Reputation: 1082
I'm currently using a Filter to check for SSO authentication. (SSO is considered authenticated if the request header contains the variable "Proxy-Remote-User").
if (!(isSsoLoggedIn(request)) {
} else {
chain.doFilter(req, res);
private boolean isSsoLoggedIn(HttpServletRequest request) {
return request != null && request.getHeader("Proxy-Remote-User") != null
&& !request.getHeader("Proxy-Remote-User").equals("");
Now, once the user is authenticated, I want to pass that variable (which is an email address) to JSF. I do that with a session-scoped bean:
public void init {
Map<String, String> requestHeaderMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestHeaderMap();
String email = requestHeaderMap.get("Proxy-Remote-User");
user = getPersonFromDB(email);
This seems simple enough, but I'm not sure if its the "right" way to do this. It doesn't seem correct to rely on a bean's instantiation to verify authentication.
One idea I just had: Use a CDI session-scoped bean and @Inject it into the Filter. Then, you could have the filter itself check for a valid user and, if valid, set it in the session-scoped bean, otherwise forward it to an error page.
Does that sound like a valid solution?
Another approach could be to have every page check for authentication, before the view is rendered, with a view param as mentioned here:
JSF calls methods when managed bean constructor sends 404 ERROR CODE
<f:viewAction action="#{bean.checkForValidUser}" />
The only problem I have for this is...this would require copying/pasting the same code to every page which seems redundant (or at least a template for them all to use).
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Views: 4192
Reputation: 1082
Here is the answer I came up with (thanks to some tips from @BalusC).
I check to see if developer login is enabled or SSO has been authenticated. Once I have the email address, I see if its a valid user, verify the JSF session contains the right user, and, if so, forward them on their way.
* This filter handles SSO login (or developer login) privileges to the web
* application.
@WebFilter(servletNames = "Faces Servlet")
public class SecurityFilter implements Filter {
private SessionManager sessionManager;
private PersonWriteFacadeRemote personFacade;
private HttpServletRequest currentRequest;
private HttpServletResponse currentResponse;
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
currentRequest = (HttpServletRequest) req;
currentResponse = (HttpServletResponse) res;
HttpSession session = currentRequest.getSession();
String requestedPage = currentRequest.getRequestURI();
// check if the session is initialized
// if not, initialize it
if (!isSessionInitialized()) {
Person user = getCurrentUser();
// if we can't figure out who the user is, then send 401 error
if (user != null) {
} else {
// if it is initialized, check if it actually matches the current
// user
// if not, invalidate the session and redirect them back to the page
// to reinitialize it
} else if (!isSessionCurrentUsers()) {
chain.doFilter(req, res); // If all looks good, continue the request
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
public void destroy() {
private Person getCurrentUser() {
try {
return personFacade.createFromEmail(getUserEmail());
} catch (InvalidAttributesException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SecurityFilter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
private String getUserEmail() {
return isDevLoginEnabled() ? getUserEmailFromJndi() : getUserEmailFromSso();
private String getUserEmailFromJndi() {
return JNDI.lookup("devLoginEmail");
private String getUserEmailFromSso() {
return currentRequest != null && currentRequest.getHeader("Proxy-Remote-User") != null
&& !currentRequest.getHeader("Proxy-Remote-User").equals("")
? currentRequest.getHeader("Proxy-Remote-User") : null;
private boolean isDevLoginEnabled() {
Boolean devLoginEnabled = JNDI.lookup("devLoginEnabled");
return (devLoginEnabled != null ? devLoginEnabled : false);
private boolean isSessionInitialized() {
return sessionManager.getUser() != null;
private void initializeSession(Person user) {
private boolean isSessionCurrentUsers() {
return sessionManager.getUser() != null && sessionManager.getUser().getEmail() != null
&& sessionManager.getUser().getEmail().equals(getUserEmail());
Upvotes: 1