', time());
return $notified;
// check captcha validity
function _is_valid_captcha()
$valid = TRUE;
// check captcha
if (is_true_val($this->fuel->blog->config('use_captchas')))
if (!$this->input->post('captcha'))
$valid = FALSE;
else if (!is_string($this->input->post('captcha')))
$valid = FALSE;
$post_captcha_md5 = $this->_get_encryption($this->input->post('captcha'));
$session_captcha_md5 = $this->session->userdata('comment_captcha');
if ($post_captcha_md5 != $session_captcha_md5)
$valid = FALSE;
return $valid;
// check to make sure the site issued a session variable to check against
function _is_site_submitted()
return ($this->session->userdata('antispam') AND $this->input->post('antispam') == $this->session->userdata('antispam'));
// disallow multiple successive submissions
function _is_not_consecutive_post()
$valid = TRUE;
$time_exp_secs = $this->fuel->blog->config('multiple_comment_submission_time_limit');
$last_comment_time = ($this->session->userdata('last_comment_time')) ? $this->session->userdata('last_comment_time') : 0;
$last_comment_ip = ($this->session->userdata('last_comment_ip')) ? $this->session->userdata('last_comment_ip') : 0;
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $last_comment_ip AND !empty($time_exp_secs))
if (time() - $last_comment_time < $time_exp_secs)
$valid = FALSE;
return $valid;
// process through akisment
function _process_akismet($comment)
if ($this->fuel->blog->config('akismet_api_key'))
$this->load->module_library(BLOG_FOLDER, 'akismet');
$akisment_comment = array(
'author' => $comment->author_name,
'email' => $comment->author_email,
'body' => $comment->content
$config = array(
'blog_url' => $this->fuel->blog->url(),
'api_key' => $this->fuel->blog->config('akismet_api_key'),
'comment' => $akisment_comment
if ( $this->akismet->errors_exist() )
if ( $this->akismet->is_error('AKISMET_INVALID_KEY') )
log_message('error', 'AKISMET :: Theres a problem with the api key');
elseif ( $this->akismet->is_error('AKISMET_RESPONSE_FAILED') )
log_message('error', 'AKISMET :: Looks like the servers not responding');
elseif ( $this->akismet->is_error('AKISMET_SERVER_NOT_FOUND') )
log_message('error', 'AKISMET :: Wheres the server gone?');
$comment->is_spam = ($this->akismet->is_spam()) ? 'yes' : 'no';
return $comment;
// strip out
function _filter_comment($comment)
$comment_attrs = array('content', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'author_website');
foreach($comment_attrs as $filter)
$text = $comment->$filter;
// first remove any nofollow attributes to clean up... not perfect but good enough
$text = preg_replace('/<a(.+)rel=["\'](.+)["\'](.+)>/Umi', '<a$1rel="nofollow"$3>', $text);
// $text = str_replace('<a ', '<a rel="nofollow"', $text);
$text = strip_image_tags($text);
$comment->$filter = $text;
return $comment;
function _notify($comment, $post)
// send email to post author
if (!empty($post->author))
$config['wordwrap'] = TRUE;
$this->load->library('email', $config);
$this->email->from($this->fuel->config('from_email'), $this->fuel->config('site_name'));
$this->email->subject(lang('blog_comment_monitor_subject', $this->fuel->blog->config('title')));
$msg = lang('blog_comment_monitor_msg');
$msg .= "\n".fuel_url('blog/comments/edit/'.$comment->id)."\n\n";
$msg .= (is_true_val($comment->is_spam)) ? lang('blog_email_flagged_as_spam')."\n" : '';
$msg .= lang('blog_email_published').": ".$comment->published."\n";
$msg .= lang('blog_email_author_name').": ".$comment->author_name."\n";
$msg .= lang('blog_email_author_email').": ".$comment->author_email."\n";
$msg .= lang('blog_email_author_website').": ".$comment->author_website."\n";
$msg .= lang('blog_email_author_ip').": ".gethostbyaddr($comment->author_ip)." (".$comment->author_ip.")\n";
$msg .= lang('blog_email_content').": ".$comment->content."\n";
return $this->email->send();
return FALSE;
function _render_captcha()
$blog_config = $this->config->item('blog');
$assets_folders = $this->config->item('assets_folders');
$blog_folder = MODULES_PATH.BLOG_FOLDER.'/';
$captcha_path = $blog_folder.'assets/captchas/';
$word = strtoupper(random_string('alnum', 5));
$captcha_options = array(
'word' => $word,
'img_path' => $captcha_path, // system path to the image
'img_url' => captcha_path('', BLOG_FOLDER), // web path to the image
'font_path' => $blog_folder.'fonts/',
$captcha_options = array_merge($captcha_options, $blog_config['captcha']);
if (!empty($_POST['captcha']) AND $this->session->userdata('comment_captcha') == $this->input->post('captcha'))
$captcha_options['word'] = $this->input->post('captcha');
$captcha = $this->captcha->get_captcha_image($captcha_options);
$captcha_md5 = $this->_get_encryption($captcha['word']);
$this->session->set_userdata('comment_captcha', $captcha_md5);
return $captcha;
function _get_encryption($word)
$captcha_md5 = md5(strtoupper($word).$this->config->item('encryption_key'));
return $captcha_md5;
My goal is:
1.) Enable 'Blog' Module / template / functionality and understand how I did it. I find the docs lacking, I'm also new at code igniter so that could be why. I just want the most basic way to do this for now.
And 2.) I want to create a page 'from scratch' that resolves on the dashboard side as well. I have created pages in /views/
but they resolve with that whole string /fuel/application/views/page/
I want to create a normal page without all that in the URL. I have tried creating corresponding controllers even variables and haven't had much luck!!!!!!!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 892
Reputation: 116
As of FUEL CMS 1.0 the blog module is no longer bundled with the CMS by default. You would need to do the following:
Once the blog is setup, you should be able to access it at "". As far as creating themes, there is a views/themes
folder in the blog module which contains a default theme and also where you can setup your custom theme. Additional information about the blog module & theming can be found here
Upvotes: 1